Our joint project with All-Ukrainian Council for Patients’ Rights and Safety

We believe that proper functioning of a health care involves its focus on satisfaction of patients’ interests. We believe that not only for citizens but the business area representatives are also interested in this kind of medical sphere functioning.

That is the reason why our firm decided to accept the proposal of All-Ukrainian Council for Patients’ Rights and Safety about creation of The Department of Access to the medical services and control of unfair advertising on the basis of our firm. On the 17th of February 2012 we signed the Memorandum of cooperation.

This cooperation is aimed to formthe conditions in which business interests and interests of patients are not mutually exclusive but mutually complementary.

Forms of project fulfillment

Our activity within the project has the next forms:

  • Highlighting the main trends of the law enforcement practices in the health care field and changes in the legislation development;

  • Conducting researches and providing legal memos on the matters of various advertisements and promotion materials compliance with the requirements of the legislation, ensuring offenders prosecution in interaction with National Inspection on Consumers’ Protection and Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine;

  • Providing legal assistance to certain categories of patients on special conditions.

We believe that our activity that combines authority and experience of All-Ukrainian Council for Patients’ Rights and Safety in health care with the expertise of our firm’s lawyers will bring the significant changes in functioning of health care sphere in Ukraine.

Information about our partner

All-Ukrainian Council for Patients’ Rights and Safety

All-Ukrainian Council for Patients’ Rights and Safety is all-Ukrainian charity organization and the only non-governmental partner of The Council of Europe in Ukraine in field of health care. The activities of the Council are aimed at comprehensive protection of patients’ rights.