Registration of a labor union (all-Ukrainian labor union or other)

Cost of services

from 2500 USD
Cost of the Labor Union Registration
Registration of a labor union (all-Ukrainian labor union or other)
Based on 200 reviews in Google

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What we offer

  • Provide verbal consultations on the rights and peculiarities of the labor union establishment and its activities;
  • Draft an application, charter or regulations, minutes of the founding meeting, information on elected bodies, information on founders of the union; 
  • Organize and support registration of a labor union at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (for all-Ukrainian labor unions) or its local authorities (for other labor unions);
  • Ensure obtainment of a seal;
  • Ensure obtainment of a non-profit status for the labor organization at the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.


Documents required for a labor union registration

List of documents
Information on the founding members of the future labor union
Information on the founding members of the future labor union
Copy of the director’s passport and Taxpayer Identification Number
Copy of the director’s passport and Taxpayer Identification Number
Name, address and contact information of the future labor union
Name, address and contact information of the future labor union
Sample documents for download
The cost of registering a union is USD 2,500.

No state fee shall be paid for the registration of a labor union.

The registration of a trade union in Kyiv takes 1,5 month.

The labor union is recorded in the Register of nonprofit organizations within 3 business days upon its registration (assignment of the EDRPOU code). It takes another week to get a paper confirmation of record of the labor union in the Register of nonprofit organizations.

Why us

We have gained trust of not only businesses, but of the state authorities as well
We have gained trust of not only businesses, but of the state authorities as well
We have repeatedly confirmed our expertise when supporting the registration of labor unions (including all-Ukrainian unions) not only for the private sector, but also for the central executive authorities.
We have a solution to meet your needs
We have a solution to meet your needs
Are your labor rights violated? Do you want to create your own labor union in the shortest possible time? Do you have an industrial enterprise, represented in many regions and need a specific structure and the all-Ukrainian status for the labour union? Our lawyers have an individual solution for you.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

We have recently received a decision on state registration for the creation of a trade union which has the status of an all-Ukrainian union.
The trade union is deemed to be established and given the status of a legal entity and the UGREOU code is assigned to it.
REGISTRATION OF TRADE UNION (All-Ukrainian Trade Union Organization)
05/25/2020 registered the Trade Union in Kyiv.

A labor union becomes a legal entity upon approval of its organizational document (charter or regulations), rather than upon its registration. This means that the labor union is considered to be established, when, for example, its charter is approved and signed. After that it shall be registered. The labor union shall be registered within 60 days following signing of its organizational documents.

The law of Ukraine stipulates that the  Ministry of Justice cannot refuse to register a labor union. In case of failure of the organizational documents to comply with the current law, the Ministry of Justice can only advise on amending the documents. But in practice it is not so easy to do, because in case of any deficiencies in the charter or the regulations, the Ministry of Justice requires to hold a new meeting to amend the documents.

Only citizens of Ukraine can be founding members of labor unions. Foreigners and stateless persons are not entitled to create a labor union, but they can join already existing labor unions as their members.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can two labor unions be established within one company?

Yes. This is firstly due to the fact that the legalization authority has no right to refuse to register a labor union. If the company already has a primary labor union, but there are people who apply for registration of another one, it will be registered.

Do we need to notify the company’s management of our intention to establish a labor union and get approval?

No, pursuant to the law of Ukraine, no approval is required to establish labor unions. But you should decide whether you are comfortable to work at an enterprise where you do something without the knowledge of the management.

Registration of a Labor Union Information

Registration (legalization) of all-Ukrainian labor unions and their associations is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

Registration of other labor unions and their associations shall be carried out by local departments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

The registration authority cannot refuse to register a labor union, but may require additional documentation if the submitted documents do not meet its requirements.

Procedure for the Labor Union Registration 

The first step involves consultations, during which the Client shall provide us with all the information necessary for drafting the required documents. Then we draft necessary documents and agree them upon with the Client.

The next step involves the registration of a labor union and other related actions (obtainment of a nonprofit status, a seal, etc.).

As a result, the Client receives documents on the registration of the labor union, which is fully ready for carrying out its activity.

We can change the standard procedure for a Labor Union Registration to a more convenient option for you.

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer