First Legal Consultation: When Should You Start Working with a Lawyer by Consulting?

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Pravova Dopomoga Law Firm is a professional team that has been successfully solving complex legal issues for our clients since 2006.  With years of experience, we deeply understand the importance of providing legal consultations. The initial consultation with a lawyer is a crucial stage that lays the foundation for successfully resolving any legal matter. It is the first step towards establishing trust between the client and the lawyer, which is crucial for further cooperation.

We've observed that many clients initially question the necessity of beginning their project with a consultation. They worry it might be an unnecessary expense or waste of time. However, they soon realize that these consultations help clarify the nature of their legal issues, identify optimal solutions, and more importantly, save time and money by avoiding unnecessary expenditures and errors. Following a consultation, our clients often express significant relief, armed with a clear understanding of the subsequent steps.

We firmly believe that effective legal consultations are fundamental to successful collaboration. They provide a detailed analysis of the situation, outline potential strategies, and specify the actions needed to achieve the desired outcomes. In this article, we'll discuss the primary reasons for starting with a consultation when engaging with a lawyer and review several case studies where consultations have proven to be time and cost-efficient. You’ll see how a well-timed consultation can be a game-changer in addressing your legal concerns.

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Legal Consultation: The First Steps Towards a Successful Case Resolution

It’s essential to understand that when clients approach us for assistance, they are investing not only in the consultation itself but also in gaining crucial information. Our legal consultations cover several aspects:

  • Analyzing documents;
  • Evaluating the client’s situation;
  • Assessing risks.

This comprehensive approach allows us to identify a course of action that is less costly, faster, or otherwise more convenient for the client. Such a legal consultation gives clients an initial evaluation of their situation, helping them to understand what steps need to be taken next, as well as to anticipate potential risks and costs. Thanks to the detailed analysis and recommendations from the lawyer, clients can avoid mistakes that could lead to unnecessary expenses, both in terms of time and money. This value is immense.

Here are the primary reasons to start working with a lawyer through a consultation:

  • The initial legal consultation allows the client to personally meet with the lawyer, and assess their competence, professionalism, and working style. Establishing trust between the client and the lawyer is crucial for successful collaboration.
  • During the consultation, the lawyer performs an initial case analysis, identifies the key legal aspects, and evaluates potential risks. This helps the client get an overall understanding of their case and what challenges they may encounter in resolving their issue.
  • The consultation facilitates the development of a preliminary action plan that helps avoid unnecessary future expenses and time. The lawyer provides recommendations for an optimal strategy and coordinates the next steps, preparing the client for further stages of the process.
  • The client receives specific recommendations for the next steps, which help avoid potential pitfalls. The lawyer explains the necessary documents to prepare, the procedures to follow, and the possible costs involved.

How Legal Consultation Benefited Our Clients: Cases

Our client, a U.S. citizen, sought guidance on remotely selling an apartment in Kyiv. For this case, we involved three specialized lawyers in real estate, immigration law, and international and customs law to consult and analyze documents. Why did we choose this approach? A thorough initial case review allowed us to quickly determine the best course of action. The real estate lawyer developed a process by which the entire sale procedure could be organized remotely. However, given that the client had renounced her Ukrainian citizenship over 15 years ago, our immigration lawyer assessed whether there was a need to restore her Ukrainian documents.

We calculated the costs and timeframes for obtaining documents for both scenarios, as well as other risks associated with passport restoration. Once the client chose the most advantageous option for her, our lawyer specializing in international and customs law advised on the specifics of the sale transaction, money transfer (cash/non-cash), and what supporting documents needed to be prepared for filing a customs declaration for exporting monetary values from Ukraine and importing them into the USA. It was also decided to open accounts in Ukrainian banks to manage funds abroad. Most importantly, from the outset, we outlined the powers to be included in the power of attorney.

Thanks to such a detailed enumeration of all questions during the legal consultation and risk analysis from the start, the client drafted and sent a power of attorney to Ukraine that included all necessary authorities. A clear understanding of the procedure and its purposes not only aided the client and her representative in Ukraine in organizing everything efficiently but also allowed our lawyers to minimize all risks and ensure everything was handled lawfully.

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Another client approached us needing to transfer money abroad legally so that he could deposit it into his bank account in Poland. We analyzed the client's request and understood that his situation was unusual, necessitating a meticulous and measured approach. Therefore, we first suggested a consultation with a professional lawyer to give the client an understanding of potential expenses, the risks of tax liabilities, and the service timelines.

After reviewing the client's case, it was discovered that he is a tax resident not only of Ukraine but also of Poland. Consequently, upon transferring funds into the EU and depositing them into a bank account, there was a significant risk that Polish tax authorities would impose not only tax liabilities on the client but also penalties for failing to report income earned outside of Poland. Our lawyers engaged an accountant from our Polish partners, who provided information on the expected tax deductions. Thus, the consultation, where the case was thoroughly examined and addressed, was crucial in helping the client avoid substantial costs.

Lately, there has also been a surge in inquiries about obtaining Diia.City Resident status and employee sponsorship. In such scenarios, it is crucial from the outset to understand the stages of the process, and the timelines for document processing, and to roughly estimate the costs and subsequent operations within the Diia framework. Therefore, here, as in many other cases, an initial legal consultation from our experts is truly the optimal approach. Don't delay making important decisions! Consult our lawyers today. We will help you navigate complex legal issues, find the right solution, and ensure robust protection of your interests.

Contact us now for professional support and confidence in your actions. Your success begins with the first step—a legal consultation.

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Publication date: 04/07/2024

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