Registration of factoring companies (collecting company)

Cost of services

from 200 USD
from 3000 USD
Standard (no guarantee of a positive result)
from 11000 USD
Premium (with a guaranteed positive result)
Registration of factoring companies (collecting company)
Based on 200 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • enter the company to the register of financial institution (by the agreement), namely:

  1. develop the necessary orders, regulations etc.;

  2. analyse the documents, which are providing for submission to the National Commission, which implementing State regulation in the market sphere of financial services;

  3. help to obtain the Certificate about the skills development for the director and the main accountant;

  4. guarantee the entering of the company to the register of financial institutions on the first try.

  • develop the documents for obtaining the license on factoring;

  • maintaining a client's case to the National commission of financial services;

  • provide a guarantee of obtaining the license on the first try.


Documents for obtaining a license

List of documents
Company’s IВ number (EDRPOU)
Company’s IВ number (EDRPOU)
Financial statements, audit report
Financial statements, audit report
Passport data of the manager and head accountant
Passport data of the manager and head accountant

Service packages offers

from 200 USD
  • Consulting on the conditions of a factoring company
  • Advising on the licensing conditions of factoring companies and the required list of documents
  • Advising on current requirements and the procedure for submitting reports to the NBU, tax and other regulatory authorities
from 3000 USD
  • Consulting on the conditions of a factoring company
  • Consulting on licensing terms for factoring companies
  • Registration of a legal entity
  • Advising on current requirements and the procedure for submitting reports to the NBU, tax and other regulatory authorities
  • Preparation and submission of documents for obtaining a license and entering into the register of financial institutions without accompanying the consideration of the case in the NBU
from 11 000 USD
  • Consulting on the conditions of a factoring company
  • Consulting on licensing terms for factoring companies
  • Advising on current requirements and the procedure for submitting reports to the NBU and other regulatory authorities
  • Registration of a legal entity
  • Submission of prepared documents to the NBU for entry into the register of financial companies with support of the case in the NBU and a guarantee of a positive result
  • Submission of prepared documents to the NBU for obtaining a license for factoring activities with support of the case in the NBU and a guarantee of a positive result

Legal advice on registering a factoring company

If you want to register a factoring (collection) company in Ukraine, it would be useful to know how the process works. We hold introductory consultations for the Clients, where we answer the following questions:

  • What are the stages of factoring company registration process?

  • How long does it take to go through the procedure?

  • What is the cost of factoring company registration in Ukraine?

  • What advantages do we offer our Clients?

Lawyer's fee for registration of factoring company in Ukraine includes the price of introductory consultation.

It is important to note that inclusion of financial institutions in the register is the first mandatory stage, without which it is impossible to obtain a factoring license. There are no additional payments when entering financial institutions into the register.

In addition, when obtaining a license, you need to pay a state fee in the amount of one living wage for able-bodied persons (from December 1, 2020 - 2270 hryvnia), the size for the next year will be known after the approval of the state budget for 2021.

Work with a lawyer can take place remotely, so visiting the office is an optional term.

Prior to submitting documents to the National Financial Services Commission, they go through the process of proofreading and checking with specialized lawyers in the financial services market. This, in turn, excludes the possibility that the commission will not consider them or that the result will be negative.

Why us

We support obtaining other licenses in the National Commission
We support obtaining other licenses in the National Commission
Specialized lawyers of our company support the obtainment of other licenses issued by the National Financial Services Commission (pawnshop, financial leasing, etc.).
Full range of service provision
Full range of service provision
We get the company included in the register of financial institutions. This stage is mandatory when obtaining a license for factoring. It is provided under a separate agreement.
We work with all regions of Ukraine, as well as non-residents
We work with all regions of Ukraine, as well as non-residents
Since the work can take place remotely, your location does not matter. Our company also has English-speaking lawyers specializing in providing services to foreigners.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

Certificate of financial institution registration issued in May of 2019
Our lawyers assisted the client in registration of factoring company in the Register of financial institutions. The services were of comprehensive nature and included preparation of the necessary paperwork.

You can review  the documents that must be provided for the first stage of registration of a collection company - entering the company in the register of financial institutions, - at the following ink.

Factoring activities are regulated by several legislative acts simultaneously: the Commercial Code, the Civil Code and the Law of Ukraine “On Banks and Banking”.

Factoring agreement

Under a factoring agreement, one party (the Factor) transfers (or agrees to transfer) money to the other side (the Client) for a fee, and the Client yields or agrees to yield to the factor its right to claim money against a third party (the Debtor).

Subject matter of the contract

The subject matter is the material requirements of the Client to a third party, which arise from the provision of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services to a third party.

Content of the contract

A typical factoring agreement should include the following points:

  1. definition of terms;
  2. general provisions;
  3. subject matter of the contract;
  4. assurances and warranties;
  5. settlement procedure;
  6. rights and obligations of the parties;
  7. responsibility of the parties;
  8. precautionary measures;
  9. force majeure circumstances;
  10. duration of the agreement;
  11. dispute resolution;
  12. confidentiality;
  13. name, address and banking details of the parties.

Is it possible to obtain not just a factoring license for a financial company but other financial licenses as well?

Yes, it is possible. However, you do not need to get the company re-entered in the register of financial institutions.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to obtain not just a factoring license for a financial company but other financial licenses as well?

Yes, it is possible. However, you do not need to get the company re-entered in the register of financial institutions.

Do you help with the audit report?

Yes, we do help. By selecting the appropriate audit company and communication with the auditors.

How long is the license valid for?

The factoring license is issued with no time limit.

What is the minimum amount of the authorized capital of a legal entity?

The minimum authorized capital is 3 million hryvnias.

Registration of a factoring company and licensing of collection activities: interesting information

In any factoring operation, three entities participate:

  • A lender - an individual or legal entity providing a loan at a certain percentage;
  • A debtor is an entity that undertakes to repay a loan;
  • A Factor - a bank or financial company that provides factoring services and buys the right to claim.

Basically, the factoring procedure has the following form:

  1. The supplier provides services or provides the buyer with goods and services with deferred payment;
  2. The supplier transmits to the factor the documents confirming the occurrence of the receivable;
  3. The factor covers most of the debt (up to 95%).
  4. The debtor pays for the goods or services;

The lender and the factor make final settlements among themselves: the factor receives their money back with an additional commission for services, the seller receives the rest of the funds due to them (5 - 30%).

Open a collection agency with us

We understand the reluctance of many of our Clients to independently figuring out the hodgepodge and intricacies of modern legislation. In the end, you have to spend a lot of time and effort to gain knowledge that will never be useful in life.

Our main goal as a law firm that wants to create a new quality standard for the entire legal market is to make the solution of any legal issues simple, secure and effective.

We bring our goal to life every day, working in accordance with our own standards:

  • We are reliable. If we take up the work, it will be done on time and with high quality.
  • We are always in touch. You will not have to search for or call our Client-Manager, he/she will keep you updated on the situation in a way that is convenient for you.
  • It’s easy with us. We are not trying to throw our weight around or deliberately over complicate the situation far-fetched. Our task is to make sure that you understand the situation well and are aware of what the best way is to act.
  • It’s efficient with us. Our lawyers have deep legal expertise in various areas of law, which gives them an opportunity to resolve issues faster, calculate risks in advance and choose the best option possible.

If You wish to open a factoring company easy and fast - call us!

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer