An educational license

Cost of services

from 1100 USD
от 2000 USD
School license
from 300 USD
An educational license
Based on 200 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • Assisting the client in understanding the need for an educational license and providing consultation on the matter.

  • Analyzing the documents provided by the client for obtaining the educational license.

  • Preparing and sending the client the necessary documents for obtaining the educational license, including details on material and technical resources, information technology support, project teams, and more.

  • Representing the client's interests and liaising with the licensing authority to facilitate the process of obtaining the educational license.

  • Upon receiving the decision to grant the license, determining the current payment details for the government fee and providing assistance to the client in making the payment if required.

Our Advantages

  • We have the best experience and a deep understanding of all the nuances of this process. We offer consultations regarding your documentation with the licensing authority.

  • We take responsibility to ensure that you successfully obtain an educational license right from the first attempt.

  • Whether you are planning to make earlier education and open a kindergarten or a higher education institution, we are ready to assist you. Even if the license is not your main goal, we will develop a secure plan for launching your educational institution.

  • Our support goes beyond securing the license; we extend legal, accounting, and personnel consultations at every stage of establishing and growing your educational institution.


Documents required for obtaining the Educational License

List of documents
A scanned copy of the extract or the EDRPOU code
A scanned copy of the extract or the EDRPOU code
A scanned copy of the charter or other constituent document
A scanned copy of the charter or other constituent document
Scanned copies of the documents confirming the ownership or right to use the premises
Scanned copies of the documents confirming the ownership or right to use the premises

Who needs an Educational License?

To operate legally as an educational institution, you must get educational license from the relevant regulatory body. An Educational License is necessary only if you plan to issue official state-approved diplomas to your clients or students. 

You must get educational license to officially conduct the training programs. If you intend to establish small language courses or offer skill training without providing officially recognized diplomas, then you do not require a license.

Our company specializes in assisting with license acquisition for the following institutions:

  • Kindergartens;
  • Schools;
  • Online schools;
  • Vocational schools;
  • Technical colleges;
  • Higher educational institutions.

We also provide support for licensing supplementary educational institutions.

We highly recommend starting the preparation for obtaining an educational license for a higher education institution by scheduling a "Roadmap Consultation." During this consultation, you will receive comprehensive information about the possible pathway to obtain the license, step-by-step instructions, and a legal analysis tailored to your specific situation.

For schools, initial consultation with a lawyer to discuss crucial aspects, assess the resources you currently have, and receive the best fundamental recommendations will be sufficient to commence the licensing process. 

Timelines and cost of obtaining an Educational License

To teach in public schools, educators are required to obtain a teacher license. For schools, including online schools and preschools, the license can typically be obtained within a few months. However, for professional and university-level education, including preparatory programs, the process may extend to around one to one and a half years.

Our service fees cover the development of all necessary documents required for the teaching license. For higher education institutions, we conduct a thorough analysis of the candidates' documentation for the teaching staff and assist in program development.

Obtaining a teacher license demonstrates a commitment to professionalism and high standards in the field of education. Also securing a teaching license is very important in the field of education. It's worth noting that the licensing process for educational institutions in Ukraine may experience longer timelines due to the ongoing military situation. We recommend preparing for potential delays in such circumstances. 

Service packages offers

from 1100 USD
  • Analysis of documents for the premises (the ratio of the area to the planned number of children, the number of floors and features of the area, if the floor is not the first, the availability of the necessary rooms and how they can be planned)
  • Help with the selection of the premises at the stage of its search (consulting whether this or that premises is suitable for carrying out activities in it)
  • Analysis of personnel documents (education, health documents, etc.)
  • Preparation of application, information and other documents for obtaining a license
  • Submitting documents to the licensing authority and accompanying their consideration
  • Provision of details for payment of the state fee for issuing a license
from 2000 USD
  • Analysis of documents for premises (the ratio of the area to the planned number of children and whether it will be possible to apply for the desired license volume with this, the availability of the necessary premises and whether it will be possible to plan them)
  • Help with the selection of premises at the stage of its search (consultation on whether this or that premises is suitable for carrying out activities in it)
  • Analysis of personnel documents (education, health status)
  • Preparation of an application, information and other documents for obtaining a school license
  • Submitting documents to the licensing authority and accompanying their consideration
  • Provision of details for payment of the state fee for issuing a license
from 90 000 USD
  • Analysis of documents for premises for the university (in particular, whether there is the necessary area and necessary offices, whether it is possible to move forward with this premises)
  • Help with the selection of premises at the stage of its search (consultation on whether this or that premises is suitable for carrying out activities in it)
  • Analysis of personnel documents, as well as analysis of personnel composition (level of education and scientific degrees, qualification, specialization, number in one or another specialization, is this enough)
  • Consulting on the existing material, technical and methodical base (suitable or not and what is missing)
  • Preparation of an application, information and other documents for obtaining a university license
  • Submitting documents to the licensing authority and accompanying their consideration
  • Provision of requisites for paying the state fee for issuing a license for higher education institutions
College/technical sch.
College/technical sch.
from 22 000 USD
  • Analysis of documents for the premises (in particular, whether there is the necessary area and necessary offices, whether it is possible to move forward with this premises)
  • Help with the selection of premises at the stage of its search (consultation on whether this or that premises is suitable for carrying out activities in it)
  • Analysis of personnel documents, as well as analysis of personnel composition (level of education and scientific degrees, qualification, specialization, number in one or another specialization, is this enough)
  • Consulting on the existing material, technical and methodical base (suitable or not and what is missing)
  • Preparation of an application, information and other documents for obtaining a license for a technical school, college or vocational school
  • Submitting documents to the licensing authority and accompanying their consideration
  • Provision of details for payment of the state fee for issuing a license for a technical school
from 300 USD
Oral consultation on general issues and nuances of obtaining a particular educational license.

