Obtain Ukrainian citizenship - legal advice and support

Cost of services

from 1500 USD
Obtain Ukrainian citizenship
from 200 USD
Consultation of a lawyer
from 600 USD
Obtain Ukrainian citizenship - legal advice and support
Based on 200 reviews in Google

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What we offer

  • Thoroughly analyze the Client’s situation and the documents provided;
  • Elaborate on the action plan for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship (Ukrainian passport);
  • Advise the Client on the peculiarities of obtaining Ukrainian citizenship;
  • Prepare all the documents required for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship;
  • Accompany the Client to the State Migration Service of Ukraine during the submission of a set of documents for obtaining citizenship;
  • Provide the Client with support in obtaining the Certificate confirming the Ukrainian citizenship and the passport of the citizen of Ukraine.

In addition, we offer assistance with:

  • legalization of immigrant’s family stay in Ukraine using any available options;

  • starting a business in Ukraine;

  • сhanging nationality to Ukrainian;

  • buying real estate in Ukraine, etc.


Documents required for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship

List of documents
Document confirming temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine
Document confirming temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine
A document confirming the required level of Ukrainian language proficiency
A document confirming the required level of Ukrainian language proficiency
Obligation to renounce foreign citizenship
Obligation to renounce foreign citizenship

Obtaining Ukrainian citizenship with us is:

  • Everything is in one place and comfortable - both full support of the procedure for obtaining citizenship, and the solution of any other issues in Ukraine: the acquisition of real estate, starting a business, marriage, etc.
  • All organization and responsibility for achieving the result is on us. You will have all the information you need laid out for you on the shelves. At the same time, to be in the information field, you do not need to waste your time and nerves.
  • Success. For us, the main thing is your result. We even take on complex tasks: collection of documents for the grounds of citizenship through archives, courts, lawyer requests; obtaining documents for citizens of countries with problematic immigration, etc. If we have made a commitment, we will fulfill it.
  • Safity: Leading lawyer - Chief specialist of the migration service for more than 10 years; Preparation at all stages - an interview at the migration service, at the border, at the consulate, etc.
  • Honesty and clarity. If you have no chance, we will be honest about it and find an alternative solution. You will also have information about renunciation of citizenship, the risks of dual citizenship, etc.

Who can apply for citizenship in Ukraine?

Many individuals seek to get Ukrainian citizenship due to the country’s rich cultural heritage and growing economic opportunities. Naturalization in Ukraine requires a commitment to residing in the country for several years.
Please note!
A foreigner must have a legal reason to acquire citizenship of Ukraine. Thus, Ukrainian citizenship may be acquired under the following conditions:

  • By birth. It does not matter whether both parents are foreigners or one of them is a citizen of Ukraine, or parents are stateless persons;

  • By territorial origin - a person who himself or at least one of his parents, grandparents, family (full and half) brother or sister, son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter, were born or permanently resided in Ukraine or the territory that became the territory of Ukraine;

  • As a result of being granted citizenship;

  • As a result of restoration of citizenship of Ukraine;

  • As a result of adoption by a citizen of Ukraine;

  • As a result of establishment of guardianship or trusteeship over a foreign child;

  • As a result of establishment of guardianship over a person recognized by court as legally incompetent;

  • As a result of one or both of the child's parents being Ukrainian citizens;

  • As a result of recognition of paternity or maternity or establishment of the fact of paternity or maternity.

If none of the above reasons can be used for you, you can legalize your stay in Ukraine in another way - first of all by obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit.

In 2022, citizens of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Moldova most often received Ukrainian citizenship. Citizenship of Ukraine for residents of Moldova and Azerbaijan was issued most often through family reunification, that is, on the basis of the presence of relatives - citizens of Ukraine.

Important! Another ground is "admission to citizenship". Only persons who meet certain requirements and belong to certain categories can be accepted for citizenship, i.e. obtain citizenship at will:

  • Those who have an immigration permit and have continuously resided on the territory of Ukraine for the past 5 years;
  • Refugees, or those who have received asylum in Ukraine, who have continuously lived on its territory for the past 3 years from the moment of receiving the status;
  • Military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces, and those who have continuously resided in Ukraine for the past 3 years;
  • Persons who have been married to a citizen of Ukraine for more than two years and have an immigration permit;
  • Persons who have made outstanding contributions to Ukraine;
  • Persons whose residency is of interest to Ukraine.

There are also individual cases, exceptions and additions to this list. 

The period and cost of the procedure will depend on the grounds you have and the citizenship scheme (see below). In general the naturalization process includes language proficiency and an understanding of Ukrainian laws. Applicants for naturalization must demonstrate good character and integration into Ukrainian society.

Service packages offers

from 2000 USD
  • Consultation and analysis of documents, establishment of grounds for obtaining citizenship;
  • Preparation of documents, organization of obtaining extracts from the Civil registration Service, translation of documents in accordance with legislation, drafts of statements/declarations/commitments in Ukrainian;
  • Organization of obtaining documents (certificate of proficiency in the Ukrainian language, confirmation of financial support, criminal record certificate, etc.);
  • Organization of submission of documents to the State Internal Revenue Service;
  • Requests to the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the completion of stages of document checks;
  • Obtaining a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine;
  • Preparation and organization of submission of documents for obtaining a temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • Preparation of documents, organization of registration of place of residence;
  • Organization of withdrawal from foreign citizenship (if necessary): consultation on the list of documents;
  • Preparation of documents and organization of obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine/passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad;
  • Obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
from 1500 USD
  • Consultation and analysis of documents, establishment of grounds for obtaining citizenship;
  • Preparation of documents, organization of obtaining extracts from the Civil registration Service, translation of documents in accordance with legislation, drafts of statements/declarations/commitments in Ukrainian;
  • Preparation of a court decision on establishing the legal fact of residence/birth/family relations (draft statement of claim, submission to court, first meeting);
  • Requests to archival institutions and Civil registration Service/lawyer requests;
  • Organization of submission of documents to the State Migration Service/Consulate (remotely);
  • Obtaining a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine;
  • Preparation and organization of submission of documents for obtaining a temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • Preparation of documents, organization of registration of place of residence;
  • Organization of exit from foreign citizenship (if necessary): consultation regarding the list of documents;
  • Preparation of documents and organization of obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine/passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad, obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
from 600 USD
  • Consultation and analysis of documents, establishment of grounds for obtaining citizenship;
  • Preparation of documents, organization of obtaining extracts from the Civil registration Service, translation of documents in accordance with legislation, drafts of statements/declarations/commitments in Ukrainian;
  • Organization of submission of documents to the State Migration Service/Consulate (remotely);
  • Obtaining a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine;
  • Organization of withdrawal from foreign citizenship (if necessary): consultation on the list of documents;
  • Preparation of documents and organization of obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine/passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad;
  • Obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
from 600 USD
  • Study the situation individually, analyze and check documents;
  • Advise on the completion of the procedure, terms and cost;
  • Help to collect and prepare a package of documents for submission;
  • Organize the submission of documents to the migration service unit;
  • Advise on exiting foreign citizenship, we will help collect a package of documents;
  • Permanent remote support and clarification of legal issues;
  • Clarification and preparation of documents for submitting and obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine and/or a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad.
*if attorney requests are needed in the process, their cost will be calculated separately.
Return from residence
Return from residence
from 600 USD
  • Analyze the documents, analyze the client's situation individually and consult (clarify the essence of the issue and the procedure for action);
  • Check the availability of information on the termination of Ukrainian citizenship and according to open registers;
  • Advise on how to obtain documents for returning to Ukraine, which documents for entering Ukraine can be issued by the consulate and why (if Ukrainian citizenship is confirmed);
  • If necessary, we advise on renewal of Ukrainian citizenship - we recommend a package of services (if Ukrainian citizenship is not confirmed);
  • Registration at the consular institution (if there is such a registration, as well as the availability of free places);
  • We explain the issue of entering Ukraine, submitting documents and obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine and a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad;
  • Remote support and clarification of problematic issues at all stages.
*if attorney requests are needed in the process, their cost will be calculated separately.
from 600 USD
* refers to Confirmation of citizenship for the child
  • Consultation on the possibility of carrying out the procedure and available documents, establishing grounds for obtaining citizenship;
  • Preparation of documents, organization of obtaining extracts from the Civil register Service, translation of documents in accordance with legislation, drafts of statements/declarations/commitments in Ukrainian;
  • Accompanying the submission of documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Consulate (remotely);
  • Obtaining a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine;
  • Organization of exit from foreign citizenship (if necessary): consultation, list of documents, what and where to submit;
  • Preparation of documents and organization of obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine/passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad;
  • Obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
*if attorney requests are needed in the process, their cost will be calculated separately.

The cost, procedure and terms of acquiring Ukrainian citizenship

The cost of state fees, charges and notary services are not included in the service price for acquiring citizenship in Ukraine, and are charged separately.

The cost of acquiring citizenship will depend on the grounds you have and the amount of legal services you need.

Citizenship by investment in Ukraine is possible through significant contributions to the country's economy, but the process requires careful legal guidance to ensure compliance with all regulations. Many foreigners gain Ukrainian citizenship by making a significant investment in the country’s economy. The government encourages investment as a pathway to citizenship for those contributing to Ukraine’s growth. Those interested in citizenship by investment in other countries should seek professional legal advice to explore their options.

The procedure
of acquiring citizenship has two options, and consists of the following steps:

The first option is in the case of acceptance of Ukrainian citizenship. The action algorithm will look like this:

  1. Applying to the district SMS;
  2. The documents are submitted to the regional administration of the SMS, to the citizenship department;
  3. The Regional Office SMS sends requests to verify the identity of a foreigner to the Police, Interpol, the Border Guard Service, and the SBU;
  4. The documents are sent to the Citizenship Department at the SMS of Ukraine, where there is a commission that verifies these documents (the general period of consideration of documents by the SMS is up to 8 months);
  5. Submitting documents to the Commission on Citizenship under the President. It makes its decision and passes it directly to the President for signing (the consideration procedure takes no longer than 1 year);
  6. After the order is signed by the President, it is sent to the SMS and later to the Central Inter-Regional Department of the SMS, which issues a certificate of registration of a person as a citizen of Ukraine

Terms of acceptance to citizenship of Ukraine — from 1-2 years

The second option is acquisition of citizenship by birth or territorial origin. In this case, the algorithm of actions will look as follows:

  1. Applying to the district SMS;
  2. The documents are submitted to the regional administration of the SMS, to the citizenship department;
  3. The regional SMS sends requests for verification of the identity of a foreigner (presence of a criminal record, grounds for issuance and validity of the documents provided by the applicant;
  4. In some cases (for example, in terms of territoriality), documents are sent to the Department of Citizenship of SMS of Ukraine;
  5. In the case of a positive decision, the regional SMS issues a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine

The terms of acquiring Ukrainian citizenship are from the 1 to 3 months

We can always start with a consultation. Its cost is from 300 USD

Such a consultation will include studying the client's situation, analyzing his documents, determining the grounds for acquiring citizenship, developing the best option and warning about possible risks. Also analysis and processing of issues regarding:

  • list of documents;
  • establishment of a legal fact based on a court decision;
  • documentary confirmation of the legal records of the National Archives of Ukraine, particularities of requests to state archives, other institutions, and attorney requests;
  • application procedure in Ukraine and abroad;
  • leaving the citizenship of one's country;
  • procedure for obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine/citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad;
  • issues of registration of place of residence.

Why us

Assistance in determining grounds for obtaining citizenship
Assistance in determining grounds for obtaining citizenship
The grounds for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship are strictly defined by law. Our company’s lawyers can help to develop an action plan both for obtaining citizenship and for the restoration of citizenship.
English-speaking lawyers
English-speaking lawyers
Most of our Clients do not speak Russian and/or Ukrainian. Our company employs qualified English-speaking lawyers. They will accompany you throughout the process, as well as directly during the submission of documents to the state authorities.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

Grounds for acquiring citizenship
We assisted the client in obtaining a letter from the SMS regarding the grounds for acquiring Ukrainian citizenship.
Assisted in obtaining Ukrainian citizenship in 2024
Assisted a client in obtaining Ukrainian citizenship based on a court decision establishing the fact of birth on the territory of Ukraine.

Documents for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship

To get Ukrainian citizenship, applicants must meet specific residency and language requirements set by the government. In order to obtain citizenship, it is required to have documentary proof of your grounds for it established by the law. 

The process to get citizenship in Ukraine involves submitting various documents and passing an interview with immigration officials. If you apply for Ukrainian citizenship you must submit the following documents:

  • Original and translation of your foreign passport. 
  • Document confirming your continuous residence on the territory of Ukraine for the last 5 years (a Permanent Residence Permit, document on border crossings for the last 5 years from the Border Guard Service, etc.). This point does not apply to foreigners who have been married to a Ukrainian citizen for more than 2 years, as well as, for example, refugees or persons who perform military service under contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • Document confirming availability of funds for living in Ukraine.
  • Immigration Permit.
  • Document confirming knowledge of Ukrainian language sufficient for communication.
  • 3.5х4.5 photo.
  • Other documents confirming your grounds for admission to citizenship.

