Obtainment of cadastre number in Kyiv

Cost of services

from 600 USD
Obtaining a cadastral number in the Kiev region
from 5000 USD
Obtaining a cadastral number in Kiev
Obtainment of cadastre number in Kyiv
Based on 500 reviews in Google

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What we offer

The service "Receipt of cadastral number" includes provision of consultations to the Client on all issues related to obtaining cadastral number for the land plot, preparation of all necessary draft documents, representation of the Client's interests in the territorial body of the State Agency for Land Reclamation, obtaining cadastral number.

After the end of the services you will receive a cadastral number on your land plot.


The basic cost of receiving a cadastral number in Kyiv - 5000 USD, in Kyiv region - 600 USD.

The total term of receiving the cadastral number is up to 25 working days.

Legal advice on obtaining a cadastral number for land

If you want to assess your chances, clearly understand all the risks in advance and understand the procedure in detail - order an introductory legal consultation on land law.

At such a consultation, our lawyer will:
  • Analyze your situation and main goal;
  • Tell you about the risks of the procedure;
  • Tell you about the nuances of the procedure;
  • He will offer an optimal algorithm of actions that suits you.

Required documents to obtain a cadastral number

Documents that are required to obtain a cadastral number:
  • Notarized copy of the old-style State Act;
  • copy of passport and copy of identification code (individuals);
  • notarized copy of the registration certificate, charter, copy of the tax payment certificate.

What to know about the cadastral number obtainment

The cadastral number is a unique number, which is assigned to the land plot.

Assigning of cadastral number to the land plot takes place once, and it is kept during the whole period of existence of the land plot.

There are two grounds for changing the cadastral number of the land plot: division of the land plot and consolidation of one land plot with another one.

The cadastral number of the land plot is necessary for making transactions of purchase and sale, exchange, donation, mortgage.

Please contact us and we will help you get the cadastral number on the land plot.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

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