Providing information to the Client about what to be prepared for, what to refuse in advance, etc

Elaboration of complex issues, such as:
  • whether a license is necessary in each specific case, or is it better to work without a license;
  • how exactly to build the work;
  • whether it is necessary to immediately obtain a permit for advanced training courses;
  • is it possible to open a university right away, or is a college better first and in which cases;
  • how to teach people a specialization if it is not included in the specialty classifier (for example, nutritionists);
  • in which cases obtaining a license does not lead to the goal and is optional, what in this case is better to do to increase the value;
  • is it worth getting a license for foreign language courses;
  • what to do if you want to train doctors and assign qualification points;
  • what is the best way to obtain a license, if obtaining it is necessary, etc.
Suggestions for optimizing the process of achieving the Client's goal

*the final price of the consultation is agreed exclusively on the basis of the client's pre-agreed questions in writing
Amending a Lisence
Amending a Lisence
from 1000 USD
  • Assess the client's situation and offer recommendations regarding the feasibility and relevance of the proposed changes.

  • Prepare the application, information, and other documents, and create a document package.

  • Pre-submission coordination of the documents with the relevant education authority.

  • Submit the documents to the appropriate authority and oversee their review process.

  • Obtain the outcome: either changes are recorded in the license registry, or we receive confirmation that the licensing authority has considered the modifications if the updated information isn't directly reflected in the license registry).

How much does it cost to obtain an Educational License?

The cost of obtaining an educational license depends on the type of educational institution and the desired timeline for acquiring the license. 

Please note that the license issuance fee and expenses for notarial services, such as notarizing a copy of the articles of association, are not included in our service charges.

Despite the ongoing military activities in Ukraine, educational licenses are still being issued, although the processing time may vary.

An educational license is granted indefinitely. However, if you make changes to your organization, such as replacing the director or changing the address, the license will need to be updated accordingly. You can easily get educational license with us. 

Required documents for obtaining an Educational License

The specific list of documents and information needed for an educational license may vary based on the type of license. However, here are some common requirements:

  • Website
  • Lease agreement
  • Bank details of the legal entity
  • Business premises address
  • Director's passport and identification code
  • Director's diploma (master's degree)
  • Director's certificate of proficiency in the official language
  • Director's medical record
  • A recent extract from the Unified State Register (obtained no more than 30 days before submission)

Obtaining a license and accreditation for educational institutions is a complex and time-consuming process. After reviewing your existing documents and assessing your material and technical readiness, we will compile the final set of documents and information required for submission to the licensing authority.

Why us

We are the company with many years of experience in obtaining various types of licenses, including the Educational License
We are the company with many years of experience in obtaining various types of licenses, including the Educational License
Our company has been providing legal support and assistance in obtaining different types of licenses since 2006. Our Clients include higher educational institutions. We have studied not only the legislation, but also the practice of licensing authorities along the way.
We work for results, not for process
We work for results, not for process
Unlike companies that charge for the time spent, our prices for obtaining licenses, including for carrying out educational activities, are fixed in the Legal Service Agreement concluded with the Client and do not change in the process of obtaining a license.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

Obtained a License for One of Kyiv's General Education Schools in 2024
Successfully assisted in obtaining a license for conducting educational activities at the primary, basic secondary, and specialized secondary education levels.
We received a license for a comprehensive school in 2023 for a client from Kyiv
Successfully helped to obtain a license in the field of educational activity at the levels (primary, basic secondary and specialized secondary education)

How to obtain an Education License: Lawyer consultation

The licensing conditions determine the types of institutions that are eligible to obtain an educational license, and accordingly, the types of educational services they can offer. These include:

  • Higher education
  • Postgraduate education
  • Pre-professional education
  • Professional (vocational-technical) education
  • General secondary education
  • Preschool education

A license is issued for a specific type of educational service. Each category has its own set of requirements that must be met. 