How long does it take to get Ukrainian citizenship and who has the best chance of obtaining it quickly?

The entire waiting period for Ukrainian citizenship can be divided into three stages:

  1. Preparation: This period includes all those activities and deadlines for fulfilling the requirements, after which you will become a suitable candidate for citizenship. This includes, for example, living in Ukraine for 5 years, in situations where this is required, or time to gather all documents - for example, to obtain an Immigration Permit or a language certificate.
  2. Execution and submission of documents, their review by Ukrainian authorities: This period, depending on the grounds that you have and the chosen procedure, can take from 3-4 months to 3 years.
  3. Completion of the procedure: When citizenship is obtained, it is important not to lose it. The last step will be the withdrawal from the previous citizenship. You will have 2 years to renounce citizenship, and it depends on you how quickly you can do it.

One of the most convenient grounds for obtaining citizenship is the right by birth or territorial origin. Having such a right one does not need to live in Ukraine for 5 years, and the procedure of consideration of documents takes only 3-4 months.

If a foreigner has no grounds, he/she has just come to Ukraine, and has grounds for permanent residence - citizenship can be obtained not earlier than in 7-8 years. 

However, it’s worth noting that each case is specific and requires an individual approach. Ukrainian citizenship requirements include demonstrating legal residency and passing language and history tests.

Obtaining citizenship of Ukraine in 2022: Martial law and its legal effects

In connection with military actions and Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine, the work of many state authorities was suspended for some period of time. However, the State Migration Service (SMS) has already resumed its work, which means that the terms of obtaining citizenship may be somewhat delayed, but you can start preparing to submit documents for citizenship.

Our lawyers are constantly in touch with the SMS, and are already preparing documents for Ukrainian citizenship at the request of persons from Slovenia, Germany and even the United States.

A separate painful issue is granting citizenship to citizens of Russia or Belarus. The fact is that many Russian citizens have relatives in Ukraine, or have the right to Ukrainian citizenship on a territorial basis.

Today, many such persons apply to the state authorities of Ukraine to obtain citizenship. Investment in Ukraine can accelerate the process of obtaining citizenship. Also marriage to a Ukrainian citizen can simplify the process of obtaining Ukrainian citizenship. Many choose to pursue citizenship through marriage due to the family ties they establish in Ukraine.

So far, filing documents by Russians or Belarusians is challenging. It will take some time to develop a special procedure or to clarify the issue of Ukrainian citizenship for residents of the Russian Federation or Belarus.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What to do if there are no grounds to obtain citizenship?

Every case requires individual approach. In the process, our specialists will thoroughly analyze the Client’s documents and situation, and advise him/her on the solution of the problem in order to obtain citizenship.

May citizenship be obtained without the applicant’s personal presence?

A foreigner shall personally submit documents to the State Migration Service, obtain the certificate confirming Ukrainian citizenship and passport. All other documents can be prepared and obtained by our lawyers.

Return of citizens of Ukraine from their permanent place of residence abroad.

The citizenship visa requirements for Ukraine depend on the applicant's country of origin and the purpose of their stay.Such situations occur when a person left Ukraine for permanent residence abroad in the past and, for some reason, decides to return to Ukraine. During the period of residence in another country, the status of a person may have changed, it is necessary to make sure whether he can return to Ukraine, whether he still has citizenship, whether it needs to be renewed, etc. 

What we do:

  • we analyze the documents and the individual situation of the Client;

  • we are developing a strategy for further actions regarding return to Ukraine and confirmation of Ukrainian citizenship;

  • we advise the Client, explain in detail its provisions according to the legislation and offer the best options;

  • we carry out checks, if necessary, send attorney requests, etc., to establish the fact of having Ukrainian citizenship;

  • in case of establishing the fact of exit/termination of Ukrainian citizenship, we provide detailed advice on renewal of citizenship, other options for legalization if desired;

  • we organize the submission of documents to the consular office and migration service bodies;

In addition, we provide assistance in renewing the citizenship of Ukraine:

  • preparation and submission of documents for citizenship renewal;

  • obtaining Ukrainian citizenship for children;

  • obtaining a permit to immigrate to Ukraine and a permanent residence permit;

  • purchase of real estate in Ukraine, etc.

