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Частные детские сады, возможно, самый распространенный вид частных учебных заведений в Украине. Несмотря на простоту открытия дошкольного учебного заведения и его функционирование, как это может показаться на первый взгляд, все не так-то просто. Ведь речь идет о маленьких детях, их развитии и безопасности. Именно поэтому большую роль играют требования к заведению, и в нашем случае – санитарно-гигиенические нормы по содержанию помещений и оборудованию детского сада.

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the full text of this article is available only in Ukrainian and Russian versions. 

If You are interested in this issue and You want to get a paid consultation on the topic - contact us via the forms of communication, by phone or through any other convenient way. 

With all respects,
Team of "Pravova dopomoga" law company.

Publication date: 25/12/2023
Marina Losenko

About author

Name: Marina Losenko

Position: Associate

Education: National Aviation University

Knowledge of languages: Russian, Ukrainian

Email: [email protected]

Marina Losenko is a lawyer of the company, specializing in corporate law and intellectual property law.

Marina has extensive experience of registration and dissolution of enterprises, charities and non-governmental organizations, representative offices of foreign companies as well as formalization of changes to registration information of the entities.

For quite a long time she has been working in the field of licensing and obtained licenses for different types of business activities including sale of medicines (license for activities of drugstores); wholesale of pesticides and agrochemicals; activities with scrap; activities with hazardous wastes; operations with scrap of precious metals and gemstones; private security services; transportation; tour services; use of redio frequency resource; IPTV services, etc.

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Our other authors

Marina Losenko
Tatiana Ryzhova
Head of the Legal Department – Head of Corporate and International Law Practice
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Junior lawyer
Olha Koval