Representative experience
Important aspects and details of the legislation on contract agreements. Types of construction contracts and basic requirements for them. On amendment or termination of a work contract.
How to fill out and submit zero reporting to NEURC in the electricity market? Fines for failure to submit reports to NEURC.
What is tested during a factual inspection and what are the most common reasons for conducting it? Is it possible to foresee it and prepare in a timely manner? Legal support during a tax audit
What is considered a temporary structure? Why do you need a Passport for binding temporary buildings, who issues it and for how long. How to buy or sell a temporary structure – a kiosk, pavilion or SAF (small architectural forms)?
In what cases is a sales contract drawn up, and when are deliveries. How to correctly indicate in the contract the risk of accidental destruction or damage to goods (property). The form of the contract of sale or delivery.
Temporary or permanent residence permit as the basis for stay in Ukraine. Options for obtaining a visa in Ukraine: short-term, long-term and transit visa. Duration of stay and extension of visa or residence permit.
How to prepare in a timely manner for a scheduled tax audit? On the procedure for conducting a scheduled inspection. At what stage to engage a tax lawyer and why do you need a lawyer during a tax audit?
Why choose Cyprus for relocation of business and IT companies? General procedure for registering a company on the island. Opening an account in a Cypriot bank.
Criteria for obtaining a permanent residence permit for volunteers and religious workers. The procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit is now available, but what are the requirements for recipients of the document?
Updated requirements for a residence permit for IT specialists in Ukraine. How to confirm your status as a highly qualified specialist to obtain a permit? Registration of immigration of an IT specialist and his family to Ukraine.
Important aspects of organizing medical examinations of personnel and their types. What are the requirements for medical institutions that plan to conduct medical examinations of workers? Obtaining a license to practice medicine
How to restore a residence permit if it was stolen or you lost it? Where can a foreigner apply in case of loss of a residence permit and where to seek help with the restoration of a certificate? Immigration lawyer advice