Got medical practice license for a medical laboratory in Ukraine

License for a private medical laboratory in Ukraine
Once again, our law firm has successfully supported the licensing procedure for a healthcare institution. This time, the company’s lawyers obtained a medical practice license for a diagnostics laboratory from the city of Kharkov.
The Client planned to carry out medical practice in the following specialties: organization and management of health protection (specialty of the chief doctor or head of a clinic, laboratory or other health care institution), clinical biochemistry, laboratory genetics, laboratory immunology, laboratory (clinics) and nursing.
Legal support was provided not only in the form of consultations regarding the qualification requirements for medical personnel, the possibility of part-time work and other things, but, what was even more important for the Client, in the form of preparing a package of documents (applications, statements and other forms approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine) based on documents provided by the Client.
Among other things, our lawyers remotely consulted the Client regarding the receipt of a certificate of sanitary-epidemiological examination of the facility, which in this case was the premises of the diagnostics center. After agreeing on the areas and other parameters of the premises with the lawyers of our company, the Client, through his own effort, applied to the local authority of the body, which issues the relevant certificates, and received it within the shortest possible time.
Documents for a license for medical practice were submitted to the Ministry of Health by power of attorney, which allowed the Client to continue preparations for setting up a business and leave paperwork and trips to government agencies to our employees.
After submitting the paperwork, a positive decision to issue a license was received at the very first commision. Following this, the official payment for issuing the license was promptly paid and, as in the case of submitting the paperwork, the license form was received by power of attorney and sent to the Client via courier delivery.
If you want to open a clinic or a medical center in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv, Dnepr or another city / region of Ukraine, our lawyers will be happy to not only explain how to do that, but also provide their legal support of the process of obtaining permits with the minimum costs and the amount of time spent.