License for operations with precursor chemicals in Ukraine
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What we offer
- consult a Client on matters of getting a license for operations with precursor chemicals in Ukraine;
- analyze documents which are given by a Client, if necessary we provide support on getting some of them. For example, no criminal certificate;
- consult a Client during the process of getting a police permission for premises;
- prepare and send a Client for signing documents which are necessary for getting this license – particularly, information about material and technical equipment etc;
- represent interests of a client in Kyiv by the power of attorney;
- after getting a decision on issuance license we find out correct bank details for paying an official license fee, help to pay it.
Documents for getting a license for operations with precursor chemicals in Ukraine

Precursor chemicals are chemicals that can be used in the manufacture of drugs. Due to the potential danger of such substances their trafficking, production, import, storage or use must be licensed, i.e. any activity with these substances requires a license.
The circulation of narcotic substances (of natural nature) and psychotropic substances is also subject to licensing.
The Precursor License is issued by the State Drugs and Medications Control Service of Ukraine.
In order to understand whether the substance you use is a precursor chemical — you should check the list approved by law. It is not always obvious that the use of, for example, acetone or certain adhesive constituents in manufacturing may require from you a Precursor License. Our lawyers will be able to answer your most important question: Do you need a Precursor License and how to obtain one?
The validity period of a Precursor License is 5 years.
The period for obtaining a Precursor License with our company — 10 business days from the date of receiving all the documents from the Client.
We can also help you to get:
a certificate from a narcologist for workers admitted to work with the substance;
a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirming the absence of an outstanding or unexpunged criminal record for crimes of medium gravity, grave or especially grave crimes, or for a crime related to trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors.
Service packages offers

- Advising on the necessary documents for obtaining a license
- Analysis of available documents
- Preparation of the application and information on the condition of the material and technical base for obtaining a license (with staff up to 10 people)
- Submission of documents to the licensing authority by our lawyer
- Monitoring of the case and the availability of a decision on the issuance of a license
- Providing details for payment for the issuance of a license

- Advising on the necessary documents for obtaining a license
- Analysis of available documents
- Preparation of the application and information on the condition of the material and technical base (where the number of staff exceeds 10 people)
- Assistance in obtaining individual certificates (narcologist\'s certificate, certificate of no criminal record)
- Submission of documents to the licensing authority by our lawyer
- Monitoring of the case and the availability of a decision on the issuance of a license
- Providing details for payment for the issuance of a license

- “Road map” (extended written advice) on starting a business related to precursors, drugs and psychotropic substances
- “Road map” (extended written consultation) of import and / or export of certain chemicals from the territory of Ukraine, analysis of which of them are subject to licensing
- “Road map” (extended written consultation) on the start of activities for the cultivation of plant species that contain narcotic and psychotropic substances
- “Road map” (extended written consultation) on activities related to precursors, narcotics and psychotropic substances - clarification of rare and controversial issues
Price of the Precursor License in Ukraine
The basic cost of obtaining a Precursor License covers all actions required to obtain a license, if the Client has the documents required by law.
The cost of services for obtaining a Precursor License depends on the number of personnel involved in the work with precursors. You can choose the most convenient package of services for you above or leave an application and our experts will calculate the price specifically for your case.
A one-time fee in the amount of one living wage for able-bodied persons is charged for the issuance of a license. The amount of this payment changes several times a year. You need to pay exactly the amount that was established on the day the license was issued. You can not worry about this, we will provide you with the payment details and indicate the current amount.
Penalty for working with precursors and narcotic or psychotropic substances without a license
As for any other activity subject to licensing, in case of running business without a license, the law provides for the penalty — from UAH 17,000 up to UAH 34,000.
Please note! The Criminal Code of Ukraine provides liability for illegal activities in the sphere of circulation of precursors, narcotic and psychotropic substances in certain cases.
Documents for obtaining a license for precursors and narcotic, psychotropic substances in Ukraine
a copy of the passport and the identification code — for sole proprietors;
the EDRPOU code — for legal entities;
information on activities with precursors (production, transportation, storage, use, disposal, purchase, sale, import, export)
bank details;
a copy of the certificate of vehicle registration (if the precursors will be transported);
a notarized copy of a diploma of higher chemical (medical or veterinary) education of the head of the company (or the head of the precursor department);
a certificate from the narcologist for the workers admitted to work with precursors;
a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirming that the employees have no criminal record;
a permit from the National Police to use the facilities and premises;
a copy of the document that confirms the right of ownership (or the right to use, jointly use) to the facilities, where the economic activity on the storage and use of precursors is carried out;
copies of diplomas of all employees who will have work with precursors.
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What is the procedure for obtaining a Precursor License?
The state policy and organizational basis for the regulation on the circulation of precursors is governed by the Law of Ukraine “On Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors”.
The procedure for licensing activities related to circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors is regulated by the Licensing Regulations approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 282 dated April 6, 2016.
The list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors is approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 770 of May 6, 2000.
The circulation of precursors, narcotic and psychotropic substances means the activities with the substances specified in the List on cultivation of plants, development, production, manufacture, storage, transportation, transfer, acquisition, sale, import into the territory of Ukraine, export out of the territory of Ukraine, transit through the territory of Ukraine, use, destruction of substances.
The main procedural stages of obtaining a Precursor License are as follows:
Selection and inspection of the premises for carrying out the precursor activity. Our lawyers will provide you with full information about the requirements for the premises and check whether your premises meet the legal requirements;
Preparation of personnel documents. Sufficient time should be set aside for this step in order to obtain criminal records and narcology certificates for all personnel who will be admitted to work with precursors. There are also certain requirements for educational documents for such personnel.
Preparation of a package of documents, completion of statements and submission to the licensing authority.
Our lawyers will organize the entire process for you and take care of the execution and filing of documents with a guarantee of obtaining a Precursor License.
Making changes to the Precursor License
In case of any changes to the information that had been submitted when applying for the Precursor License (e.g. location of premises, personnel, etc.), the corresponding new data must be added to the license. The license holder has 30 days to do this.
Please note! If the changes relate to the premises, it will be necessary to obtain a new Permit to use the premises from the National Police. If the changes relate to personnel — you will need to provide documents for employees who will be admitted to work with precursors — certificates from a narcologist and the certificate of no criminal record, etc.
The procedure of making changes to the license is essentially a repeat of the procedure for the initial licensing of precursor activity.
Please check the cost of making changes to the Precursor License with our experts.
The procedure of obtaining a Precursor License in Ukraine
After an agreement on terms and cost of obtaining the Precursor License is reached, we conclude a legal services agreement with the Client. If necessary, our company provides assistance in obtaining certain certificates, for example, a certificate of no criminal record. After all the necessary documents are prepared and signed by the Client, our employees will submit a package of documents to the licensing authority.
After the licensing authority publishes on its website the decision of granting the Precursor License to our Client, we find the requisites for paying the state fee and send them to the Client. According to the current legislation, the state fee for the Precursor License must be paid within 10 business days from the date of the license approval. Delayed payment, even for one day, is grounds for revoking the license.
The original of the receipt (payment order with a bank stamp) must be kept by the license holder for the entire validity period of the license.
The above described standard procedure for obtaining a Precursor License may be changed to a more convenient option.
If you want to obtain a Precursor License in Ukraine simply and quickly — don’t hesitate to call us!Answers to frequently asked questions
What is the form of a document which confirms a professional level of a director?
Practically, it is enough to have just a diploma with the higher chemical education. At the same time it is not obligation for a director to have it. It is enough to have at least one worker.
Is it obligation for a director to have a no criminal certificate and certificate about no psychic illnesses, which are related to alcohol, drugs or psychotropic abuse, if he won’t have access to precursor chemicals?
Yeah, it is obligation. Even if a director doesn’t work with determined chemical liquids, it is considered that he has access to all materials which are related to activity of enterprise.
Is it obligation to have a permission of the National Police of Ukraine for using premises and objects, if precursor chemicals are not kept there?
If an enterprise conducts only buying of precursor chemicals, drugs and psychotropic chemicals and doesn’t use and keep them, then it is not necessary to have a permission of the National Police of Ukraine for using premises.
What documents have to be got for driver and vehicle if he transits precursor chemicals?
An enterprise has to get all the same medical certificates (Certificate about no psychic illnesses which are related to alcohol, drugs or psychotropic abuse, no criminal certificate) and also certificate about access of vehicle for transit of dangerous liquids.