Buy a non-governmental organization
Cost of services
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... our work on joint projects assured us of your high level of professionalism
What we offer
- select the best possible choice of a non-governmental organization (name, address, activities);
- carry out the procedure of re-registration (by agreement);
- make changes to charter of a non-governmental organization (changes of address, if necessary, name and activities);
- support procedure for obtaining the status of non-profitability by agreement (in case of changing an address or a name of a non-governmental organization);
- help to buy a civil society organization in Ukraine

Service packages offers

- Is it advisable in your case to buy a ready-made public organization (NGO)?
- Options of NGOs and provision of information on them (dates of registration, location, state of accounting)
- Advising on a package of documents for re-registration of NGOs
- Advising on amendments to the statute of the NGO

- Advising on issues related to the activities and transfer of the public organization
- Selection of the necessary public organization and provision of information (dates of registration, location, state of accounting)
- Advising on a package of documents for re-registration of the company
- Transfer of NGO and all documentation

- Advising on issues related to the activities of the public organization
- Selection of the necessary public organizationAdvising on a package of documents for re-registration of the NGO
- Turnkey re-registration (preparation of documents for re-registration and their submission to the Department of Justice, receipt of documents with updated information about the organization
- )Change the name of the public organization (if necessary)
- Making changes to the charter of a public organization
- Accelerate re-registration and registration of new information
- Obtaining the status of an all-Ukrainian organization
All the organizations that we sell are absolutely transparent and have no history.
Why us

Our successful projects
The process to buy an NGO organization in Ukraine involves adhering to strict legal regulations and obtaining necessary governmental approvals. If you are in Kyiv (or you can come to review the documents of a public organization that is for sale), we suggest that you come for a consultation in our office.
In this case, we can provide you with a full package of documents for review and answer all your questions regarding the history of the organization.
As a rule, several organizations, registered at different times and in different districts, are put up for sale. We do not provide lists of identification numbers or names of organizations that are for sale without a deposit. This is due to significant interest from various intermediaries who, without understanding the topic, draw conclusions and take action. We do not want you to buy organizations that have been involved in investigations, television programs, or listed on dozens of sites.
Answers to frequently asked questions
How is a public organization re-registered in the Client’s name?
After receiving payment for a public organization from the Client, our lawyers prepare the necessary documents, send them to the Client for approval and sign them. The next day after signing, we submit documents to the state registrar, and within 3 working days after submission, the corresponding changes are made in the database of the Unified State Register. From this moment on, the Client becomes the full owner of this organization. If necessary, the time period for making changes can be reduced, and the information about the new owner will be listed in the USR database on the day of submission.
What are the guarantees that a public organization that is for sale has no “surprises”?
Firstly, all Non-Government Organizations that we sell were registered by us, in our founders’ and director’s names, for the purpose of their subsequent sale. Therefore, they were "maintained" properly and definitely did not carry out any activities. Secondly, the Client has the opportunity to check the organization that he is going to buy. After making a deposit, we provide the Client with all the information about this organization, in particular the ID number of the organization and its title.
How quickly can a Non-Government Organization be re-registered in the Client’s name?
The maximum speed is three business days or a little more than a day (depending on how fast the Client provides us with information). If the Client turns to us no later than the first half of the working day, we can prepare documents on the same day and arrange for their signing in our office. The next day, we submit documents to the state registrar and, according to the expedited procedure, the same day the changes made in the database of the Unified State Register.
Why is it impossible to register changes on the day the documents are signed?
When re-registering a Non-Government Organization, a change of head occurs. And there cannot be two leaders on one day.
Consultation of a Lawyer on Purchasing a Public Organization
If you would like to learn more about the peculiarities of buying a public organization in Ukraine, ask our lawyers for an introductory consultation. At such consultation a specialist will analyze your situation and tell you which NGOs we have available. The lawyer will also answer questions such as:
How does the purchase and re-registration of a public organization go?
How long does the procedure take?
What is more optimal in your situation – to buy a ready-made NGO or register it from scratch?
If you decide to buy a ready public organization with our company, t e cost of introductory consultation will be included in the price of services.
Buy a Non-Government Organization
We offer to buy NGO Organization in ukraine of various kinds that are registered in Kyiv. The districts in which the registration of Non-Government Organizations in Kyiv took place are also different: Shevchenkovsky, Pechersky, Podolsky, Darnitsky, Goloseevsky and others. You can buy from our company a Non-Government Organization with the All-Ukrainian status and individual local divisions in most regions of Ukraine.
We can offer Non-Government Organizations registered three or more years ago, as well as newly created ones, those that have been operating for a long time, or absolutely brand new organizations.
In accordance with the current rules, Non-Government Organizations in Ukraine are divided into two types - Non-Government Organizations and Non-Government Unions. Our company can help you buy a Non-Government Organization, and not just a Non-Government Organization, which is, of course, the most common form of a public association.When selling a Non-Government Organization, our lawyers will prepare the minutes of the Conference, as well as all other documents that are necessary for registration activities to change the governing bodies of a Non-Government Organization, if necessary, we can amend the charter of a Non-Government Organization. However, these services are provided for a fee.
The time frame for re-registration of a Non-Government Organization ranges from one day to a week. Within one day, the minutes of the conference of the Non-Government Organization will be prepared, by which decisions will be made on the appointment of candidates proposed by the Client for senior positions in theNon-Government Organization. From the moment of signing the minutes, the organization is legally transferred to the Client. Over the next four to five business days, our specialists will complete the registration procedures with the justice authorities and the State Registration Service of Ukraine.If you want to buy a civil society organization in Ukraine, contact us. Ask for legal advice, we are looking forward to working with you!