Service of individual tax clarifications obtainment in Ukraine

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Service of individual tax clarifications obtainment in Ukraine
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Our firm provides service of obtainment in Ukraine individual tax clarifications.

Obtainment of individual tax clarifications is an important mechanism which allows taxpayers to secure themselves from being liable for actions in the field of taxation.

This feature of individual tax clarifications is based on Section 52.1 of the Tax Code of Ukraine that stipulates about a taxpayer not being liable if he acted in accordance with individual tax clarification. This applies to clarifications of the Tax Service provided in electronic and written forms.

Additional information about the service

Advantages of our service of individual tax clarification obtainment:

  • we precisely and appropriately define aspects that must be included in a clarification for further practical application by a Client;
  • our experience and achievements within Taxation practice allow us to guarantee the results;
  • we can help to obtain individual tax clarifications from either bodies of the State Tax Service or customs authorities of Ukraine.

Important information about individual tax clarifications:

  • they are related to practical application of Ukrainian tax legislation regulations;
  • individual tax clarification can be used only by a person for whom it was provided;
  • even if an individual tax clarification is changed or cancelled a person that acted in accordance with it until the moment of its change/cancellation will not face liability.

If you are interested in more detailed information you can call our law firm or visit our office in Kiev and receive all the answers!

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