We helped a medical center to license its medical practice in Kiev

Cost of services:

from 18 000 UAH
1-3 specialties
from 18 000 UAH
from 26 000 UAH
More than 3 specialties
License for medical practice in Ukraine
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Obtainment of medical practice licenses after 2013 - our experience

In January 2013 we were addressed by a company that wanted to open a Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) office in Kiev. So it requested obtainment of medical practice license from the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine.

At the moment when the Client addressed us he had already:

  • Rented a premise of Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism named after V.P Komisarenko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and got the certificate from the Sanitary and Epidemiologic Service which confirmed compliance of the premise with sanitary and epidemiological requirements;
  • Bought an MRI scanner.

At the moment when the Client addressed us he had already had legal advices of several law firms about obtainment of license but he still had some questions about listed in the certificate of the Sanitary and Epidemiologic Service medical specialties.

The thing is that the conclusion certificate of the Sanitary and Epidemiologic Service among other specialties listed "radiology" and some legal consultants believed that the activities of the MRI room require specialty of "functional diagnostics". This option was not very convenient for the Client because he would have to obtain conclusion certificate of the Sanitary and Epidemiologic once again.

The analysis of Client’s documents for equipment that was performed by our legal experts as well as their comparison with stipulations of legislation showed that the Client’s MRI scanner actually required “radiology” specialty.

After legal advice provision on the issue our legal experts:

  • developed staff schedule of a medical center;
  • helped to make sure that equipment of premises is in accordance with license terms;
  • prepared an application for the license obtainment and required information (about material and technological base, medical staff as well as regulatory documents related to issues of standardization).

Despite the fact that entire service was provided during the period when medical practice license terms were being changed our Client was among first medical centers in Ukraine that obtained medical practice license in accordance with new license terms.

This practice describes our service which was ordered by Medical center LLC “Preobrazhenska klinika” which successfully conducts its activities at the following address: Kiev, Vyshgorodska street, building 69.

Publication date: 01/02/2013

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