Registration of a periodical (newspaper, magazine)

Cost of services

15 000 UAH
Registration of print media in general
32 000 UAH
Registration of print media in 1 month
Registration of a periodical (newspaper, magazine)
Based on 500 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • we consult in questions of registration procedure of printed media;
  • we select the optimal type of printed media name;
  • we prepare the legally correctly made application for performance of state registration of printed media;
  • we submit the application to the registration authority;
  • we make payment of registration fee for issue of Certificate about state registration of printed media;
  • we get Certificate about registration of printed media.


What documents are needed:

List of documents
Details about founders
Details about founders
Information about name of printed issue
Information about name of printed issue
Other information about printed issue
Other information about printed issue
Sample documents for download

The following is needed for registration of printed media:

  • customer’s passport details and identification codes (in case of individual entrepreneur), or Extract from the Unified State Register of Organizations and Enterprises of Ukraine, articles of incorporation (in case of legal entity);
  • information about distribution sphere of printed issue (foreign, national, regional, local);
  • information about printed issue language (in case it is published in several languages, whether those will be parallel issues or each issue with several languages);
  • information about status of printed issue (national, general);
  • information about name of printed issue.
The cost of service of Registration of printed media does not include notarial expenses and fee for registration of printed media.
We can give guaranty that while registering the printed issue with us, the customer will not get unpleasant bother in future.

Why us

Cost of services does not increase in the process
Cost of services does not increase in the process
The price set at the beginning of cooperation with us does not change under no circumstances.
Confidence in this question
Confidence in this question
Our specialists have longstanding experience in this sphere. We know all risks and possible ways of solving this task.
Your documents that are submitted to the corresponding authorities will be processed carefully by our specialists.

Our successful projects

Certificate of state registration for November 2018
Registered a printed periodical - magazine - with national and foreign distribution areas, which will be published in Ukrainian and English in parallel.
Registered a periodical in August of 2017
In August of 2017 our lawyers have successfully registered all-Ukrainian magazine that was supposed to be published in Russian and Ukrainian on quarterly basis.
If you are in Kyiv, then for clearing up questions and all information, we suggest conducting consultation at our office.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is validity period of Certificate?

Certificate has no expiry date.

What is the period of printed issue registration?

Period of printed issue registration is 1 month from the day the documents are submitted to the corresponding authority.

How soon can documents for printed issue registration be prepared?

Preparation of documents for printed issue registration takes one work day.

Can the proprietary right for printed issue be transferred (be sold)?

It can, but with that, the same package of documents should be prepared as for registration of printed issue, and a copy of certificate and a notarized copy of agreement about transfer of proprietary right for printed issue should be provided. Cost of reregistration of printed issue is 50% of fee cost of the registration itself.

How to register media: a publishing house, a newspaper, a magazine in Ukraine?

Registering a magazine, newspaper or even online media is a multi-stage process that requires a lot of attention to details.

A printed publication is a periodical, as well as an extended edition that comes out under the same name. Moreover, they are published with a frequency of one or more issues (issues) throughout the year, as noted in the media registration certificate.

You can publish media both in Ukrainian and in any other language.

If a media outlet is founded by one sole trader person who also organized its registration, it is considered to be established by one founder. If a publication is founded by several persons, they are all considered co-founders.

Who have the right to establish a print media:

  • Citizens of Ukraine and other states, stateless persons not limited in civil legal capacity and civil capacity;
  • Legal entities of Ukraine and other States;
  • labour collectives of enterprises, institutions and organizations on the basis of the relevant decision of the general meeting (conference).

Bodies responsible for the state registration of print media:

  • Ministry of Justice of Ukraine - national, regional (two or more regions) and/or foreign spheres of distribution;
  • Structural subdivisions of the Main Justice Departments of the Ministry of Justice in the oblasts, the city of Kyiv - local sphere of distribution.

How long will it take to register or re-register a media outlet?

The legislation provides that the deadline for media registration is one month from the date of submission of documents to the relevant authority.

Print media based on charitable purposes and intended for free distribution are exempt from state fees.

Once the fee has been paid, it is possible to obtain a Media Registration Certificate. It has an unlimited validity period. Upon receipt, the original receipt of the fee must be presented.

For more information and to order the service, please contact the specialists of the company "Legal Assistance". We can conduct the whole procedure as quickly as possible and solve any problematic issues that arise in the process.

Our main priority is your time, which we use as efficiently as possible. And also your positive result, which we will definitely achieve.

If you want to register media quickly and easily - call us!

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Ryzhova Tatiana
Head of the Legal Department – Head of Corporate and International Law Practice
Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Junior lawyer