Obtaining of permission to attract foreigners to volunteer activities in Ukraine

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 Work Permit for a Foreigner in Ukraine
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Volunteering activity is a freewill, socially directed, nonprofit activity performed by volunteers by means of providing the volunteering help (works or services performed free of cost).

According to the Law of Ukraine “About volunteering activity”, foreigners may perform the volunteering activity exceptionally through organizations which provide that.

Information about such organizations should be obligatorily placed on the official website of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine which provides the forming and implementation of the state policy in the sphere of volunteering activity.

A mandatory condition for being included in the list of such organizations is that they should be nonprofit (public organizations/unions, charity organizations).

To be included, an organization should provide a written application on the company’s letterhead paper in which the following information should be provided:

  • full name of the organization/establishment;
  • code according to the EGRPOU (the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine);
  • location of legal entity (according to state registration);
  • postal address;
  • phone number for communication;
  • e-mail address;
  • website.

 The sector of volunteering of the Ministry of Social Policy, within 3 work days after getting a corresponding application, includes an organization in the list (it is placed on the official website of the Ministry) or rejects it, on the grounds of unreliable information or an incorrectly made application.

In case it is required to confirm in written the information about the possibility of engaging the foreigners in the volunteering activity, a request may be given in the application about providing a written response for an organization.

Then the Ministry of Social Policy, within 30 calendar days after receiving a request, sends via post a response letter providing information about inclusion in the Register of organizations which may engage foreigners in the volunteering activity.

Consequently, the nonprofit organizations may engage foreigners in the volunteering activity, which is confirmed by inclusion in the corresponding list.

Based on the above information, we can make a conclusion that when making documents flawlessly, it is not that difficult to get permission. However, for 100% guarantee of getting permission for engaging foreigners in the volunteering activity within short time, it is better to apply to professionals for help.

Publication date: 30/01/2019

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