Requirements for obtaining an Education License 

To obtain a license for operating a secondary school, you need to meet the following requirements:

1. Facility. You must have suitable premises, with a minimum area of 20 square meters per licensed capacity for up to 100 students. The facility can be either owned or leased, but it must be a non-residential space.

2. Director's qualifications. The director of a private school must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of Ukraine.
  • Have a strong command of the official language.
  • Hold a master's degree or higher in education.
  • Have a physical and mental health condition that enables them to fulfill their job responsibilities, as verified by the appropriate entry in their medical record.

For specific requirements related to other types of educational licenses, we will provide detailed information as part of our service during the application process. 

State License for educational activities

Licenses for schools are issued by local authorities. For example, in the Kyiv region, the license is granted by the Kyiv Regional State Administration. During the current state of emergency, it is issued by the Kyiv Regional Military Administration. 

For higher education institutions, licenses are issued by the Ministry of Education. 

When it comes to kindergartens and schools, the process is relatively straightforward. Required documents, such as medical certificates and proof of proficiency in the Ukrainian language, are collected. Applications and statements for obtaining the license are submitted, and a decision is then made.

However, obtaining a license for universities is a more complex procedure. Before applying, the program must be coordinated and the faculty members carefully selected.

Answers to frequently asked questions

If we have a higher education licence, do we need to obtain a new licence to provide postgraduate education services or we can just add a new type of activity to an existing one?

You don’t need to obtain a new license. In order to add an additional type of educational activity, you need to go through the process of extending an existing license. It’s worth noting that this procedure is exactly the same as the procedure for obtaining a new license.

According to the licensing regulations, in order to obtain the license, the applicants shall submit the copies of their constituent documents. Does this mean that individual entrepreneurs cannot provide educational services?

According to the explanations provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, individual entrepreneurs can provide pre-primary education services only.

Obtaining an Education License for an LLC or a Sole Proprietorship

A teaching license is essential for educators to demonstrate their proficiency and commitment to quality instruction. So, it is important to get license for early or primary education services in Ukraine. A Sole Proprietorship is eligible for a license to operate a kindergarten, but for all other types of educational institutions, only legal entities are allowed. The specific legal structure of the entity is not a determining factor.

Early education plays a crucial role in shaping a child's development and future success. Regarding primary education or kindergartens, it is indeed possible to obtain a license as a sole proprietor. However, whether or not to pursue this option depends on various accounting considerations. 

Licensing non-governmental educational institutions

The requirements are the same regardless of whether they are governmental or non-governmental entities.

License for distance education (Online Education License)

Currently, there is no official concept of "online education" in the legislation. However, regarding distance education, the licensing conditions specify that in the case of implementing a distance learning format, the licensee must: 

  • Comply with the requirements for personnel and educational-methodical support of distance learning.
  • Ensure the establishment and functioning of a management system for distance learning and web resources for educational components (educational disciplines or programs).

License renewal for educational activities

The Education License is granted indefinitely. However, in the case of a sole proprietor’s demise, the license can be transferred to the successors.

When it comes to license renewal or making changes to the Education License, similar to many other types of licenses, it is necessary to update the information if any changes have occurred since the initial application.

To make changes, you must submit a notification within 30 days of the change taking place. Along with the notification, copies of the relevant documents that verify the modifications should be provided. All of this is done through the licensing authority.

Turnkey license for educational activities

Once we have mutually agreed upon the timelines and cost of services for obtaining a license in the field of education, we proceed to sign a contract with our client, outlining the provision of our legal services.

Once all the documents are prepared and approved by the client, our team submits the complete document package to the relevant licensing authority.

Upon receiving confirmation of the decision to issue the license, we promptly provide the client with the payment details for the applicable government fees.

It is important to retain the original bank receipt throughout the entire duration of the license as proof of payment.

We understand that each client's needs may vary, so we are flexible in tailoring our licensing, certification, and accreditation process to best suit your specific requirements.

If you are looking for the best and hassle-free assistance in obtaining an educational license, feel free to reach out to us!

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer
Koval Olha
Junior lawyer