Appeal against decision to revoke license in Ukraine. Legal support
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What we offer
- we consider the situation of the Client in terms of the chances of winning the case at the Expert and Appeal Board on licensing under the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Board of Appeal)
- prepare a complaint against the decision of the licensing authority to revoke the license and submit it to the Board of Appeal;
- we represent the interests of the Client in the Appeal Board, and if necessary, we carry out a judicial procedure for appealing of a decision to revoke a license (in most cases, a judicial procedure for appealing is not necessary).
Documents for appealing against the decision to cancel the license

To represent your interests in the Expert Board of Appeal, we need a power of attorney for our employees.
If the complainant is a legal entity, a power of attorney with the signature of the head and the seal of the legal entity are sufficient.
If the complainant is a sole trader, a notarized power of attorney will be required.
We provide the text of the power of attorney.
The cost of our services does not include the costs of issuing a notarized power of attorney for our employees (if the licensed complainant is a sole trader).
There are no state payments for filing a complaint with the Board of Appeal.
Why us

In the event of a forced cancellation of a license, a decision to revoke a license shall enter into force 30 calendar days after its adoption, and the decision shall be suspended from the moment a complaint is filed with the Expert and Appeal Board.
The grounds for compulsory cancellation of a license are:
- non-fulfillment of instructions on elimination of violations of the conditions by the licensee;
- the fact of repeated violation of the requirements of the licensing conditions has been established within two years from the date of issuance of the order by the licensing body to eliminate the violations;
- establishing the fact of submission of false data in the documents submitted to obtain a license;
- refusal to conduct an inspection or preventing officials of the inspection body from visiting the place of activity;
- non-payment for issuing a license within the prescribed period - ten working days from the date of publication of the decision to issue a license.
In all the above cases, the licensee has no right to obtain a license for the same type of activity during the year.
Answers to frequently asked questions
What are the chances of winning a case at the Board of Appeal?
It depends on whether there really were violations on the part of the inspectors during the inspection, or whether it was about the licensee. Much depends on the legal support of the appeal: how legally correctly the appeal has been filed; how well-chosen arguments are, etc.
If you win at the Expert Board of Appeal, can the licensing authority return with a repeated inspection, for example, in order to retaliate?
According to paragraph 4 of the Procedure for a specially authorized body for licensing scheduled and unscheduled inspections, a scheduled inspection by the same authority can be carried out no more than once a year. Therefore, if the appeal is won, the licensing authority will not be able to come with a scheduled check soon. But an unscheduled audit can be appointed, for example, due to the receipt of a reasonable complaint about the activities of the licensee.
After verbal agreement has been reached on the conditions for representing the interests of the Client on licensing issues at the Expert Board of Appeal, we conclude an agreement on the provision of legal services. Preparation of the appeal begins after receiving full payment of our services.
The text of the complaint and power of attorney is sent by e-mail to the Client for signing, and the signed documents are forwarded to us by any courier delivery service. The presence of the Client at a meeting of the Expert Board of Appeal is not mandatory, because our lawyers themselves represent the Client’s interests on the basis of a power of attorney.
The decision of the Council is announced immediately after the meeting. And the hard copy with the decision is sent to the complainant by mail at their legal address.
If you want to appeal the decision on revocation of the license successfully - call us!