Legal Guide for Foreign Persons in Ukraine

Ukraine is quite a tempting place for investors. At the same time the vast majority of the analysts indicate the excessive state regulation of economic relations as a fact that reduces its attractiveness for investments. It’s partially true.

But this fact is not obstructive for making successful business in Ukraine. As in any European country laws need to be known and followed. It is absolutely clear that this cannot be complied without reliable legal partner.

Legal Guide for Foreign Persons in Ukraine is a joint project of our firm and The Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry that was created to become a reliable partner for the foreign persons with business activity in Ukraine.

Purpose of the project

The purpose of the project is to provide foreign investors with the information about peculiarities of legal regulation and law enforcement practice for an effective performance of activities under Ukrainian jurisdiction.  

In particular:
  • For the investor who is only planning to enter Ukrainian market – types and regulation of investment protection, legal forms of entities, tax and customs regulations, the key features of Ukrainian labor legislation, regimes of temporary and permanent stay in Ukraine and others;
  • For the investor who starts his activities in Ukraine – advising and assistance in the development and registration of corporate structures, adapting of the contractual relations to the Ukrainian legislation, assistance in obtaining of all the necessary permits and licenses;
  • For the investors who are running their business in Ukraine – legal advice and solving of specific problems.

Forms of project fulfillment

  • Preparation and distribution of the printed manual that contains analytical articles (reviews) of the main branches of law;
  • Conducting of seminars, roundtables, business lunches;
  • Creation of the electronic version of the project that will contain more detailed information and keeping its actuality on permanent basis.

Brochure that was published within the project

Legal Guide for Foreign Persons in Ukraine

Successful fulfillment of the project will help to increase the awareness of the current and potential investors about Ukrainian legal realities and will help to navigate through them. We believe our project will lead to the increase in business efficiency and the investment flow in Ukraine.