Comments on legislation
Qualification requirements, responsibilities and work features of a General and medical director at medical institutions
Can a private institution provide medical care, both emergency and non-emergency ambulance, and what requirements does it have to comply with according to the law?
Features of legislative regulation in obtaining a medical license in the field of restorative medicine (physical therapy)
This material will cover step-by-step instruction on how to get rid of a directorship of LLC without the decision of the general meeting, as well as the issue of responsibility of a director for the violations, committed on behalf of the legal entity.
Peculiarities of legislative regulation and practical aspects regarding passenger transportation by Uber
Which requirements does the licensing body set for website design of a financial company and how does it affect obtainment of a license?
In this commentary, we will help your company to bring its activity in line with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)