Got medical practice license for a psychiatrist in 2016

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License for medical practice in Ukraine
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License for psychiatrists in Ukraine

In spring 2016, during the adoption of the new licensing regulations of medical practice, our company was contacted by a psychiatrist from the Vinnitsa region, who needed legal assistance in obtaining a Medical License.

The Client intended to provide his services in the building where the health care center was already located, but the center needed to expand the list of specialties, including psychiatry. In this case, it was decided to structure the expansion of the specialties through licensing of an individual entrepreneur, rather than employment of the psychiatrist. For this purpose, our Client rented an office and the first step towards obtaining the license was to confirm its compliance with the sanitary standards.

However, despite a number of positive amendments to the new licensing regulations, our Client was also expected to face some difficulties, including those related to premises. The liquidation of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine and the transfer of its powers to the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine raised a number of practical issues.

Therefore, the first stage of our work was to provide clarifications regarding the authority, which the Client had to apply to for the Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate for the doctor’s office, as well as regarding the formation of the legal position on the forms of these certificates (there was an opinion that the old forms of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service became null and void after the liquidation of the Service, and new forms havn’t been developed and approved yet).

Following several weeks of consultations with the Client and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, visit of representatives of the state authority for measurement and inspection of the premises, our Client managed to obtain the certificate of expert’s examination of his doctor’s office.

In parallel with applying for the certificate, our lawyers prepared statements on the material and technical basis and the qualifications of personnel to be attached to the application for a Medical License.

Thus, at the time of receipt of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate, we had a full package of documents, including a notarized power of attorney authorizing our lawyers to represent the Client’s interests.

The Client’s case was successfully considered at the first meeting of the licensing commission, and a week later, we received a letter confirming the decision to grant a license and the need to pay the official license fee.

Having paid the fee and submitted the payment document to the center of administrative services of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, we had to fulfill the final stage, namely to sign the license form. This procedure usually takes about 1-1.5 months. In view of all this, other licensing authorities have an obvious advantage over the Ministry of Health, since they allow to more promptly obtain the license form, even before the payment of the official fee.

Once the license form was signed, our lawyers obtained it and sent it to the Client by courier delivery service. 

Publication date: 26/08/2016

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