Obtainment of licenses and permits in Ukraine



Obtainment of licenses and permits for sole traders and legal entities

To get more detailed information about term, conditions and cost of a service follow corresponding link.

Cost of services:

from 12 000 UAH
Electricity license
from 18 000UAH
Medical license
10 000 UAH
Security license
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In medical field

License for medical practice in Ukraine
  • drafting and submitting documents to the licensing state body (medical license application service);
  • consultation about all matters which are related to the procedure of getting a medical license;
  • submitting a bank receipt as confirmation of official fee payment;
  • supervision of documents examination;

Additionally our lawyers can provide legal support about:
  • opening and closing of branches;
  • employment and dismissal of personnel;
  • informing about other changes, for example, equipment.
  • legal support during licensing inspections, etc.
Accreditation of a medical institution in Ukraine
  • we advise on passing the accreditation procedure by a medical institution and preparing the necessary documents / bringing the applicant in compliance;
  • preparation of documents/provision of templates for the development of documents for submission to the Ministry of Health;
  • support of exit expert appraisal;
  • obtaining an accreditation certificate.

In addition, our lawyers can:

  • conduct a pre-accreditation audit of a medical institution;
  • develop a complete package of documents (regulations, job descriptions, guidelines), which are subject to evaluation during the expert appraisal;
  • help with the organization of obtaining the necessary documents from third parties (metrological verification, ISO certification, etc.).
License for sale of medicines (drugstore license)

Obtainment of license for wholesale or retail of medicines includes:

  • provision of advices on all matters related to preparation of licensing documents;

  • consultation on equipment selection for a drugstore;

  • analyzing personnel’s required documents (head of a drugstore, authorized person);

  • preparation of documents drafts required to obtain a license for drugstore;

  • providing help on passing drugstore’s examination;

  • providing the whole procedure of examination your documents by state bodies.

Cooperation is finished after getting a pharmacy license for a Client.

Drugstore license Terms  -  Required documents  -  Requirements  -  Experience


Registration of dossier of importer of drugs into Ukraine
  • agree on the amount, cost and term of service provision with the Client;
  • sign legal services agreement and confidentiality agreement (while providing the service we will need to receive a significant amount of information that is not public);
  • together with an authorized representative of the Client we draft dossier based on information about the particular importer (it should be noted that the dossier includes a significant amount of importer's data that may vary from importer to importer so we require obligatory participation of at least one representative of the importer);
  • organize signing of the dossier by the importer, sign act of acceptance.
License for import of drugs in Ukraine
  • We are preparing an application on the basis of the documents provided for submission to the authority that issues the license (State Service Of Ukraine On Medicines And Drugs Control);
  • We advise on the requirements that must be met in order to successfully complete the licensing process;
  • We participate in the field inspection of the State Service of Ukraine On Medicines And Drugs Control (if necessary);
  • We monitor the decision making to issue a license, we form the details for the payment of state duties
  • We get the license and the application for it.

In addition, our lawyers can support:

  • preparation of the importer files;
  • obtaining a license for the wholesale (sale to pharmacies) trade in medicines;
  • making changes to the importer’s existing license;
  • drug registration in Ukraine
  • obtaining a license for precursors (for medicines where precursors / other drugs are present).
License inspection: assistance in successful passing
  • We check the enterprise for the compliance with the license regulations and eliminate nonconformities, if any;
  • We prepare a comprehensive package of documents for inspection; 
  • We advise the head of the enterprise on procedural aspects of the inspection; 
  • We directly participate in the inspection.
Appeal against decision to revoke license in Ukraine. Legal support
  • we consider the situation of the Client in terms of the chances of winning the case at the Expert and Appeal Board on licensing under the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Board of Appeal)
  • prepare a complaint against the decision of the licensing authority to revoke the license and submit it to the Board of Appeal;
  • we represent the interests of the Client in the Appeal Board, and if necessary, we carry out a judicial procedure for appealing of a decision to revoke a license (in most cases, a judicial procedure for appealing is not necessary).
Registration of medical equipment or medical products in Ukraine
  • consult Clients;
  • prepare and submit documents that are required for registration of medical equipment and medical products to the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines. 
Hygiene certificate from the State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Service
  • Advise on the procedure for obtaining an SES Certificate for the premises in the Client’s situation - the necessity, procedure, risks and timing;

  • Conduct a preliminary study of the object of examination for compliance with the standards;

  • If the inspection shows that the object complies with the law - we prepare a package of documents for submission to the authorities of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection;

  • If, the inspection shows that there are contradictions with the requirements of the law - we consult with the sanitary and epidemiological authorities for the issuance of the Certificate without the need to make changes;

  • Monitor the consideration of the application for the SES Certificate for the premises and answer, if necessary, the questions of the state authority;

  • Obtain the SES Certificate for the premises.

