Registration of corporation, association, concern, consortium

Cost of services

1500 USD
Document Analysis and Roadmap
from 5000 USD
Package of documents + Assistance with the Antimonopoly Committee
Registration of corporation, association, concern, consortium
Based on 200 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • Advise the Client on the peculiarities of various types of the association of enterprises;
  • Help the Client to choose the type of the association of enterprises that best meets their needs;
  • Prepare a set of documents for registration;
  • Register the association of enterprises and carry out related actions;
  • Obtain the approval of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (if necessary);
  • Obtain a seal.


Documents for registration of the association of enterprises

List of documents
Copy of the the founding legal entity’s Charter certified by a notary
Copy of the the founding legal entity’s Charter certified by a notary
Original certificate confirming the absence of debt to the budget for each founder
Original certificate confirming the absence of debt to the budget for each founder
Copies of the financial statements (balance sheets) of the founders
Copies of the financial statements (balance sheets) of the founders

In addition to the abovementioned documents, the Client shall also provide us with the minutes or order of appointment of the directors of the founding legal entities, as well as information on the future association: name, address, passport details and tax identification number of the governing body members or its head, in case of a sole governing body.

The registration services price does not include the cost of obtaining the approval of the Antimonopoly Committee for establishing an association of enterprises. Not all cases require the obtaining of the approval, and this issue shall be discussed separately.

The registration of the association or other type of the association of enterprises takes 14 business days and more after we agreed the prepared set of documents with the Client.

Why us

When working with us, you don’t need to personally contact state authorities
When working with us, you don’t need to personally contact state authorities
Our lawyers prepare all necessary documents on the basis of information provided by the Client and then send them back for signing. We carry out all necessary actions related to the registration of the association of enterprises under the power of attorney.
We focus primarily on the Client’s overall goal
We focus primarily on the Client’s overall goal
Before registering a particular type of the association of enterprises, we analyze the Client’s needs. After that, our specialists either proceed to its registration, or advise the Client on the best option.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

Change in the composition of participants
Description: Helped the association to change the composition of the participants and put in order the constituent documents

The Economic Code of Ukraine (hereinafter - the Code) divides business associations according to their the form of ownership into three types: economic associations, state economic associations, municipal economic associations.

Economic associations can be subdivided into associations, corporations, consortiums and concerns. The Code also mentions “other business associations provided for by the law of Ukraine”, but without any details.

Most often, economic associations are incorporated in the form of associations and corporations. Associations of enterprises have the status of a legal entity. Founding companies do not lose their status of legal entities, but as a rule, some of their asset management functions are delegated to the association.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is required to establish an association of enterprises?

To establish the association of enterprises, there shall be at least two enterprises willing to unite for coordinating their industrial activities and addressing common economic issues. These enterprises shall conclude an agreement or approve the association’s charter. In some cases, it is required to obtain the approval of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to establish an association of enterprises.

Is anyone free to withdraw from the association of enterprises?

The Economic Code of Ukraine provides for the right to freely withdraw from the association. The withdrawal conditions shall be specified in the Founder Agreement or the association’s charter. Thus, when establishing an association you should pay special attention to its constituent documents. Therefore, it is better to hire legal services and draw upon the expertise of professionals.

Registration of association of enterprises. Additional information

During the consultations we primarily advise the Client on a type of the association of enterprises that best meets their needs (this kind of services has recently gained a high popularity). After that, our specialists prepare the constituent documents, coordinating them with the Client. After the agreement of the constituent documents, we register the association of enterprises and carry out all related actions.


If you want to order services for registration of association or any other type of the association of the enterprises, please don’t hesitate to contact our company’s specialists.

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer