Registration as an electricity market participant

Cost of services

from 45 000 UAH
Registration as an electricity market participant
from 75 000 UAH
European market
Registration as an electricity market participant
Based on 500 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • obtaining ЕІС code necessary for the further work on the electricity market;
  • preparation and submission to Ukrenergo NPC SE a package of documents for execution of agreement for the transfer of electricity;
  • obtaining and delivering to you the signed agreement for the transfer of electricity;
  • preparation and submission to Ukrenergo NPC SE a package of documents for accession to the imbalance settlement agreement;
  • preparation and submission to Ukrenergo NPC SE a package of documents for registration of your company as a market participant;
  • supervision of imbalance settlement agreement acceptance and inclusion of your company to the Register of market participants.

Registration on the market with us is:

  • All services for the future supplier in one place: from registration to inclusion in the market and even reporting to NKREKP. A team of lawyers, accountants, site developers and e/e market specialists is working on the case.
  • We take on even complex projects, for example, obtaining a license to supply energy to our enterprises, a company for foreign investors, speeding up registration on the market, etc.
  • We were one of the first to start receiving licenses from the NCRECP. Actual practice and experience allow us to: connect you to Oblenergo throughout Ukraine; register on the EAP platform; to organize the export of electricity abroad; to conduct reporting training at the NCRECP; independently develop a site that meets all requirements; offer the best option for starting a business (registration or purchase of a ready-made company), etc.


List of documents to be submitted by the Client

List of documents
Copy of the decision on the license issue
Copy of the decision on the license issue
Constituent documents of the Company
Constituent documents of the Company
Extract from the VAT Payers Register
Extract from the VAT Payers Register

How to become a participant of the Electricity Market of Ukraine?

Working with us guarantees you:

  • All issues solved in one place, including obtaining any licenses or permits for the business;

  • Properly developed  website and staff training for further work in the electricity market;

  • Understanding of all aspects of market functioning and the most profitable options for you.

The register as an electricity market participant, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Obtain an Electricity License;

  • Get a VAT payer status for your company;

  • Obtain EDS certificates for persons working on online platforms;

  • Open an account with a special use regime;

  • Execute or deposit a financial guarantee to the account of Ukrenergo, NPC. 

Our company provides services for the registration of a company as an electricity market participant on a turnkey basis: from company registration, to obtaining the necessary license and inclusion in the market. 

We also offer to buy a ready-made company with an Electricity Supply License for those who want to start their business within the shortest possible time.

Service packages offers

from 45000 UAH
  • Registration of a personal account in the LIO system, obtaining an EIS code
  • Conclusion of the electricity transmission contract
  • Conclusion of an agreement on the provision of dispatch management services
  • Joining the agreement on settlement of imbalances
  • Registration on the MMS platform
  • Organization of guarantee payment on the market
  • Obtaining access to the Ukrenergo office online 
Market operator (hereinafter - MO)
  • Preparation of documents and conclusion of contract with MO
  • Getting access to the XMtrade/PXS system
  • Obtaining access to the Day-Ahead Market/Intraday market system 
Ukrainian Energy Exchange
  • Preparation and uploading of documents to the online platform for accreditation at the Exchange
  • Accreditation support at the Exchange
  • Obtaining access to Exchange platforms, including into the BETS system
Standard +
Standard +
from 55000 UAH
  • Registration of a personal account in the LIO system, obtaining an EIS code
  • Conclusion of the electricity transmission contract
  • Conclusion of an agreement on the provision of dispatch management services
  • Joining the agreement on settlement of imbalances
  • Registration on the MMS platform
  • Organization of guarantee payment on the market
  • Obtaining access to the Ukrenergo office online 
Market operator 
  • Preparation of documents and conclusion of contract with MO
  • Getting access to the XMtrade/PXS system
  • Obtaining access to the Day-Ahead Market/Intraday market system 
Ukrainian Energy Exchange
  • Preparation and uploading of documents to the online platform for accreditation at the Exchange
  • Accreditation support at the Exchange
  • Obtaining access to Exchange platforms, including into the BETS system 
Conclusion of a contract with one "oblenergo" of your choice. For each subsequent oblenergo - by agreement.
European Market
European Market
from 75000 UAH
  • Registration of a personal account in the LIO system, obtaining an EIS code
  • Conclusion of the electricity transmission contract
  • Conclusion of an agreement on the provision of dispatch management services
  • Joining the agreement on settlement of imbalances
  • Registration on the MMS platform
  • Organization of guarantee payment on the market
  • Obtaining access to the Ukrenergo office online
Market operator 
  • Preparation of documents and conclusion of contract with MO
  • Getting access to the XMtrade/PXS systemObtaining access to the Day-Ahead Market/Intraday market system
Ukrainian Energy Exchange
  • Preparation and uploading of documents to the online platform for accreditation at the Exchange
  • Accreditation support at the Exchange
Obtaining access to Exchange platforms, including into the BETS system