In addition, our lawyers can accompany on-site inspections of regulatory agencies (for example, during the inspection of medical offices).

Drug registration in Ukraine
  • help you to understand the stages of the registration procedure of your medication, the optimal term of registration, costs minimization of medicines registration;
  • after signing the confidentiality (non-disclosure) agreement, we will review your case and prepare a detailed plan of further actions taking into consideration the following: necessary documentation, stages, registration budget, timeframes;
  • provide legal support in the appointment of an authorized representative;
  • hold preliminary consultations with the Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, analyze, revise or develop the dossier (fully or partially) in compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and advisory committees;
  • draw up: methods of quality control, instructions, identification mark;
  • accompany the primary expert evaluation;
  • accompany the specialized examination


Declaration of medical equipment
  • we help to determine whether the product is medical and, if so, which class it belongs to;
  • identify devices, declaration  of which  can be carried out according to a simplified procedure (for example, self-declaration or recognition of certificates issued in EU countries);
  • we help verify the compliance of medical devices with the Technical Regulations, including by means of an audit of the quality management (control) system.
License for school infirmary
  • Assist with identification of the necessary actions and documents that will subsequently be necessary to license school infirmary;

  • Assist with documents that our client cannot obtain on his own;

  • Fill out all the applications/forms;

  • Submit paperwork based on power of attorney (no need to come to Kyiv);

  • Monitor decision of the Ministry of Health and prepare payment details of official license fee.

Registration of disinfectants
  • Advise on the current legislation, on the procedure for registration of disinfectants (due to the lack of a developed legal framework of the Ministry of Health)
  • Submit a package of documents to the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection ( temporarily replacing the Ministry of Health) for the disinfectant registration, as well as represent and protect the Client’s interests, in case of any objections;
  • Help to identify a particular disinfectant as such, which falls or does not fall under the definition of a disinfectant;
  • Advise on all matters related to the registration (procedure, draft instructions, labels, technical specifications and other documents);
  • Obtain paper confirmation of the registration from the relevant register of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection (temporarily replacing the Ministry of Health).
Wholesale of Medicines
  • Advise the Client on all matters related to the requirements for the pharmacy storage facilities, as well as for the qualification of personnel;
  • Analyze available documents for the pharmacy storage facilities and personnel;
  • Prepare an application, statements and other documents to be submitted to the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control for obtaining a License to Wholesale Medicines;
  • Submit the documents signed by the Client to the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control; 
  • Monitor the process of the documents review by the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control.

In field of telecommunication

The license for the right to use the RCH of Ukraine (including wi-fi)
  • Providing templates for the radio frequency spectrum utilization plan, a document prepared by technical specialists;
  • Analyzing the feasibility of operating within the specific spectrum desired by the client;
  • Registering the client's electronic account on the electronic regulatory platform;
  • Compiling and submitting a comprehensive package of documents to the licensing authority using your Electronic Digital Signature (EDS) in the electronic account;
  • Monitoring the review of the matter by the National Commission for the State Regulation of Electronic Communications, Radiofrequency Spectrum and the Provision of Postal Services (the Commission);
  • Obtaining a decision regarding the issuance of the license.

