How to get a gun permit for security guards?
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If you are contemplating starting a security business, it is crucial to understand that obtaining a security license does not automatically grant your security guards permission to use weapons or even specialized equipment (such as tasers, batons, etc.) while on duty.
The security license simply gives you the right to offer security services for specific designated premises. If you intend to arm your security personnel, you will have to go through an entire process of obtaining the required permits and documentation.
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Firearms License for Security Guards — Employees of a Security Company
For your security guards to be allowed to carry and use firearms while performing their duties, you must obtain the following package of permits:
1. Permit for the establishment and operation of a regulated facility.
This permit is issued by the Department of Public Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
To obtain this permit, it is essential to properly prepare and submit the following set of documents:
Application for the issuance of the permit;
A certificate confirming that the premises designated in your company for storing weapons and ammunition are suitable for this purpose. This certificate is issued and signed by a special commission consisting of representatives from the law enforcement agency, the state fire supervision authority, and the security firm;
A list of individuals who will be granted access to firearms and ammunition. Each of these individuals must have accompanying documents (medical certificate, proof of familiarity with the operation of firearms, etc.);
A directive from the company's management appointing a person responsible for the storage, inventory, acquisition, and security of the firearms and ammunition;
Receipt of payment for the state fee associated with issuing the permit.
It is important to note that even for obtaining this initial permit, thorough preparation in advance is necessary.
Our legal experts can provide you with information regarding the requirements set forth by the regulatory authority concerning the storage premises for firearms and the individuals authorized to handle firearms.

2. Permit for the right to acquire firearms (commonly referred to as devices for firing cartridges).
The next permit is issued by the same Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it requires the preparation and submission of the following set of documents:
An application on behalf of the security firm, clearly indicating the quantity of firearms and ammunition to be purchased, along with the number and validity period of the permit mentioned in item 1 (refer to the above).
A copy of the Certificate of Compliance for the storage premises of firearms, in accordance with the legal requirements.
A directive from the company's management appointing the responsible person (as mentioned in the previous set of documents).
Additionally, a receipt of payment for the state fee must be submitted.
This permit is issued within 30 days and should be obtained after acquiring the permit mentioned above. Obtaining both permits simultaneously is not possible.
3. Permit for the right to store and carry firearms.
The documents for obtaining the third permit are also submitted to the aforementioned Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The complete set of documents includes:
An application from the company's management requesting the issuance of the permit.
The same Certificate of Suitability for the premises.
Information about the individuals responsible for the storage and use of firearms, as well as those authorized to access the firearms, including security personnel.
Certificates confirming that the security company's personnel authorized to handle firearms have undergone training on the technical aspects of firearms and the rules for handling them.
Copies of insurance contracts for the security company's personnel.
Medical certificates of the personnel.
A directive from the security firm's management appointing the person responsible for the storage and inventory of firearms.
Details about the quantity of acquired firearms, ammunition, their make, caliber, serial number, year of manufacture for each unit, as well as the specific purpose of the acquired firearms.
It is crucial to remember that the mentioned permits have an expiration date, and upon expiration, they will need to be renewed.
Our legal experts can assist you with both the preparation of individual documents from the list and the process of obtaining the entire set of permits for your company.
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What other conditions are stipulated for the use of firearms by security guards?
In addition to having the mentioned permits, there are specific requirements for the storage and use of firearms by security guards:
The firearms and all ammunition must be stored in a specially equipped storage facility that complies with the Ministry of Internal Affairs' regulations.
The security company must keep records of both the firearms and their corresponding ammunition.
A designated responsible person should be in charge of managing the inventory of firearms and ammunition, and a register book must be maintained to meet the Ministry of Internal Affairs' requirements.
If any firearm or ammunition becomes unserviceable, it must be surrendered to the local branch of the National Police.
Our firm's legal experts can assist you with any matters related to the security business, from company registration to handling personnel issues and obtaining the necessary permits.
If you wish to provide your security guards with specialized equipment or other devices required for their work, feel free to contact us!
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