Licensing medical practice in beauty salons in Ukraine

Beauty salons are popular form for doing business nowadays. It is related to a complex of their services which begins from a usual haircut and ends with plastic surgeries. However, types of services define a legal feature of salon and appropriate documentation for it. The most common question whether activity of a beauty salon must be licensed.
According to the laws of Ukraine a medical practice must be licensed. Not considering legal details, we can say that medical services must be provided by institutions which have licenses issued by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. As follows, if a salon provides these services then a license must be got.
As you know, beauty salons provide people with different services which are divided into esthetical and medical ones. The laws of Ukraine don’t have a definition for these terms. The Sanitary rules on equipment and maintenance of hairdressers regulates that all types of hairdressers’ services (shaving, haircut, hair-wave, manicure etc.) are allowed to hold only in specially equipped premises. But the current State sanitary rules for hairdressers of different types don’t determine which services can be named as hairdresser’s services.
The legal examination shows that you have to be ruled by the National list DK 009:2010 “Classification of types of economic activity” and by the State list of productions and services DK 016:2010 while division medical procedures into esthetical and cosmetic ones.
There are special chapters which are called “Healthcare” no. 86 and “”Providing other individual services” no. 96.
Number 96.02 of the List DK 009:2010 “Providing services by hairdressers and beauty salons” includes:
- Washing head, hair leveling, haircut, hair coloring, hair toning, hair-wave, hair straightening and other similar services which are provided for men and women;
- Shaving and smoothing beard;
- Massage for a face, manicure and pedicure, make-up etc.
As follows, abovementioned procedures belong to esthetical ones but not to medical which salons can provide without a license.
DK 009:2010 has a section 86.22 “Specialized medical practice” which defines a medical consultation and healing in a special sphere of medicine by specialists and surgeons. It means that procedures which are related to different injections, damaging skin and mucous, using medical equipment and instruments are medical procedures. This list is too big. All types of plastic operations, a hardware cosmetology, mesotherapy, botox and silicon injections, epilation, peeling, liposuction, hydrocolonotherapy etc. These procedures are held by persons with a medical education.
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