IPTV license Ukraine (Internet protocol TV services provider license)
  • advise Client on all matters related to preparation of documents and help to prepare them;
  • submit the documents to the licensing body;
  • support consideration of application by the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization;
  • obtain the license based on power of attorney granted by the Client.
Registration in state register of telecom providers and operators
  • provide verbal advice concerning the requirements for telecommunication operators and providers and in connection with their inclusion in the appropriate register;
  • prepare an application for inclusion in the Register of Telecommunications Operators and Providers;
  • submit an application for inclusion in specified register to the NCSRCI (National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization);
  • support processing of application by NCSRCI
Permits for usage of numbering recourse in Ukraine
  • advise Client on all matters related to preparation of documents and help to prepare them;
  • submit the documents to the the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization;
  • support consideration of application by the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization.
Broadcasting license (cable, terrestrial, wire, satellite) Ukraine
  • consult on an issue of television/radio broadcasting licensing (requirements, terms, etc.); 
  • prepare the package of documents that is necessary for obtaining a license;
  • provide the submitting of documents to the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine;
  • monitor the process of documents review by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine and making of decision concerning license;
  • provide details for the payment of license fee following the rendering of favorable decision concerning license issuance;
  • after the payment of license fee, we receive a ready-made license form and deliver to you a license for television/radio broadcasting.

Licenses in different spheres

License for private security firm in Ukraine
  • if Client doesn't order the whole service of getting a security license, we consult him on questions about preparation of documents for a security license;
  • provide Client with a person that will lead security activities;
  • help to get some certificates for a person that will lead security activities, who is given by a Client;
  • prapare and submit documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, attend an examination of documents by the Ministry, connect with the Ministry, answer to the Ministry's questions;
  • pay an official license fee.

We can also propose you to buy a company with security license.

If you are not ready to pay for the consultation and you just collect an information, then this chapter may be helpful for you. You can find there more than 20 articles about different questions and situations during getting a security license for our Clients.
License for employment agency in foreign countries
  • Analyze the documents which are provided by a foreign party for their legal sufficiency;
  • Provide project of an agreement with a foreign employer and agent and also provide an example of a labor agreement with potential employees;
  • Translate foreign documents into Ukrainian and certify them notarially;
  • Consult on matters related to the required list of documents for getting a foreign employment agency license in Ukraine;
  • Prepare a model of certificate which confirms that collective agreement wasn’t signed;
  • Prepare the full list of documents and submit it to the licensing authority;
  • Accompany examination of the documents for getting the foreign employment agency license in Ukraine.
Passenger License, Uber License, Taxi License
  • advise Client on all matters related to preparation of documents that are required for obtainment of license for passenger transportation, taxi service etc.;
  • develop the documents for submitting to the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety, prepare an application form and other required documents;
  • submit the documents to the body of licensing on a power of attorney and obtain the license within agreed term.

Additionally, our lawyers can help with:

  • preparation of agreements with motor transportation company about parking, medical examination of drivers, technical examination of vehicles, repair etc.;
  • search of companies which can sign abovementioned agreements;
  • licensing of an own worker who provides physical examinations of drivers before and after trips (in this case a separate license for medical practice from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is required).
Gaining of veterinary practice license in Ukraine
  • consult the Client on issues relating to obtaining veterinary practice license, in particular, in respect of documents preparation, staff qualification and the fineness of chosen premises and/or assist with the choosing;
  • fill in all necessary documentation and submit an application per power of attorney, without personal attendance of the Client;
  • escort obtaining a license in the licensing authority for the entirety of the period;
  • take charge of solving of problem situations of the Client during the documents review in the state authorities;
  • obtain confirmation of license issuance in a hard copy.
License for operations with precursor chemicals in Ukraine
  • consult a Client on matters of getting a license for operations with precursor chemicals in Ukraine;
  • analyze documents which are given by a Client, if necessary we provide support on getting some of them. For example, no criminal certificate;
  • consult a Client during the process of getting a police permission for premises;
  • prepare and send a Client for signing documents which are necessary for getting this license – particularly, information about material and technical equipment etc;
  • represent interests of a client in Kyiv by the power of attorney;
  • after getting a decision on issuance license we find out correct bank details for paying an official license fee, help to pay it.
License for construction work
  • we calculate different options of the set of construction works, based on the Designation nomenclature of types of works in construction;
  • we help to get the maximum possible amount of works in the cost of works that is agreed with a Client;
  • we help to find the missing specialists, and to comply with other requirements raised for a construction license applicant at the stage of getting a license for construction;
  • we prepare the full package of documents for application for building license – reports, an application, and other;
  • we support consideration of Client’s application at the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate, after the application was submitted;
  • we control the readiness of the building license, the entering of official payment, we take the license form and appendix thereto – the list of types of construction works, by power of attorney.
Occupational safety and health permit in Ukraine

High risk works are nowadays performed based on the Permit or on the Declaration. Having become familiarized with the list of works performed based on the Permit, and with the list of those performed based on the Declaration, you will understand clearly which document is necessary for you.

