How to Open a Pharmacy in a Village

Cost of services:

from 15 000 UAH
Drugstore license
from 80 000 UAH
License for a drugstore storage
License for sale of medicines (drugstore license)
Based on 200 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

Recently, a client approached us wanting to open a pharmacy in a small village. For such villages, a pharmacy is not just a convenience but a necessity. Not many residents can easily travel to the district center or the nearest settlement with a pharmacy to purchase necessary medications. However, to open a pharmacy, it is necessary to find a suitable premise that meets all licensing requirements. As experience shows, this is often unrealistic. Therefore, it is necessary to rent or buy what is available and then adapt it to meet the requirements for a pharmacy.

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With all respects,
Team of "Pravova dopomoga" law company.

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Publication date: 09/08/2024

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