The procedure of getting temporary residence permit for a foreigner-volunteer

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Law of Ukraine "On legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship", order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "On temporary procedure of issuance regular and temporary residence permits" guarantee the full list of reasons according to which foreigners and persons without citizenship can stay legally in Ukraine. The new complicated work permit rules come into force in the end of September 2017. Considering this fact, it is not a bad choice for a foreigner-volunteer to get a temporary residence permit for staying legally in Ukraine. As follows, laws of Ukraine guarantee a real opportunity to get a temporary residence permit for a foreigner-volunteer so let's look through the practical aspects of this procedure.

This procedure include a few stages. The first one is registration of organization and getting a volunteer status for it. There are no limits for types of volunteer organizations. Just keep in mind that according to the Law of Ukraine "On volunteer activity" a volunteer activity is a form of charitable activity so it is better to establish non-governmental or charitable organization. After registration NGO can start a process of getting a volunteer status.

If organization invites foreigners in Ukraine then obtaining of a volunteer status is a necessary requirement. Documents with information about site, head, contacts of organizations are submitted to the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. It is interesting that laws don't empower the Ministry to issue this status to organizations. The Law of Ukraine "On volunteer activity" has an article which says that the Ministry must publish List of volunteer organizations via its site. The Ministry performs according to this article during a procedure of obtaining a volunteer status.

Whether to sign an agreement with a foreigner, organization decides by itself. It depends on kinds of organization's activity. There is a full list of reasons when an agreement must be signed according to the Law of Ukraine "On a volunteer activity". For example, in case of providing a police or military assisting or in case of a liquidation of natural disaster's consequences. Practically, a volunteer organization doesn't sign an agreement with foreigners. It only submits a petition for a foreigner-volunteer during a procedure of getting a temporary residence permit to State Migration Service of Ukraine. Let's examine the required documents for getting a temporary residence permit attentively.

Foreigner comes to take part in volunteer events so he must submit not only a usual list of documents (passport, its translation, photos, a bank receipts, an application) but also documents which confirm that organization has a right to invite foreigners-volunteers. An organization's petition and its registration document are submitted to State Migration Service of Ukraine. There is has to be an infornation about place of staying, target of staying etc. So the petition should consist the whole information about providing a foreigner with a legal staying in Ukraine. Extract from Unified State Register is a registration document. During examination of documents, State Migration Service of Ukraine also check the Ministry's List of volunteer organizations.

In conclusion we want to say that getting a temporary residence permit for avolunteer is a real opportunity for foreigners if they have a thorough and well-defined plan. Our lawyers can provide you with this.

Publication date: 21/09/2017

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