List of documents for returning to Ukraine from permanent residence in another country:

  • a passport of a citizen of Ukraine and/or a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad and/or a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad whose validity period has not been extended;

  • a document on the right to reside abroad and/or a passport of a citizen of a foreign state.

Who can use the service of returning from a permanent place of residence from abroad?

  • citizens of Ukraine who have registered for permanent residence abroad since August 24, 1991;

  • in some cases, citizens of the former USSR, who registered for permanent residence abroad, and at the time of registration of such a residence, permanently resided in the territory that became the territory of Ukraine after 08.24.1991;

  • persons who received a passport of a citizen of Ukraine and went to live abroad, but did not issue a special permission to leave for permanent residence;

  • there are other cases as an exception, for example, regarding persons who were minors and received permission to leave for permanent residence abroad together with their parents, etc.

Consultation of a lawyer on obtaining Ukrainian citizenship

To become a Ukrainian citizen, applicants must follow the legal process and meet all criteria set by immigration laws. One of the key benefits of obtaining Ukrainian citizenship is the right to live and work freely in the country.
Foreigners often choose to get citizenship in Ukraine to enjoy the benefits of living and working in the heart of Eastern Europe. If you want to get a deeper understanding of the possible options for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship for you, please contact our lawyers for an introductory consultation. It will give you the opportunity to get answers to basic questions within the service, and not just formal excuses, so you will understand the whole procedure of obtaining citizenship. 

At the consultation our lawyer:

  • Will analyze your documents on the possibility of obtaining Ukrainian citizenship.

  • Answers questions on the procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship.

  • Offer the best option on the basis of Your situation.

We are working with difficult cases, so You can be sure - by contacting us you will be able to become a citizen of Ukraine. One more important advantage - our lawyers consult online, for example, through Zoom or Skype, so you do not need to visit our office. This is especially true during the quarantine period.

The benefits of Ukrainian citizenship include visa-free access to many countries and full rights under Ukrainian law. Types of our consultations are listed in the packages on the page above. If you continue to order the service, the cost of the consultation will be included in the price of the service.

The Ukrainian passport cost - cost of our services does not include the state fees, payments and notary fees, which shall be charged separately.

How to get (obtain) a Ukrainian citizenship for foreigners

Not only a stateless person may apply for Ukrainian citizenship, but also a citizen of another country, provided that after obtaining citizenship he/she undertakes to renounce citizenship in another country. A foreigner or his/her representative (parent/guardian/trustee) submits a set of documents to the local office of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

The local office of the State Migration Service of Ukraine shall verify the data and process the application within 3 months (up to one year for acquisition of citizenship).

As a result, a foreigner or his/her representative (parent/guardian/trustee) obtains a Certificate confirming Ukrainian citizenship. Hereupon, a person may obtain a passport of the citizen of Ukraine on the basis of this certificate.

Our passport legal advice will give You a knowledge about the Ukrainian passport requirements and specific moments of the process.

Who should You turn to for help in the process of Ukrainian citizenship application?

The best option would be to call on qualified professionals who have experience in this area. After all, it is a thorough knowledge of local legislation and the peculiarities of the process in local government agencies, will help to pass the entire procedure faster and get the desired result.

Cooperating with us, you are guaranteed to get:

  • Reliability. If we take up the task, it will be solved. We achieve quality results by systematizing the work and thorough knowledge of the whole process.
  • Accessibility. We are always in touch. You will not have to hang on the phone, trying to reach our Client-manager. He will keep you informed of all events.
  • Simplicity. We do not write huge volumes on consultation. Our main task is to clarify the situation as much as possible, so that in the process of solving your task you clearly understand what, how, and most importantly, why we do it.
  • Focusing on the goal, not the task. Thanks to our extensive experience, we can look at any problem more broadly and immediately highlight the main goal of the Client. At times, this completely changes the Client's initial plan and leads to a faster and more efficient solution of the problem.
  • Minimal participation in the process. If you just want to give your documents and get the result you want, it can be arranged!
  • Getting citizenship with us is easy, safe and effective!

Acquiring Ukrainian nationality involves meeting strict legal criteria and passing government checks. If you want to know more on Ukrainian law (rules) on citizenship and what the price of the question is - contact our specialists in any convenient way for you.

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