Legislation news & FAQ


The global minimum tax rate of 15% (Pillar Two) is a game-changer for international businesses. Our lawyers can help you understand the new regulations and develop adaptation strategies.


Familiarize yourself with the changes in Ukrainian legislation regarding the registration of separate subdivisions of foreign legal entities. Our legal company "Pravova Dopomoha" will help you quickly adapt to the new requirements and avoid bureaucratic difficulties.


Rules for reserving ultimate beneficial owners: clarifications from the Ministry of Economy regarding business owner reservations. Legal advice on reserving military conscripts and preparing documents.


The government has introduced changes to the Licensing Conditions for medical practice, implementing new requirements for medical institutions. Our company will help you stay updated on these changes to avoid license revocation and fines.


The significant changes in Decree 309 will present a serious challenge for many rehabilitation centers and sole proprietor medical practitioners. Learn what needs to be done to retain state funding for your institution.


Why it is worth concluding a contract with the NHIA and what are the requirements for participation in the program? A medical law attorney will explain the benefits you will receive from entering into a contract with the NHIA, as well as the requirements to be met.


Changes to licensing conditions in the field of medical practice are becoming a necessity as well as an opportunity to improve the quality of medical services. Let's consider the most significant innovations in the licensing conditions for conducting business activities in medical practice, as well as their impact on the functioning of medical institutions.


Today, we have a large number of citizens who, without proper medical education, claim to be qualified "doctors." How to understand that a person is not actually a doctor? Let's discuss this topic, focusing especially on psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists.


Considering the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, changes have occurred in Ukrainian legislation regarding the procedure for acquiring citizenship. One of the key changes is the introduction of a comprehensive exam on the basics of the Constitution and the history of Ukraine as a mandatory requirement for obtaining citizenship.

What documents must be issued to personnel for the production of veterinary drugs?
Stages of closing a representative office of a foreign company in Ukraine.
Is it possible to close the representative office of the company in Ukraine in 2023? Where to begin?