How to open an account for a charitable foundation in Ukraine?
Cost of services:
from 1400 USD/month
Legal support for a charitable organisation
from 850 USD
Documents to start activities
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Vice President E. Nayshtetik , All-Ukrainian Council for Patients’ Rights and Safety
We highly appreciate professionalism of your team as well as your personal qualities in the field of regulatory support of activities of charities, contractual formalization of relations, tax legislation
A charitable foundation is an organization that does not aim at making a profit and its further distribution among its participants.
The unprofitability of the fund means the absence of cash transactions. For the full functioning of the charitable foundation, you need to open a bank account. No organization can operate without a bank account, and a charitable foundation is no exception.
Banking operations are the primary source for analyzing the activities of any organization. The requirements of non-profit organizations, the procedure for opening and managing a bank account should be treated responsibly.
In this article, we will talk about the nuances of opening a bank account for a charitable foundation and the features of managing its funds.

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