Broadcasting license (cable, terrestrial, wire, satellite) Ukraine

Cost of services

License for television/radio broadcasting
Broadcasting license (cable, terrestrial, wire, satellite) Ukraine
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What we offer

  • consult on an issue of television/radio broadcasting licensing (requirements, terms, etc.); 
  • prepare the package of documents that is necessary for obtaining a license;
  • provide the submitting of documents to the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine;
  • monitor the process of documents review by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine and making of decision concerning license;
  • provide details for the payment of license fee following the rendering of favorable decision concerning license issuance;
  • after the payment of license fee, we receive a ready-made license form and deliver to you a license for television/radio broadcasting.



List of documents
Programme concept of television/radio broadcasting
Programme concept of television/radio broadcasting
Property status and income declaration of the ultimate beneficiary
Property status and income declaration of the ultimate beneficiary
Copy of agreement with telecommunications operator
Copy of agreement with telecommunications operator
  1. Notarized copies of constitutional documents.
  2. Preliminary staffing table of your company.
  3. Programme concept of broadcasting of your company.
  4. Property status and income declaration of the ultimate beneficiary of your company for the previous year.
  5. Copy of the certificate of mark for goods and services registration or a copy of application for registration of mark for goods and services (properly certified), which you submitted to Ukrpatent.
  6. Copy of agreement (preliminary agreement or other documents confirming the right to use frequency characteristics of satellite broadcasting) with telecommunications operator/ Copy of agreement with telecommunications operator (properly certified).
  7. Organizational, technical, financial, and investment obligations of the applicant (your company) to the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
  8. Certified copy of editorial charter of your company.
  9. Decisions of the owner of the company about the appointment of half of the editorial board members.
  10. Decisions of the general meeting of the creative team about the appointment of the second half of the editorial board members.

Besides the documents, you need also to provide information, on the basis of which our lawyers prepare the necessary package of documents for obtaining a broadcasting license!

The cost of services does not include payment of a license fee for the issuance of broadcasting license. 

The amount of official payment is calculated in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 412 dated April 13, 2011.

Additional related services:

  • Registration of legal entity, on which a license will be issued in the future.
  • Submitting of application for trademark registration.
  • Drafting of editorial charter.
  • Registration of the subject of information activity.
  • Obtaining a duplicate copy of a license.
  • License renewal.

The specific feature of the official payment, which is paid for the issuance of a broadcasting license, is that it is not fixed. The rate of the state payment is determined in each individual case on the basis of criteria indicated by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.

Why us

Full range of services
Full range of services
Our lawyers will not only help with the issuance of a broadcasting license, but are also ready to provide service package, including: registration of legal entity, on which the license will be obtained, preparation and submission of the documents for the trademark registration, drafting of editorial charter of your company, registration of the company-subject of information activity.
Follow on support
Follow on support
We carry out legal support of our clients in all further operations. We will help if it will be necessary for you to get a duplicate copy of a license or renew the broadcasting license.

Our successful projects

Prepared the full set of documents for the participation of the client in the tender on issuance of license for digital broadcasting
The lawyers of our firm prepared the full set of documents for the participation of the company from Dnipropetrovsk Region in the tender on issuance of license for digital broadcasting.

Peculiarities of the license for on-air television/radio broadcasting!

It is important to know that these licenses are issued during the holding of a tender. In other words, for obtaining a license one ought to become a winner of the tender complementary to the fulfillment of licensing requirements.

The notice about the holding of a tender is published in certain media no later than 60 days before the deadline for submitting documents for license issuance. The time frame for  announcement of results of the tender is no more than 60 days after the end of acceptance of documents for license issuance.

In order to participate you must pay a tender guarantee, which does not exceed 10 percent of the maximum license fee. When winning the tender, the tender guarantee is included to the total amount of the license fee payment.

Any business entity carrying out broadcasting activities is also obliged to register in the State Register of Television and Radio Organizations of Ukraine. 

Licenses are issued by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is the term for review of the documents by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine and issuance of license for on-air broadcasting?

For the licenses for satellite, cable, wire broadcasting - within a month from the date of submission of documents. For the licenses for satellite for on-air and multichannel broadcasting – not later than within 60 days from the date of the submitting of last application from other tender participants.

Is there the difference between the arrangements and procedure for obtaining a license for on-air radio broadcasting and on-air television broadcasting?

No, there is no difference, since the Law of Ukraine “On Television and Radio Broadcasting” does not stipulate separate procedures for each type, but regulates the licensing procedure for on-air broadcasting in general.

For how long is a broadcasting license issued?

The term for which a license is issued is determined by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, but it cannot be less than: • for on-air broadcasting and multiprogram broadcasting in multi-channel channels - for 7 years; • for satellite, cable, wire broadcasting - for 10 years.

What will happen with the guarantee payment if my company will not be the winner of the tender?

In the event if your company did not win the tender, the guarantee payment would not be returned to you but would be credited to the state budget.

Information on the stages of service provision associated with the obtainment of license for cable and other broadcasting

After the achievement of consensus in respect of terms and cost of provision of service associated with the obtainment of license for television/radio broadcasting (multichannel, cable, on-air, wire, satellite), the work is organized as follows:

  • Signing of agreement on rendering of legal assistance and making payment.
  • Getting from the Client all the documents indicated on this page.
  • Preparation of the final document package for the submission to the licensing authority by the specialists of our firm (including working out of application, description, power of attorney, etc.).
  • Consulting in the licensing authority (if necessary).
  • Signing the complete package of the documents by the Client.
  • Submission of document package to the licensing authority.
  • Delivery of issued license to the client.

The firm delivers the broadcasting license form within the terms agreed with the Client. If the Clients are located in the regions, the license is delivered by courier.


For us each new legal issue is an opportunity to apply our knowledge and to demonstrate the quality of our services. After all, this is exactly what we are proud of and on the improvement of which we are working every day.

The mission of our firm is to solve any legal issues simply, safely and effectively.

We lay the same principles to the standards of our services provision:

  • Simplicity. With us, any question seems within your powers and there are no unsolvable problems. We have several alternate solutions for each problem situation and after consulting with you, we can find the best for you.
  • Safety. We always calculate the risks ahead and do not suggest doing “so that it’s normal now and then we'll see”. No. We always give guarantees for each of our services and warn about all the possible consequences of one or another decision.
  • Effectiveness. We are not interested in long and drag out proceeding, about which you do not know what will be the end. We prefer to resolve issues quickly and as effectively as possible, that will allow us turn to the next task, while assuming another success to the treasury of successfully solved cases.

We are not afraid of complicated cases and value your attention, and, that is most important, your time.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

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Our team

Marina Losenko
Olha Koval