When needed, we shall help you deal with this subject.

If your company needs the Permit, here is what we do:

  • prepare papers for getting the expert opinion at the appropriate authority;
  • get the expert opinion at the appropriate authority;
  • submit documents to the State Service of Ukraine on Labor;
  • get the high risk works permit.
Permits for construction works and building commissioning in Ukraine
  • Advise the Client on all issues related to the preparation of documents for the successful start of construction and commissioning;
  • Analyze the Client’s situation and develop an optimal action plan;
  • Prepare a complete package of documents for the successful start of construction and its further commissioning;
  • Submit documents to the relevant state authorities;
  • Support the consideration of documents and solve all issues related to their consideration;
  • Obtain the Permission for construction works and the Construction and Commissioning Permit, and transfer it to the Client.
Hazardous waste permit
  • Help the Clients to decide whether they need to obtain a Hazardous Waste Management License. If their activities are not subject to licensing, or if obtaining a license is not mandatory, we propose the best possible plan of actions;
  • If it is necessary to obtain the License, we advise the Client on procedural issues and necessary documents;
  • Fill in all the necessary documents and submit them to the licensing authority under the power of attorney granted by the Clients; the Client’s personal presence is not required;
  • Provide legal support and assistance during the consideration of the documents by the licensing authority;
  • If any problems arise during the documents consideration, we are committed to address any of them.
Permit for emissions of air pollutants
  • Make an emission inventory, the results of which are necessary for further drafting of documents;
  • Develop documents that substantiate the volume of air pollutant emissions;
  • Prepare and submit documents for obtaining a permit on emission of harmful substances in atmospheric air;
  • Communicate with representatives of the state authorities issuing the permit, representing your interests;
  • Obtain the ready-made permit and hand it over to you.
Cash-in-transit license in Ukraine
  • we advise on obtaining a license to provide collection services;

  • form a package of documents required to obtain a license for collection;

  • we accompany the consideration of the application and the package of documents in the National Bank of Ukraine;

  • provide details to make official payments for the license application;

  • obtain an extract from the License Register and transfer it to the Client;

  • provide assistance in expanding the Client’s activities related to cash processing and storage.

 By additional agreement:

  • develop the provisions, structure and other internal documents stipulated by the license conditions;

  • we help with obtaining certificates of criminal record, a document on credit history, etc.

License for finance lease services in Ukraine
  • advise on all matters of collecting and preparing necessary documents for obtaining a license, as well as a full list of requirements that a lessor must meet;
  • draft internal rules for a provision of financial leasing services, a standard financial leasing agreement;
  • help with an organization of pre-license audit;
  • draft and submit to the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter - the NBU) the necessary package of documents for obtaining a license.

In some cases, provide a service additionally:

  • draft other documents (except those directly submitted to the NBU), which are necessary in the course of daily activities of a leasing company;
  • help to obtain electronic keys for submitting reports and the reporting of a lessor.
  • include to the Register of financial institutions (“simplified” - if the company will deal only with financial leasing; or “a simple register” if the company will do several types of financial services at once)
Licensing of tour operators (tour services) in Ukraine
  • consult on all aspects related to preparation of documents for obtaining a tour operator license;
  • prepare the necessary document package for submission to the licensing authority;
  • submit documents to the licensing authority;
  • supervise the process of documents review from the moment of submission to the decision about issuance of tour operator’s license.

We also help with:

  • registration of legal entity, for which you will obtain a tour operator’s license;
  • obtaining a bank guarantee;
  • creation of web-site for your company, which is needed for obtaining a tour operator’s license.
Licence of subsurface usage
  • help to determine the right type of subsurface use depending on the Client's wishes and needs;
  • provide a full list of documents to suit the Client's specific situation;
  • study the Client's needs in terms of the need to participate in an auction and the possibility of not participating in it;
  • accompany the Client throughout all stages of obtaining a permit for the use of subsoil;
  • accompany the entire process of permit issuance by the State Geology and Subsoil Service of Ukraine;
  • consulting on renewal of subsoil use permits in Ukraine;
  • accompany the Client through the process of interaction with local authorities and environmental inspections.
License for import
  • We provide legal support and assistance in obtaining an International Business License (hereinafter - the License);
  • We analyze the documents provided by the Client, including the information on the situation and find the best solutions;
  • We represent the Client’s interests in other private and state structures on issues related to obtaining and successful use of the License;
  • We help collect and prepare the appropriate set of documents required to obtain the International Business License;
  • We assist with the calculation and payment of the state fee;
  • We advise the Client throughout the licensing procedure and the collection of documents;
  • We help with the development of various foreign economic agreements, letters, conclusions, etc., if necessary;
  • We submit a package of documents to the state authority, obtain the License and hand it over to the Client; 
  • Assisting with the logistics of importing products containing ozone-depleting substances, including goods with refrigerants (freon);

