License for fire protection works and services (Fire protection license)

Cost of services

from 50 000 UAH
Fire protection license
License for fire protection works and services (Fire protection license)
Based on 500 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • advise on peculiarities of the licensing of fire protection works (services);
  • analyze provided documents from the perspective of their conformity with the regulatory requirements;
  • assist in preparation of the documents that you do not have or are unable to acquire yourself (if necessary);
  • form final list of documents and approve it with the licensing authority;
  • submit the the documents with the bodies of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - SESU);
  • monitor the decision publication on license issuance and provide you with details for payment of the official state fee;
  • receive notification from the SESU (in paperform) regarding license issuance.


Following agreement on all terms and conditions of cooperation with the Client, we provide a specific list of documents required for each type of work and services to be licensed.

Service packages offers

17 000 UAH
from 50 000 UAH

The price of our fire protection license obtainment depends on the following factors:

  • the number of works and services to be licensed (you can check a full list of fire protection works subject to licensing here.
  • completeness of the documents provided by the Client.

A one-time fee in the amount of one living wage for able-bodied persons is charged for the issuance of a license. The amount of this payment changes several times a year. You need to pay exactly the amount that was established on the day the license was issued. You can not worry about this, we will provide you with the payment details and indicate the current amount.

The license fee shall be paid not later than within 10 business days upon the publication of the Order on the license issue.

Please note that failure to pay the licene fee in a timely manner may result in the license revocation.

Why us

Enhanced understanding of not only the theoretical but also the practical side of obtaining a license
Enhanced understanding of not only the theoretical but also the practical side of obtaining a license
The practice of the licensing authority related to the licensing of fire protection works (services) shows that about 50% of all license applications are rejected. This can be explained by the fact that although the license requirements determine the list of documents to be submitted for obtaining the license, they provide no explanations concerning the preparation and submission of the documents to the licensing authority. With our company’s qualified and experienced lawyers who have successfully obtained licenses for all types of fire protection works (services), you are guaranteed to get the license for your company within the agreed deadline.
Assistance in obtaining the necessary qualification categories for the employees
Assistance in obtaining the necessary qualification categories for the employees
According to the requirements for obtaining the Fire Protection License, employees who carry out fire protection works shall have appropriate qualification category. Our company has repeatedly assisted its Clients, at their request and upon preliminary agreement, in obtaining the appropriate qualification category for their employees. Thus, when ordering our services, you receive not only legal support of the licensing procedure, but also qualified assistance in obtaining the qualification category for your employees.

Our successful projects

Received a fire license
02/14/2020 received a license to carry out economic activities to provide services and perform fire-fighting purposes.
“Fire-fighting license” for a regular client from the Poltava region
The lawyers of our Company got a license for fire-fighting works and services for a regular client from the Poltava region. Besides that, we assisted the client’s staff in getting the required qualification for the staff, which allowed getting a license within two weeks.

General requirements for the licensing of any type of fire protection works (services): 

Material and technical base:

The requirements for equipment differ depending on the type of fire protection works. You shall either own, or lease equipment.

In case of any questions related to the necessary equipment, our company’s lawyers will make an optimal list of equipment on the basis of many years of their practical experience. 


In order to obtain the Fire Protection License, it is necessary to submit documents confirming that your company employs the relevant managers and authorized workers with specialized education, qualification categories and work experience.

There are two types of personnel who will actually carry on works: managers and authorized workers.

  • Requirements for the managers: specialized education and work experience (3-5 years depending on the type of works (services).
  • Requirements for the authorized workers: specialized education and  a qualification category.

Administrative premise (office):

You shall provide documents that prove ownership of the premises or a lease/sublease agreement for the relevant premises.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can one manager or authorized worker carry on works (services) of different types?

Yes. The law of Ukraine does not prohibit the involvement of one manager or authorized worker in several types of works, if they have the appropriate education and experience.

How many licenses should be obtained if the company intends to carry out all fire protection works (services)?

There are two options: to obtain one license for all types of works (services) or a separate license for each type of works (services).

What to know about the fire lecense?

The fire guard licenses are perpetual and granted for the unlimited period of time.

Our Clients often ask whether it is possible to carry on fire protection works (services) while obtaining the corresponding licence.According to the law of Ukraine, the licensable activity is allowed to be carried on only upon the decision on granting a license to your company.  

Carrying out licensable economic activities without the appropriate license is a violation of the law to be punishable by a fine up to 17,000.00 UAH.

If you want to know more about getting a fire license or get a license with us quickly and easily - call us!

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Olha Koval