Registration on the electronic auction platform (European platform)
  • Preparation and submission of documents for registration
  • Obtaining certificates for working on the platform
  • Gaining access to the platform
Conclusion of a contract with one or more "oblenergo" - by separate agreement and if necessary.
Wholesale market
Wholesale market
10 000 UAH
  • filling out the application based on the information you provided
  • submitting an application in a convenient way for you (electronically or on paper)
  • control of the appearance of your company in the wholesale market register

What is the cost of inclusion in the Ukrainian electricity market?

The exact cost of inclusion in the electricity market is based on the total number of “Oblenergos” or Market Segments you intend to register in.

By separate arrangement, we also provide the following additional services:

  • Registration of your company as a participant of electronic auctions on the Ukrainian Energy Exchange;

  • Legal support during the preparation, submission of documents and signing of the agreement for participation in the day-ahead and intraday market;

  • Consultation or legal support of the connection to the electricity distribution agreement with the local “OBLENERGO”. 

The cost of services for registration as a participant of the electricity market does not cover: 

  • obtaining ob the digital electronic signatures for persons working on online platforms;

  • execution of a bank guarantee;

  • payment of obligatory payments to the Market Operator, SE.

You can choose the most useful package of services above. If you want to develop your own service package, please contact our specialists.

Legal advice on registration as a participant in the electricity market

If, before ordering a lawyer's service, you want to clearly understand whether this option is suitable for you to resolve the situation, you want to understand the procedural issues you have, you want to know exactly how to solve your problem - we are ready to offer you an introductory legal consultation on the energy market.

At such a consultation, our lawyer:
  • Will analyze your situation and the possibility of its legal solution;
  • Will find out your goals;
  • Will answer your questions within the service;
  • Will tell about the procedure and algorithm of actions;
  • Will offer the best option for achieving your goal.

Why us

Wide-reaching services
Wide-reaching services
We provide services for entering the electricity market to both local electricity suppliers represented in one city or region (e.g. Kyiv or Kyiv region) and global networks with all-Ukrainian coverage
Electricity market entry on a turnkey basis
Electricity market entry on a turnkey basis
We are focused not just on providing one specific service, but on a comprehensive approach allowing to achieve the Client’s goals. Our company employs qualified personnel who specialize in comprehensive support of entrepreneurs intending to enter the electricity market of Ukraine, ensuring the registration of your company, obtaining licenses for electricity supply, registration of electricity market participants, registration of participants in electronic auctions and the day-ahead and intraday markets.

Our successful projects

Assistance with Inclusion of LLC in the Electricity Market in 2024
Successfully included the Client in the electricity market: agreements were signed with NEC "Ukrenergo" and the Market Operator, and accreditation was passed at the Ukrainian Energy Exchange.
Facilitated the Entry of an LLC into the Electricity Market in 2024
Іntegrated into the electricity market turnkey: signed agreements with Ukrenergo and the Market Operator, obtained accreditation on the Ukrainian Energy Exchange, and connected to the MMS platform.

Procedure for registration as a participant in the electricity market of Ukraine

In order to register as a participant in the electricity market, provided you already have a license, you will need to go through a number of registration steps:

  • Obtaining the EIC code of type X, an identifying code in the electricity market which will be used to conclude any transaction;

  • Signing an agreement with Ukrenergo. This will enable access to networks for the electricity, and payment will be set for such services;

  • Connection to Oblenergo. You can connect to any number of Oblenergos in Ukraine. As a standard, we conduct the first connection and offer our Clients a clear instruction on how to connect to the following Oblenergos, at their discretion;

  • Conclusion of the agreement with the Market Operator. This can be done simultaneously with the connection to the Oblenergo. To work with the Market Operator you need an account, which requires the preparation of a certain package of documents;

  • Registration on the Ukrainian Energy Exchange. Registration is performed online on the website of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange. During registration, you will need to select the desired sections.

Please note!
In fact, the electricity market consists of several separate markets, which are called segments. They operate independently, with their own rules and prices.

