Open a foreign business in Ukraine on a "turnkey" basis

Cost of services

from 900 USD
Business registration in Ukraine
from 2300 USD
Foreign director
from 1400 USD/month
Basic support
Open a foreign business in Ukraine on a
Based on 500 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • Help you choose the best business setup option in Ukraine;
  • Provide accounting services, file reports - performed by a professional accountant under the supervision of a lawyer;
  • Arrange the opening of company accounts and their complete maintenance - accounting of all funds received on the account, and all payments from the account of the company;
  • Keep personnel records: hiring, dismissal, wages, taxes, overtime payments, travel allowances, etc;
  • Provide consulting services in the course of business activities, including the development and review of agreements, answering any legal questions concerning your business activity;
  • Register the desired business structure in Ukraine and help choose the most suitable taxation system for your business in Ukraine;
  • Provide assistance in employment of a foreign director or other foreign employees in the company;
  • Assist with obtaining permits, including licenses, required for your business.


Documents for business registration in Ukraine

List of documents
Passports of the founders
Passports of the founders
Documents on registration of a foreign company
Documents on registration of a foreign company
Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney

How to start a business in Ukraine and really get started?

Starting a small business in Ukraine on a "turnkey" basis simplifies the legal process for foreign entrepreneurs. There are different ways to start a business in Ukraine. Many entrepreneurs see a perspective in business development in Ukraine and want to get an opportunity to tap a new market.

Within the framework of this service we not only register a business but also offer services for its preparation for operation: hiring employees, arrangement of accounting systems, preparation of documentation for operation, etc.

The main issues that you will need to solve in the process of registering a business are as follows:

  • Will you register an LLC, representative office or another business structure?
  • Will registering a business be profitable for you?
  • How to hire employees to work in the company?
  • How to arrange a system of business accounting and personnel record keeping?
  • Do you need additional permits for carrying on business in Ukraine?
  • What period of time and investments should you expect at registration of your business in Ukraine?

 Our lawyers will provide answers to all these questions after a thorough analysis of your situation. Our main task is to offer you the option of business registration, which will fully meet your needs and plans. With the right support, starting a small business can be efficient and hassle-free.


If you need, we can begin with a consultation on all the issues concerning the process of registration and starting a business in Ukraine. The cost of such consultation is approximately USD 500.

We offer to use preliminary consultation services if you are planning a start-up of a narrow specific or rare activity in Ukraine. The question is not how to register a business, but whether it is possible, and how it can be done optimally and legally.

Preliminary consultation on your needs and vision of business registration will be included in the package of services, which you can see below.

If you already understand the ways of a business setup, we proceed to its registration, and offer you a further service of 4 components:

  • Record-keeping for tax purposes - filing all necessary reports to the tax authorities of Ukraine in the course of business activities;

  • Payroll - personnel accounting for a company. We take over the operation of the Client’s account, handle the payment of wages, taxes from it for the Client, resolve issues with vacations, bonuses, insurance costs, travel, sick leaves, etc.

  • Accounting - we communicate with representatives of the bank regarding payments received and payments made on the company’s accounts. We process the receipt of funds from the parent company or the withdrawal of funds from the Ukrainian business, etc.

  • Legal servicing - services, which require legal knowledge and skills - development of agreements, orders, internal documentation, everything you need for accounting.

Planning and development of a work model in the Ukrainian market

For those looking to start up a business in Ukraine, the "turnkey" solution offers a comprehensive service package. You can start a business in Ukraine in different ways. You can study the rules of the game on the market for a long time, the legal aspects of registration of various types of activities, and as a result still choose a suboptimal path. You can decide - I'll start with something, and then we'll see, and take a risk.

Or you can start with planning, developing a business structure for exactly the activity and profit you would like to receive. Of course, for this you need to involve professionals. A start up business on this basis ensures all legal, tax, and operational needs are covered.

Our lawyers have the appropriate experience and competence to help businesses plan and set up work on the Ukrainian market. Such services are ideal for those who:

  • is starting his business and needs legal assistance and professional legal services to ensure the success and efficiency of his business
  • have a business that is in the process of development or scaling needs legal assistance to solve certain problems
  • want to open a business in Ukraine, but do not know the nuances of the law and need professional legal assistance
  • have a business that is scaling and launching new projects and needs help
  • have a business that starts work in an unknown field of business.

The service for planning and developing a work model provides the client with:

  • The ability to properly configure the work of a business or a separate project
  • Legal support and assistance in project implementation
  • Basics of legislative regulation of business in Ukraine
  • Assistance in the development of business development plans and strategies
  • Assistance in tax planning, optimization of the tax burden
  • Help with building a business system, setting up personnel and document accounting

The service is provided by us in the following formats:

  • Basic consultation – suitable for starting a business, or for foreigners who start a business and need legal support
  • Problem analysis and solution options - suitable for an existing business that has a certain question, problem or plans to scale or enter a new market.

You can choose among the service packages on the page, or contact our specialists. They will analyze your needs and create a personal offer for you. Apply today!

Service packages offers

from 900 USD
  • Consultations on business registration in Ukraine
  • Carrying out all registration actions in Ukraine
  • Employment in the company of a Ukrainian director (your authorized representative/partner in Ukraine)
  • Opening company accounts
  • Obtaining an EDS (electronic digital  signature)
* does not include the cost of registration of a foreign director (RNT, etc.) See the package below.

*further support of the company from 300 USD/month, subject to the absence of hired personnel except for the Ukrainian director, without activity, for 1 quarter after the registration of the company
Support Start
Support Start
from 1400 USD
The package is prefabricated and is formed for the needs of each client. The cost of the package is calculated for companies with up to 20 operations per month and a staff of up to 5 people.

The package can include arbitrary combinations according to the client's needs:

1. Accounting service at the rate of up to 20 operations/month
  • calculation and payment of salaries for employees (payroll)
  • keeping personnel records
  • bookkeeping (by employees), payment of taxes and fees and submission of reports
2. Payroll based on 1-5 employees

3. Legal services (up to 5 lawyer hours per month)
  • consulting on legal issues arising in the course of activity
  • legal support of contractual work, work with employees and involved persons, corporate issues
4. Personnel accounting (1-5 employees)
  • hiring
  • registration of vacations, sick leave, transfers, etc.
Support Top
Support Top
from 2300 USD/month
The package is prefabricated and is formed for the needs of each client. The cost of the package is calculated for companies that have more than 20 operations per month or a staff of 5 or more people.

The package can include in any combination:

1. Accounting service
  • calculation and payment of salaries for employees (payroll)
  • keeping personnel records
  • bookkeeping (by employees), payment of taxes and fees and submission of reports
2. Payroll
3. Legal service
  • consulting on legal issues arising in the course of activity
  • legal support of contractual work, work with employees and involved persons, corporate issue
s4. Personnel accounting
  • hiring
  • registration of vacations, sick leave, transfers, etc
Firm + ukr. director
Firm + ukr. director
900 USD
  • Development of optimal business registration plant in Ukraine
  • Preparation of all necessary documents, their translation and certification by a notary
  • All registration activities in Ukraine
  • Employment of the Ukrainian director in the company (your authorized person/partner in Ukraine)
  • Opening of company’s accounts
  • Obtaining EDS (electronic digital  signature)
  • Obtaining a VAT payer status for the company, if required
Firm + foreign director
Firm + foreign director
from 2300 USD
  • Development of the best option for business registration in Ukraine
  • Preparation of all necessary documents, including translation and notarization
  • Provision of the Charter and other founding documents
  • Company registration in Ukraine
  • Provision of the nominal director and legal address (temporarily until the re-registration of the company)
  • Obtaining a TIN for a non-resident director
  • Obtaining a work permit in Ukraine for a manager for 1 year *
  • Obtaining EDS
  • Opening of accounts for the company
  • Employment in the company of a foreign director, development of an employment contract
  • If necessary, the acquisition of VAT payer status for the company
*possible for 2 years, but under the condition of compensation of the state payment of the employment center for the permit
Firm + Residence permit
Firm + Residence permit
from 3100 USD
  • Development of the best option for business registration in Ukraine
  • Preparation of all necessary documents, including translation and notarization
  • Provision of the Charter and other founding documents
  • Company registration in Ukraine
  • Provision of the nominal director and legal address (temporarily until the re-registration of the company)
  • Obtaining a TIN for a non-resident director
  • Obtaining a work permit in Ukraine for a manager for 1 year*
  • Obtaining EDS
  • Opening accounts for the company
  • Employment in the company of a foreign director, development of an employment contract
  • If necessary, the acquisition of VAT payer status for the company
  • Legalization of a foreign director's stay in Ukraine according to the scheme chosen by him - a temporary residence permit and for a selected period of time (1-2 years temporary permit or permanent permit)
  • Preparation of a package of documents for a D visa (including preparing for an interview with the consul), for the border service and for the migration service for a passport, including translations, insurances, letter of guarantee for financial support and invitations
*the cost depends on the period of issuing a residence permit in Ukraine and the complexity of the scheme you have chosen
Business plan
Business plan
from 600 USD
The offer is for Clients at the stage before business registration. It involves the development of a business structure for the specific needs of the Client.

Preparation and zoom meeting with the Client, at which the client discusses basic issues regarding conducting his business in Ukraine:
  • Registration of a business or organization in Ukraine (procedure and stages, choice of organizational and legal form)
  • Basic concepts about taxation in Ukraine and which system is better to choose for a specific activity, the need to establish PRO, VAT and other taxes
  • Licenses and permits to be obtained for business/non-profit activities
  • Consultation on conducting contractual work, work with personnel, etc
  • Providing advice on working with counterparties, their verification and legal relations with them
  • Basic consultations on the need for accounting, reporting, which must be submitted, the order and terms
  • Opening a bank account, advice on compliance, answers to basic questions (if the client has them at the start)
Client's plan
Client's plan
from 400 USD
The offer is for the Clients at the stage before business registration. It consists in checking the Client's hypothesis regarding the creation of activities in Ukraine and proposing alternatives, if they are optimal for the Client's situation.
  • Analysis of the Client's plans and vision regarding activities in Ukraine in terms of the possibility of their implementation in accordance with Ukrainian legislation
  • Reviewing the client's situation or plan and providing alternatives
  • Compilation of probable scenarios for achieving the Client's goals, taking into account the nuances of conducting activities planned by the Client
  • Recommendations of a lawyer regarding the optimal course of action for a business with arguments as to why this particular course of action will lead to the desired results or identification of risks for the Client in case of application of one of the options
New Projects
New Projects
from 1000 USD
The package is offered to businesses that plan to expand or open new projects. Includes:
  • Project structuring in accordance with the needs and requests of the client (Business plan offer in full or in part, according to the need)
  • Analysis of the situation, help to choose the right decision
  • Assistance in the implementation of the decision (within 5 hours of the lawyer's work)
  • Provision of document templates for work (orders, regulations, instructions, employment contracts, etc.)
  • 3 consultations of a business lawyer within 1 hour of consultation

Legal support services to a foreign business

Our company’s area of strength is that we can undertake not only the business registration procedure, but also provide full legal and accounting support services. This means that you can get a comprehensive solution to all your business-related issues in Ukraine in one place.

We offer multi-faceted services, which you can learn more about here.

To understand the approximate service price in your case, check the price of the following service packages:

1. Accounting and tax/asset reporting.

Bookkeeping (0 transactions per month) + tax reporting service - USD 300,00.

Bookkeeping (0-20 operations per month) + tax reporting service - USD 600,00.

Bookkeeping (20-70 transactions per month) + tax reporting service - USD 1000,00.

2. Payroll services (if necessary):

"Basic payroll package" 1-3 employees - USD 600.00 per month.

"Full payroll package" (basic salary + overtime, expenses, etc.) 3-5 employees - USD 1,200.00 per month.

"Full payroll package + additional employee" - plus USD 150.00 for each person / per month (for example, for 7 employees: 1,200 + 2*150 = 1,500).

*1. Payroll services include all types of payments under the employment agreement (wages, overtime, all kinds of expenses, etc.) and the creation of tax returns in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation.

*2. The Payroll service does not include the cost of paying wages to employees under paragraph 1, the bank fees, etc., they must be set and paid directly to employees by the Ukrainian company (Client).

3. Legalservicing

Legal support services include all sorts of consulting services to the Client and its employees on labor, tax laws of Ukraine, development and review of agreements - USD 1200,00 per month.

This is a necessary part of another type of service, as an accountant, HR-specialist and Client constantly need legal advice concerning business activity.

This also includes control of the compliance with tax legislation.

4. Personnel Services

Hiring of employees and execution of all related documents (including vacations, sickness, insurance, etc.) - 1 salary for hiring an employee + plus USD 50.00 for each person / per month.

We do not provide separate accounting services - it is not expedient and carries risks for your business. In order to guarantee that the combination of an accountant and a lawyer work smoothly, we offer these support services only as a package.

As a self-employed foreigner, using a "turnkey" solution in Ukraine helps streamline the registration and licensing process. We can also offer you development of personal packages of legal services in Ukraine. You can think that starting my own business in Ukraine on a "turnkey" basis allows me to focus on growth while the setup is handled by professionals. 

Our task is to provide your business with reliable legal protection, to handle all the routine work, which requires an in-depth knowledge of Ukrainian legislation. You manage your business and we take care of its smooth and legal operation in Ukraine.

We can also help with the selection and lease of office or other premises for your business. Opening a foreign business in Ukraine has become more accessible with online registration options, streamlining the process for international entrepreneurs.

Terms and cost of starting a foreign business in Ukraine

To open a business in Ukraine, entrepreneurs must navigate various legal requirements, including registering their company and obtaining necessary permits. The period of foreign business registration in Ukraine will depend on the desired business structure. So, to register an LLC in Ukraine with foreign founders will take about 1-3 days + time for preparation (obtaining a TIN).

Registration of business through opening a representative office will take about 1 month.

After the registration of the company it will be necessary to notify other state authorities, such as tax authorities, and to solve all personnel issues - recruitment and employment of employees.

If the company will need a license or any other permit to operate - you will need to add the time required to obtain the document.

The price of business registration in Ukraine will depend on the amount of legal services that you will need and the type of your business activity. In Ukraine there are state fees for company registration:

  • the LLC registration - UAH 680;

  • registration of a representative office - UAH 2,270 (as of November 2021).

Accounting support of "zero" companies in Ukraine with no activity

As we provide a wide range of services for foreign clients, in our practice we often receive orders for registration of a company in Ukraine for the purpose of obtaining a residence permit.

This is a working model, which exists in Ukraine for quite a long time. Usually it is the initial stage - for some time, a year or maybe more, such companies do not perform any activities or are preparing to launch a business.

But even if no activity is conducted with the company, it is still necessary to submit reports to tax authorities. In addition, if the director of the company is a foreigner, with a work permit, it is necessary to comply with the terms of the employment agreement (contract), and to pay wages and taxes.   

And with the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the situation for such "zero" companies has become even more complicated - now even if the activities are not carried out, the company must still pay a unified single tax and submit the relevant reports. If you do not do this - you run the risk of losing the basis for the work permit and residence permit in Ukraine. Obtaining it again on this basis will not be possible earlier than in one year.

For these companies we offer a separate package of services - accounting support for companies of foreign persons that do not operate in Ukraine.

Provided that such a company does not conduct activity the cost of the service will be 300 USD/month (if paid for the year the amount will be smaller). 

If payment is made quarterly or semiannually - the cost is 350 USD/month. 

If you pay monthly - the cost is 400 USD/month.

This price includes unified single tax itself and filing of accounting reports of client's company.

If at some point you decide to turn this company into a working business, we can help with that, too.

Investments in the development of Ukrainian business

Many foreign investors see great potential in the Ukrainian market and are eager to open a business in Ukraine to tap into emerging opportunities. Opening a small foreign business in Ukraine can be simplified by utilizing online resources and government portals designed to assist international entrepreneurs. If you are ready to invest more than USD 100,000 for business development or purchase of real estate in Ukraine, we can help you with obtaining a Permanent Residence Permit through investment. 

See the service price and the list of our actions within its framework here.

Why us

We offer not only registration of foreign business in Ukraine, but also its further legal and accounting support. You manage, and we keep records and solve all the legal issues of your business.
Turnkey Business Setup in Ukraine
Turnkey Business Setup in Ukraine
Extensive experience of registration and business support for our foreign Clients gives us the opportunity to tell you exactly how to build the whole system correctly. You will be initially confident in the correctness of your organizational decisions.
Migration Lawyer Assistance
Migration Lawyer Assistance
For those Clients, who are planning to hire foreign employees, including a foreign director, we offer assistance with obtaining all necessary Work Permits and legalization of their stay in Ukraine for the required period.
Personal Client Manager
Personal Client Manager
You will be assigned a personal client manager and lawyer, who will clarify all the issues of cooperation at the start, and will answer your questions throughout the entire period of work. We are always in touch.

Registration of a company in Ukraine by a foreigner for doing business

A foreign person can become a founder of a company in Ukraine. For this purpose, you need to understand what kind of business you wish to start in Ukraine, as well as the minimum package of documents:

  • TIN - our lawyers can get it under a power of attorney;

  • notarized translation of the passport.

To register a foreign company, the Articles of Association and the Minutes must be developed, and then all the registration forms must be filled out for submission to the state registrar. Our lawyers will handle preparation and submission of documents.

During the whole period of foreign company registration, the foreign founder can be out of the territory of Ukraine. Personal presence is required when opening a company’s account, which takes a few hours.

Registration of an LLC is one of the easiest decisions for starting foreign business in Ukraine. You can be the sole owner of the company, become its director and manage the company both from Ukraine and from abroad.

Registration of a company in Ukraine by a foreign company for doing business

If an established foreign company wants to register a company in Ukraine, the procedure will be almost identical to the registration of a company by an individual, but will require more attention at the stage of preparation. First of all, it will be necessary to answer the following questions:

  • Will a foreign legal entity act as a founder of a Ukrainian company, or will it be better to register an LLC in Ukraine with physical persons as founders (founders of the parent company)?

  • How to stipulate the procedure of withdrawing income to the accounts of the foreign company in the Charter of the Ukrainian company?

  • How to stipulate the levers of management of the company, duties of its director, etc. in the company’s Charter .

To register a company in Ukraine with a foreign founder, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • document of registration of a foreign company (certified by the issuing authority/apostilled/legalized - depending on the country);

  • Copies of passports (also certified) of all persons who own 25% + shares in the authorized share capital.

Registration of a foreign representative office in Ukraine as a form of doing business.

Ukraine is an ideal location for anyone looking to start up a new venture. The representative office of a foreign business in Ukraine is a special form of doing business.

A representative office has its advantages as a form of business structure. Firstly, it is a somewhat simplified scheme of employment of foreign workers in the company - they still need to obtain a Work Permit, but it is issued through the Ministry of Economy and is called a Service Card. There are fewer requirements for employees, and the employment is a bit simpler. The disadvantage is that you can employ only three employees at the same time. If you plan to relocate more employees - the representative office may not meet your needs.

In addition to employment, a representative office has the following advantages:

  • complete controllability of the parent company;

  • simplified system of money withdrawal to the parent company;

  • the ability to operate directly under the company’s brand, without TM registration in Ukraine;

  • certain customs preferences in the supply of goods for the representative office.

But even in spite of such advantages, for most types of business it is more suitable to register a company. For example, a representative office cannot obtain most types of licenses for activities in Ukraine.

The full procedure for registration of a representative office of a foreign brand can be found here.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can a foreign founder become a director of a company in Ukraine?

Yes, but not at the moment of company registration. In order to be employed in your own company, you first need to obtain a Work Permit in Ukraine.

Can the necessary personnel be relocated to Ukraine?

Yes, of course. However, all foreign workers that you want to employ in Ukraine must obtain Work Permits. For their long-term stay you will also need to obtain a Temporary Residence Permit for each employee.

Do you need a real office to do business in Ukraine?

Not in every instance. It all depends on the type of your business activity. For example, most activities that require a license in Ukraine also require the availability of appropriate premises.
. If you plan business activity in the IT sector, it'll be enough to have a legal address for the registration of the company.

Can a large number of personnel be relocated at once?

This will depend on the form of business registration you choose. For example, when registering a representative office, you can get only three service cards for the personnel - work permits.
. If you want to relocate more staff, it will better to register an LLC in Ukraine.

Becoming a director of a company registered in Ukraine

A large number of entrepreneurs starting a business in Ukraine prefer to take the position of director of a company or a representative office. This has the following advantages:

  • Full control over business management in Ukraine;

  • Opportunity to get a Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine, if you plan to manage your business from Ukraine, or want to be able to come and stay in Ukraine for the desired period;

  • No need to spend money on the salary of the director at the first stage after the business establishment - when appointing a founder as a director, there are no requirements for his/her minimum wage.

Of course, having registered a company or a representative office in Ukraine, you can become its director, but not at the moment of registration.

The fact is that according to the law, you can start working as a director of the company only after getting a Work Permit. The employer, an already registered company, must apply for your Work Permit. But it is impossible to register a company or a representative office without a director.

Therefore, at the time of business registration, its director must be a Ukrainian citizen. There are two solutions:

  • Our company can offer the services of a nominee director - our lawyer will become the director, who immediately after the founder obtains a Work Permit, will transfer the position to him/her;

  • You can find a trusted person in Ukraine, who will become the director of your company for an agreed period.

These and other questions we discuss at the preliminary consultation on starting a business in Ukraine. Our task is to clarify all the important aspects for you and make sure that you get the desired result in the most effective way.

Why us?

To successfully start up in Ukraine, entrepreneurs need to understand the local market dynamics and comply with regulatory requirements. Registering a business in Ukraine with us is:

  • Reliable - taking on the task, we bring the matter to an end.

  • Safe - we will find the solution which will allow you to start absolutely legal business in Ukraine with minimum risks for you.

  • Simple - when you work with us you'll know exactly what result you'll get and when. The personal client manager will always be in touch with you. 

  • Effective - we are focused on your needs, not on your proposed objectives. With extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the law and the rules of doing business we will find the option that suits you best.

Do you want to get a real and ready-to-work business in Ukraine? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We will find the best solution for you and translate it into action.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Tatiana Ryzhova
Head of the Legal Department – Head of Corporate and International Law Practice