Drafting of complaints
Cost of services
Reviews of our Clients
General director I.Logvinenko , Bravo Airways
Bravo Airways company expresses its gratitude to law firm "Pravova Dopomoga" for high quality and timely provision of legal services.
General Manager Stashkevych I.Y., LLC “Trading company” Rud”
We would like to indicate that law firm "Pravova Dopomoga" has become a reliable partner for legal services provision and we can recommend it as a team of qualified professionals who are easy and pleasant to deal with
Chief ophthalmologist of Ukraine, Oksana Vitovska, All-Ukrainian alliance of ophthalmologists
We would like to express sincere gratitute to the team of Law firm "Pravova dopomoga" and personally to Volodymyr Gurlov for professionalism and purposefulness in your work.
Partner, Denis Y. Lysenko, Vasil Kisil & Partners
... we would like to express our respect and gratitude for the fruitful cooperation.
... our work on joint projects assured us of your high level of professionalism
... our work on joint projects assured us of your high level of professionalism
G. Zeynep Kucuk, SANOVEL ILAC SAN. ve TIC. A.S.
Helped with the liquidation of a foreign representative office in Ukraine
General director Skibinskiy V., Yokogawa Electric Ukraine Ltd.
Yokogawa Electric Ukraine Ltd. recommends Vladimir Gurlov and his team of lawyers as a reliable legal partner and advisor for foreign businesses in Ukraine...
President Tedeev E.S., Ukrainian wrestling association
Ukrainian wrestling association would like to express its sincere appreciation to the team of Law firm "Pravova Dopomoga" for mutually beneficial cooperation
L. Chervonyuk, LLC "Vitalux"
Vitalux company highly appreciates results of cooperation with Law firm “Pravova dopomoga”, can characterize it as a reliable partner and based on personal experience is ready to recommend it to interested persons...
What we offer
Our law firm is ready to offer you its services, including the preparation and writing of statements of claim of any complexity in the shortest possible time.
We can prepare claims of the following directions:
We can prepare claims of the following directions:
- about compensation for damages and debt recovery;
- related to family law - divorce, property division, alimony recovery;
- for housing disputes;
- non-property claims;
- claims and complaints relating to both acts and omissions by State and non-State actors and law enforcement and regulatory bodies;
- and many others.
Service packages offers

from 25 000 UAH
- Analysis of the Client's circumstances, clarification of his chances and options
- Organization of the selection of a competent position to protect interests in court
- Preparation of procedural documents: a claim, a response to a claim, necessary petitions, complaints to the appeal and cassation instance, etc.

Legal support
from 45 000 грн
- Analysis of the Client's situation, clarification of his chances and options
- Preparation of procedural documents: a claim, a response to a claim, necessary petitions, complaints to the appeal and cassation instance, etc.
- Legal support of the company in litigation in courts of all instances

from 85 000 грн
Provided in cases where we create a new practice or where our evidence and position requires the art of a lawyer
- Analysis of the Client's situation, clarification of his chances and options
- Preparation of procedural documents
- Participation of a company lawyer in litigation in courts of all instances
- Ensuring the execution of a court decision in the course of enforcement proceedings
Our successful projects
Do you need to defend your interests in court? Protect yourself? To restore the violated rights?
Your lawsuit is your weapon.
Your statement of claim to the court should always be your main trump card in the case. In this regard, its compilation must be done competently and qualitatively, it is necessary to refer to existing regulations, and lengthy expressions and templates should be avoided. This task is quite feasible for the specialists of our law firm. Years of experience in the relevant field, constantly growing skills and a solid base of grateful Clients - the best proof of this.
Drafting legal complaints - is an everyday deal for experienced lawyers.
More about drafting complaints procedure
Preparation of Your claim by our specialists, will not only take into account all the circumstances and specific facts of the situation, but will also contain analysis of the current legal framework, as well as the existing jurisprudence, precedents for similar disputes and many other nuances. Thus, not wanting to trust the preparation of a statement of claim to professionals, you significantly reduce your chances for a positive result in protecting your own interests in court.In addition, you may be provided with full legal support and representation of your interests in all courts, including the Supreme Court of Ukraine, arbitration courts and international commercial arbitration, as well as - at the stage of execution of the decision in the state executive service.
Given the availability of huge esources on the Internet, any standard statement of claim to the court is available to the masses of the population. However, the use of such materials can have a detrimental effect on the favorable outcome of your case, as each situation is always individual and unique. The presence of any lawyer template statements of claim or two identical lawsuits in practice indicates an extremely low level of his professional qualifications.The choice of a law firm or a particular lawyer should always be very careful, balanced and thoughtful. Low-skilled specialist in the field of law will not only be unable to influence the positive outcome of the case, but also can turn the situation not in your favor. And painlessly correct the current situation is often possible only at the first stages of judicial proceedings.
How can we help you with the lawsuit?
The need to file a lawsuit always raises a number of questions for you:- How do I get it right?
- What documents do I need to submit with the claim?
- What are the rules to follow and what is the procedure for filing a claim?
- What problems can arise in the process?
- What should I write in the lawsuit to solve your problems?
- What is the cost of filing a statement of claim in court in Ukraine?Answers to all these questions can be given by a qualified lawyer.
Of course, the statement of claim and its approximate layout can be easily found on the Internet. Just a few things to do: download and fill out. Moreover, the template itself may even be correct and meet the requirements of the law, but here is the slightest mistake during its filling or incorrect wording of your requests, and as a result - the refusal or not the outcome that would suit you.
The secret of the successful solution of any issue in court lies in the correct use of current legislation.
This also applies to the ability to fill in the claim documents and the knowledge of what to indicate in them.
We understand that You, as a person with a range of interests and professional skills:
- have no need to get a legal education to solve one problem case;
- can have difficulties to understand the intricacies of our laws;
- such skills will never be useful again;
- there will always be a lack of experience to solve such problems.Ukraine provides an opportunity for its citizens to protect their rights, you just need to know how to do it right. You can find out what is the price of filing a statement of claim in court by our specialists.
How can a lawyer help You during the filing of a claim and further conduct of the case in court?
- Detailed analysis of your problem and scatter it on the shelves. A fresh look from the outside always helps to see the hidden aspects of the issue and possible ways of solving the problem, and legal skills and experience give the opportunity to clearly know where to go and what to pay attention to.
- It will reduce your participation in the process to a minimum, which makes it possible to save time. And as you know: time is money! All that is required is to provide our lawyers with a power of attorney and all the necessary information. The rest of the process is our concern.
- We all know how long court cases can take. Some last for years and turn lawyers and clients into friendly families. We try not to get new relatives, but to solve your problem in the shortest possible time.
- Will keep you informed constantly. This includes the slightest changes and movements in the case.
- The claim will be issued correctly and taking into account all the features of your case personally.
If You want Your lawsuit to take into account all of Your needs - call us!