Where To Get An Employment Record For A Security Specialist?

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In order to obtain a Security Services License, the applicant shall submit to the licensing authority, among other documents, information on the security team leader, including an employment record. This document is required to confirm the length of service in the officer and management positions. 

Knowing where to find such an employment record is crucial, as it directly affects the decision of the licensing authority on whether your specialist meets the requirements of the law. This means it has a direct impact on whether you are granted or rejected a Security Services Licence.

Please note! Persons that have worked for a private security company and want to obtain a Security Services Licence do not need such a record. All they need is an employment record book with three years of work experience. Thus, only former servicemen or persons who have worked in law enforcement agencies need to get an employment record. 

Where to get an employment record for obtaining a Security Services License?

The employment record of servicemen can be found in their personal file which is formed at the place of the initial assignment of the military rank, with its subsequent transfer to a new military unit (provided that the specialist has moved to a new place of service). 

After dismissal from military service, the specialists may obtain a copy of the employment records from their personal files in the unit where they served. So that servicemen can obtain a copy of their employment record, the unit creates a copy of their personal file from which you get the employment record. 

Як отримати військовий список  для отримання охоронної ліцензії?

In order to initiate the whole process, a serviceman shall submit a request for creating a copy of the personal file. 

Related article: Requirements To The Security Specialist

If you need to get the employment record of a law enforcement officer, you shall apply to the human resources department of the institution, which belongs to the law enforcement body with a request for a copy of the officer’s employment record. 

It’s worth remembering that obtaining an employment record is only one of the steps in the process of preparing documents needed to obtain a Security Services License.

If you are not sure whether your security specialist meets all the legal requirements and whether all the documents are properly developed, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Publication date: 11/03/2020

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