You can choose the desired market segments. For example, if you are going to make “short” deals – buying today and selling tomorrow – all it takes is to register in the day-ahead and intraday markets.

Stages of entering the electricity market

The first stage involves signing of the Electricity Transmission Agreement with the Transmission System Operator (Ukrenergo, NPC). The second stage involves signing of the Electricity Distribution Agreement with the Distribution System Operators (local Oblenergos, DTEK).  Both market players partially perform the function of actual management of power supply activities.

The main difference between these two market participants is that Ukrenergo,  NPC is responsible for:

  • system administration;

  • maintenance and transmission of electric power from manufacturers to consumers via 110 kV-750 kV lines.

While Oblenergo is responsible for:

  • efficient and safe operation, maintenance and development of 110 kV power grids.

What is the process of acceding to Oblenergo?

This stage is important both for those who are planning to provide services to domestic consumers and for those who are planning to provide electricity supply services to non-domestic consumers.

All Distribution System Operators make public the so-called “registers” of the companies that are connected to the electricity distribution system. This is due to the fact that earlier both supply and distribution functions were performed solely by Oblenergo.

Today, the distribution function is performed by PJSCs, OJSCs (for example, Kyivoblenergo, PJSC, Cherkasyoblenergo, OJSC), and the supply function is performed, as a rule, by similar companies which are usually called “Kyivoblenergo, LLC” or “Cherkasyoblenergo, LLC” (hereinafter referred to as the LLCs).

Now consumers can choose between the above companies or contact other businessmen, who will buy electricity from the producers on the markets and the exchange.

Please note! The procedure for acceding to different distribution system operators varies slightly from region to region regions. However, the terms and procedures for the accession of suppliers to the distribution system operators are established by law.

According to the Retail Electricity Market Regulations, the electricity supplier that intends to join the Distribution System Operator must provide the following documents:

  • An application for accession;

  • A copy of the license (order) to supply electric power to the consumer;

  • A power of attorney for a representative to conclude agreements;

  • A copy of the taxpayer certificate.

In addition, each certain oblenergo may offer another, additional list of required documents. So, it is better to inquire this information from a specific Distribution System Operator.

Following submission of the documents, the supply company shall be registered in the register, which reflects its potential possibility to supply electric power within the respective territory (region, city/town).

In our practice, we had a case when our specialists ensured the inclusion of the Client into the electricity market on a turnkey basis. Following the inclusion, the Client decided to join the distribution system operators from all over Ukraine. And this can be done, moreover - after our consultation on the accession procedure in different regions, the Client managed to join different Oblenergos in a fast and efficient manner.

What is the validity period of bilateral contracts in the energy market?

There are clear rules governing the operation of bilateral contracts in the energy market, including conditions for their conclusion. For example, all settlements must occur only in monetary terms, and the contract should specify terms, responsibility for imbalances, deliveries, price, energy volume, etc.

Market rules are approved by the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NCSREPU) and may change, so it's crucial to closely monitor these developments as they directly impact your activities as a market participant. 

As for the specific duration of contracts, the law stipulates that the maximum term of a bilateral contract can be defined by the NCSREPU. Regarding the minimum duration, the contract must be concluded for a period of no less than 6 months.

Answers to frequently asked questions

When can a company apply for registration as an electricity market participant?

Entrepreneurs can register as participants of the Ukraine’s electricity market from the date the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities grants them a license for business activities in the field of electricity and provided that the company has a VAT payer status.

At what point does a company become a participant of the electricity market?

After the receipt of the notification from Ukrenergo NPC SE about the acceptance of the agreement on the settlement of electricity imbalances. The date when the company became an electricity market participant will also be recorded in the relevant register.

Shall any official fees be paid to Ukrenergo NPC SE for the registration of an electricity market participant?

No, a market participant shall not pay any official payments for registration. However, once your company is included in the electricity market, you need to maintain the appropriate amount of the financial guarantee.

Is it enough to get included in the list of electricity market participants to be allowed to purchase electricity in the day-ahead or intraday markets?

No, in order to be able to purchase electricity on the above-mentioned markets, it is necessary to sign an agreement with OPERATOR MARKET SE on participation in these markets and pay a fixed fee to the state budget in the amount of UAH 3,577.00.

If you want to register your company as an electricity market participant, please contact our lawyers for legal services.

If your company doesn’t locate in Kyiv, you can also become our Сlient, as the companies from any region of Ukraine can be included in the electricity market.

Call us, if You need any legal consultation on Registration as an electricity market participant process or if You want to become an electricity market participant fast an easy!

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Olha Koval