Comments on legislation


We consider the procedures for annulling and suspending a medical license in Ukraine: from causes and consequences to recovery possibilities. Legal advice for medical institutions. 


Buying property in Ukraine as a foreigner is a real opportunity for a profitable investment or setting up a home. It is important to consider legal nuances, prepare the necessary documents, and follow the rules for a secure transaction.


Obtaining a psychologist license in Ukraine: clarifying important aspects of licensing, differences between a psychologist, psychotherapist, and psychiatrist, as well as a step-by-step guide on the procedure and necessary documents.


Analysis of the practice of filing reports on controlled foreign companies (CFCs) in Ukraine in 2024. Difficulties faced by taxpayers and clarifications from tax authorities.


Planning a trip abroad? Find out the rules for carrying cash from Ukraine, how much money you can take without declaring, and how to avoid fines.


Obtaining a license for private medical practice is a crucial step in legalizing medical activity. Considering the requirements for premises, staff, and equipment, the process requires thorough preparation.


The Day-Ahead Market enables the purchase and sale of electricity one day prior to consumption. It opens new opportunities for stable planning, cost reduction, and successful operation in the energy market.


Inheriting property from abroad can be a challenge for Ukrainians living outside Ukraine. Learn how to organize the process correctly, avoid mistakes, and protect your rights.


How to open a medical room in a kindergarten? What is needed to obtain a license and comply with legislative requirements?


Issuing a power of attorney abroad for use in Ukraine helps resolve matters without the need to return to the country. We explain how to properly draft the document and avoid legal mistakes.


Closing a sole proprietorship requires a proper tax audit. Learn what documents to prepare and how to pass the audit remotely to avoid fines and penalties.