  • Offering comprehensive assistance with importing goods into Ukraine, including handling declaration procedures, customs clearance, and more.

Copyright registration
  • register copyright, verify its compliance with requirements of the law;
  • help to determine how to register the object of copyright in the best possible way (as code, picture or audio file);
  • determine the uniqueness of your work, computer program, song etc.;
  • fill out and prepare all necessary documents for registration;
  • consult in the process of work being created by the author;
  • obtain and send a registration certificate.
License for transferring money in national currency without opening an account
  • analysing the documents which are submitting  to the National Bank of Ukraine, giving the conclusion about its self-sufficiency and legal correctness;
  • developing the internal rules about the transfer of funds;
  • helping with the business plan and with auditing organisation;
  • preparing and applying a set of documents for obtaining a license;
  • giving a consultation about questions, which are connected to the collecting and preparing of documents, what are needed for obtaining a license and about the full list of requirements, which the financial institution and its owners must met.

In separate cases in addition giving those services:

  • helping with the financial reporting;
  • analysing the structure of non-bank financial institution and forming a message for providing this data for consolidation to the National Bank of Ukraine.
License for alcohol

Stage one:

  • we prepare the package of documents for getting a license, and if required, we conduct a consultation for the Client on the matters of procedure of getting a license;

Stage two:

  • we submit documents to the authority of the State Fiscal Service, we monitor the consideration of documents until decision taking about issue of license;

Stage three:

  • we get a license and perform registration of alcohol or tobacco products storage place;

Stage four:

  • we pass to the Client the license and the reference about the registered storage place.

License for oil products retail/wholesale trade, their production and storage
  • We consult market entities on the matters of the licensing of operations with oil products, including analysis of documents the entity has (for example, documents of property, designated use, etc.);
  • We consult on situations when it is possible not to get a license for fuel sale;
  • We get permission for hazardous works (or operation of machines) for any business connected with production or storage of combustive and lubricating materials;
  • We assist oil product manufacturers with search and registration of relations with the accredited testing laboratories (for defining the fuel quality factors);
  • We perform the search of organizations for development and/or develop independently the technical conditions and technical documentation for fuel manufacturers;
  • We help oil product manufacturers to find and formalize relationships with accredited testing laboratories (to determine fuel quality indicators)
  • We help fuel producers to develop technical specifications and technical documentation;
  • We organize cooperation with organizations to develop and/or personally develop technical specifications and technical documentation for fuel producers.
Permit for subsurface resources use
  • We define with the Client which kind of subsurface resources use he will be engaged in, and we make him familiar with the list of documents that he should have for that;
  • After the prepayment is made by the Client, we assess the documents available, and in case some of them are missing, we consult and assist in getting such documents;
  • After a power of attorney is signed by the Client, our lawyers prepare the package of documents and submit it to the corresponding authority that issues a permit for subsurface resources use;
  • If required, we assist in re-registration of the permit or with changes in the permit for subsurface resources use thereafter for extra pay.
License for fire protection works and services (Fire protection license)
  • advise on peculiarities of the licensing of fire protection works (services);
  • analyze provided documents from the perspective of their conformity with the regulatory requirements;
  • assist in preparation of the documents that you do not have or are unable to acquire yourself (if necessary);
  • form final list of documents and approve it with the licensing authority;
  • submit the the documents with the bodies of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - SESU);
  • monitor the decision publication on license issuance and provide you with details for payment of the official state fee;
  • receive notification from the SESU (in paperform) regarding license issuance.
License for currency exchange for a financial institution
  • provide consulting concerning compliance of financial institution, its head (Director General, General etc.) and the chief accountant with legal requirements;
  • assess documents that are planned to be submitted to the National Bank of Ukraine, and we make a conclusion concerning their legal correctness and compliance of persons with conditions;
  • assist in writing a business plan, a questionnaire of financial institution, and other documents, if required;
  • analyze the financial and auditing reports before they are signed at an auditing company;
  • prepare the package of documents and provide it at the National Bank of Ukraine for consideration and for getting a currency exchange license;
  • control passing of documents in consideration at the National Bank of Ukraine.
License for resale of electric power (trading activity)
  • we provide readiness of all documents required for registration of the license;
  • we develop completely the information for the Client’s website or (if so agreed) prepare independently the website for the license;
  • we pass the documents for the meeting of the licensing authority, and we control getting a positive decision about issue of license;
  • after the decision is taken by the licensing authority about issue of license, we provide for you the actual banking details for payment of license fee;
  • we get a copy of resolution about issue of license and pass it to the Client (if so agreed);
  • we perform the consulting in the matters of getting a license for resale of electric power (trading activity).
Registration as an electricity market participant
  • obtaining ЕІС code necessary for the further work on the electricity market;
  • preparation and submission to Ukrenergo NPC SE a package of documents for execution of agreement for the transfer of electricity;
  • obtaining and delivering to you the signed agreement for the transfer of electricity;
  • preparation and submission to Ukrenergo NPC SE a package of documents for accession to the imbalance settlement agreement;
  • preparation and submission to Ukrenergo NPC SE a package of documents for registration of your company as a market participant;
  • supervision of imbalance settlement agreement acceptance and inclusion of your company to the Register of market participants.
License for supplying of electricity (Ukraine)
  • we get an electricity license;
  • we carry out an analysis of the documents provided;
  • we develop completely the information for the licensee’s website and consult concerning its correct posting;
  • we prepare documents to be submitted for the licensing authority;
  • we support Client’s case at the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission from the beginning of submission of documents until the electricity distribution licence is obtained;
  • if necessary, we get a certified copy of the Resolution about license issuing;
  • we pay official payments (if so agreed).
License for production of electric power
  • Obtaining an electricity production license in Ukraine;
  • Providing consultations on licensing for electricity production;
  • Analyzing documents from the Client and providing advice on their improvement to meet licensing requirements (if necessary);
  • Preparing a complete package of documents necessary for obtaining an electricity production license and submitting it to the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC);
  • Accompanying the consideration of the submitted documents at the NEURC;
  • Transferring to you the details for paying the licensing fee;
  • Receiving a copy of the resolution on issuing the license and transferring it to the Client (by agreement).

If necessary, we can develop a website for the electricity production company. We also offer further support in registering the electricity producer as a market participant.



Financial services license
  • Receive any license from the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter - the NBU);
  • Develop and consult on the package of documents required for obtaining a license and carrying out further business activity;
  • Ensure the company’s inclusion in the the State Register of Financial Institutions of Ukraine (if necessary);
  • Assist in drafting additional documents (rules and regulations, agreements);
  • Help to obtain an audit report and to successfully undergo the audit, we can offer our partner auditors;
  • Analyze a set of the documents provided by the Client, and assist in collecting missing documents;
  • Advise on the requirements for business activity depending on the type of license (factoring, leasing, guarantee, lending services, etc.).
License for veterinary drugs manufacturing
  • we advise the Client on the issues relating to the obtainment a license for veterinary drugs manufacturing, including issues related to the personnel qualification and the compliance of the premises with the license conditions;
  • we assist with the choosing of premises for the implementation of activities on veterinary drugs manufacturing;
  • we provide assistance with the development of dossier of the manufacturer’s division;
  • we fill out all the necessary documents and submit them to the licensing authority under power of attorney on behalf of the Client without his personal presence;
  • we accompany documents review in the licensing authority;
  • in case of problem situations during the documents review we take charge of their solving.
License for manufacture and repair of weapons
  • we analyze the documents of the Client: are they suitable for obtaining a license for manufacture, repair and sale of weapons;
  • we provide verbal advice concerning obtainment of license, as well as regarding permitting documents required for license acquisition;
  • if it should be necessary, we can obtain some of the documents necessary for acquisition of specified license, including Permit for opening and operation of the licensing system objects;
  • we prepare an application, form a package of documents and submit it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
  • we monitor documents review and provide details for the payment of state duty;
  • we send to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine a copy of payment receipt for license issuance.
Handling the formalities for green tariff
Handling the formalities for “green tariff” for legal entities:
  • consult on due order and procedure for setting the “green tariff”;
  • obtain an electricity generation license;
  • prepare and submit a package of documents to the SE Guaranteed Buyer for signing of electricity sale and purchase agreement according to “green” tariff (where required);
  • prepare and submit a package of documents for setting the “green tariff” to the NCSREPU (the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities);
  • receive and deliver to you a copy of resolution on setting for you (your enterprise) the “green tariff” on electricity sales.
Tobacco Wholesale Trade License
The first stage:
  • Collect and prepare the documents necessary to obtain a license for the wholesale tobacco trade;
  • We analyze and advise the Client on the available documents;

The second stage:

  • Submit documents to the licensing authority and monitor the case prior to the decision to issue a license;
  • support the case review by the licensing authority and resolve problematic situations (if any)

Stage three:

  • we receive a paper confirmation of the issue of the license for tobacco trade and send it to the Client;
  • if necessary, we accompany the further activity of the company.  
An educational license
  • Assisting the client in understanding the need for an educational license and providing consultation on the matter.

  • Analyzing the documents provided by the client for obtaining the educational license.

  • Preparing and sending the client the necessary documents for obtaining the educational license, including details on material and technical resources, information technology support, project teams, and more.

  • Representing the client's interests and liaising with the licensing authority to facilitate the process of obtaining the educational license.

  • Upon receiving the decision to grant the license, determining the current payment details for the government fee and providing assistance to the client in making the payment if required.

Our Advantages

  • We have the best experience and a deep understanding of all the nuances of this process. We offer consultations regarding your documentation with the licensing authority.

  • We take responsibility to ensure that you successfully obtain an educational license right from the first attempt.

  • Whether you are planning to open a kindergarten or a higher education institution, we are ready to assist you. Even if the license is not your main goal, we will develop a secure plan for launching your educational institution.

  • Our support goes beyond securing the license; we extend legal, accounting, and personnel consultations at every stage of establishing and growing your educational institution.

Gas License in Ukraine
  • Obtain the Gas Supply License in Ukraine;
  • Analyze the documents and information provided by the Client to obtain the license;
  • Develop the licensee’s website, as well as consult on what, how and why should be specified on your website;
  • Prepare a full package of documents required for obtaining the Gas Supply License;
  • Monitor the progress of your case at the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) and support your case until a successful decision is made;
  • Provide the Client with the details to pay the license fee or pay official fees (at the Client’s request);
  • Obtain and hand over to the Client a certified copy of the Gas Supply License Issuance Order.
Casino license (gaming license) in Ukraine
  • Help you choose the most suitable type of the license for your business;
  • Prepare and review all the necessary documents to obtain a Gambling License;
  • File and support the license file at the authorized authority for obtaining the Gambling License;
  • Advise on gambling activities, offer the best plan of work;
  • Analyze the documents provided by the Client;
  • Advise on the avoidance of obtaining a Gambling License, when allowed by law;
  • Organize the payment of the official license fee;
  • Advise on further activities of the firm (by agreement);
  • Provide assistance with certification of equipment needed for gambling;
  • Help with connection to online monitoring system;
  • Provide assistance in obtaining a domain name and registration of the corresponding trademark.
Registration as a participant of the gas market in Ukraine
  • Support the process of obtaining an EIC code needed to operate in the gas market;
  • Support the signing of the agreement with the GTS Operator needed to obtain gas transportation services;
  • Provide assistance in obtaining access to the І-platform;
  • Advise on obtaining the shipper code;
  • Advise and sign the agreement for gas storage in the “customs warehouse” regime;
  • Prepare and submit all necessary documents for the company’s inclusion in the gas market.
  • Support the process of accreditation at the Exchange, which is necessary for gas trading.
  • Advise on issues related to the registration as a gas market participant.
License for cargo transportation, transportation of dangerous goods
  • Advise the Client on all issues related to the preparation of documents for obtaining a license for cargo transportation, dangerous goods, etc.;
  • Develop a package of documents to be submitted to the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety, prepare an application and statements;
  • Submit documents to the licensing authority by proxy, and get the license within the agreed time.
  • In addition, our lawyers can help you:
  • Prepare draft agreements with the road transport industry for medical and technical examination, parking, etc.;
  • Find counterparties to sign the above agreements;
  • License your employee to conduct pre- and post-trip medical examinations of drivers (in this case, you need to get a separate Medical License of the Ministry of Health).




Registration of a veterinary drug in Ukraine
  • develop a "roadmap" for the process of veterinary drug registration;
  • help with preparation of registration dossier for a veterinary drug;
  • submit a package of documents to the appropriate agency;
  • monitor the review of documents by the agency, always in touch in case you need to intervene;
  • obtain a veterinary drug registration certificate for the Client, on his behalf.
Online school license in Ukraine
  • we advise on obtaining a license to carry out online education;
  • we analyze the documents available to the Client, including whether the premises are suitable for opening a school in it;
  • we help in the development of an educational program for the school online;
  • if necessary, we help in obtaining permits for the premises (act from firefighters, withdrawal of the State Consumer Service);
  • we prepare and send documents to the Client for signature, submit them to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • we monitor the status of consideration of the case by the Ministry and keep the Client informed of the situation.
Certificate from the state sanitary and epidemiologic service on products in ukraine
  • Identify the real need of the CLIENT in obtaining the SES Certificate for the product (whether it is necessary to obtain this certificate in your specific case);
  • Consult on the whole procedure of obtaining the SES Certificate for a product;
  • Analyze your available documents on the products, make a list of what may be missing for the successful receipt of the SES Certificate;
  • Prepare a package of documents for their further submission to the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection (formerly the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service), eliminate, in some cases, challenge the objections of the state authority; 
  • Represent the Client’s interests at each stage of obtaining a hygienic certificate for the product;
  • Obtain an official conclusion / survey report on the product and technical specifications of the presented products (if necessary).
Permit for special water use in Ukraine
  • Obtain a permit for special water use in Ukraine;

  • Analyze documents and information provided by the Client to obtain a permit for special water use;

  • Develop a scheme of water withdrawal and wastewater discharge points;

  • Advise on standards of maximum permissible discharge (MPD) of pollutants with waste water into water bodies;

  • Develop a full package of documents for obtaining a permit for special water use;

  • Monitor the Client’s documents at the State Water Resources Agency and State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine;

  • Keep a check on obtaining a permit on the official website of the State Water Resources Agency;

  • Accompany the Client when obtaining a permit at the Administrative Service Centre.
International transport licence in Ukraine
  • Advise the Client on all issues related to the preparation of documents for obtaining the International Transportation License in Ukraine;

  • Develop a package of documents for submission to the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka), prepare an application and statements;

  • Submit the documents to the licensing authority by proxy and receive the International Transportation License within the stipulated period of time.

In addition, our lawyers can help with:

  • Preparation of draft agreements with the road transport operators for medical and technical inspection, parking, etc;

  • Search for counterparties to sign the above agreements for international transportations;

  • Licensing of its own employee to conduct pre- and post-trip medical examinations of drivers (in this case we get a separate Medical License of the Ministry of Health).

Assistance in licensing medical practice

Experts of our company have considerable experience in reception of medical licences. If You are serious about practicing medicine and are looking for a partner to do your legal work, we are the right people for You.

On the page dedicated to the conditions of the company's services for obtaining a medical license You will find such guarantees of our reliability:
  • A large number of scanned copies of our licenses. In fact, there are much more of them, just when we get licenses for several licensees from one region on one commission, we post only one of them, because after deleting the identifying data from it, they become absolutely identical; 
  • a lot of comments on the issues arising for our Clients in connection with obtaining medical licenses will allow You to assess the level of competence of specialists.

Security licensing services

The security license is also very popular with our company. We provide services for enterprises from all regions of Ukraine. We render the help at reception of the licence in search of the necessary personnel of protection and the head of a direction of protection.

Obtaining a security license with us quite simply - You are required only to register the company (although we can take over if the address of the company will be in Kiev), we also offer to buy security firms, which greatly accelerates the beginning of work in this area.

General information about the licensing process

We will tell you how and where to get a license, name the cost of obtaining a license and fully assume the entire process of its registration.

Obtaining licenses and permissions of various kinds - the profile of our company for many years. We know what we do and how to achieve the best results.

If you want to get a license quickly and easily - call us!

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer
Koval Olha
Junior lawyer