How long does it take to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine?

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Obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine
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The process of legalizing your stay in Ukraine consists of several stages, each of which has its own procedure and terms. These terms may vary and depend, first of all, on the knowledge of the procedure and efficiency of its structuring .

Without knowing the details, you may not only overextend the preparation of documents, but also miss the deadline for their submission, or make mistakes, which will lead to rejection and the need to start the procedure over again.

We are a team of specialists skilled in immigration and other areas of law. Today we will tell you about the practical terms of obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit, and how to protect yourself from rejection and unnecessary delays.

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How long does it take to get a Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine?

In order to obtain a Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine, you need to have some grounds. We have already elaborated on the key grounds here. The terms may vary depending on the basis on which you are going to apply for a Temporary Residence Permit.

First of all, this concerns the stage of preparation of the documents, because some grounds may require additional actions. For example, when you apply for a Temporary Residence Permit on the basis of employment in Ukraine, you will first need to get a Work Permit. Or, if we are talking about the lack of clear grounds, and you choose the company registration option in Ukraine - it will also take you some time to register an LLC and to get a Work Permit on its behalf.

So, we distinguish the first stage of the procedure for obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit - preparation of documents.

This stage can take from a few days, if properly arranged, to several months, if you don’t know all procedural aspects.

The main thing you need to remember at this stage:

  • All documents in a foreign language (passports, marriage certificates, etc.) must be translated into Ukrainian, and the translation must be certified by a notary;

  • In Ukraine you will need to get a health insurance policy - this can be done within 1 day;

  • You will need to submit the documents in person - this means that at the time of submission you must be in Ukraine. But it is important not to miss the deadline - no later than 25 calendar days before the permitted stay expires. This means that you have no more than 2 months to prepare all the documents in Ukraine (assuming the permitted period of stay in Ukraine of 90 days).

Our company carries out the preparatory stage, depending on the grounds and with the assistance of the Client, in 1-2 weeks. If you need to get a Work Permit beforehand, another 2 weeks are added to the time frame. In this case, the Client can be abroad until the very last moment and come on the document submission day.

When the documents package is fully prepared, the foreigner has obtained visa D for entering Ukraine and arrived to submit documents, we proceed to the second stage - consideration of documents by the Migration Service of Ukraine.

This stage has its own clear deadline - 15 business days. Within this period the Service must process your documents and provide its decision.

This stage may be delayed only due to forced pauses in the work of the state authority, for example, during the quarantine period.

At this stage, our experts prefer to constantly be in touch with the Migration Service to monitor the review of documents and to be able to promptly correct mistakes, avoiding the permit rejection.

After a positive decision on the issuance of a Temporary Residence Permit, we proceed to the third stage - the completion of the procedure for obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine.

After getting a Temporary Residence Permit, you will need to register your place of residence in Ukraine. According to the law, you must do this within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Temporary Residence Permit. 

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Can I speed up the procedure of obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine?

Since the time frames for the second and third stages are established by law, you can’t actually influence them. 

This means that you can somehow affect the period of obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit only at the stage of preparation of documents.

Our company offers an accelerated procedure for obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit for the Clients, to whom speed is the main factor and the main need.

We help at all stages of obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit, including subsequent registration of the place of residence in Ukraine.

You can check the cost of obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine with our team here, or contact our call-center for a personal package of services.

Do you want to obtain a Temporary Residence Permit simply and at the best time? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We will find the best solution for you and will put it into practice.

Didn’t find an answer to your question?

Everything about the procedure for obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit here.

Publication date: 27/10/2021

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