International transport licence in Ukraine

Cost of services

from UAH 100,000
Obtaining the International Transportation License
International transport licence in Ukraine
Based on 200 reviews in Google

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What we offer

  • Advise the Client on all issues related to the preparation of documents for obtaining the International Transportation License in Ukraine;

  • Develop a package of documents for submission to the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka), prepare an application and statements;

  • Submit the documents to the licensing authority by proxy and receive the International Transportation License within the stipulated period of time.

In addition, our lawyers can help with:

  • Preparation of draft agreements with the road transport operators for medical and technical inspection, parking, etc;

  • Search for counterparties to sign the above agreements for international transportations;

  • Licensing of its own employee to conduct pre- and post-trip medical examinations of drivers (in this case we get a separate Medical License of the Ministry of Health).


Documents needed to obtain the International Transportation License in Ukraine

List of documents
A copy or scan of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
A copy or scan of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Technical passport and temporary registration cards for cars
Technical passport and temporary registration cards for cars
An agreement with the RTO or diplomas of your own health workers and mechanics
An agreement with the RTO or diplomas of your own health workers and mechanics

Three-year experience requirement to the International Transportation License applicants

In order to obtain a License for International Passenger Transportation and Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Waste, the applicant must have three years of experience in the relevant economic activities according to the law. Proof of this experience will be a domestic transportation license issued for at least three years prior to applying for a new transportation license.

The same rule applies to transportation of passengers by cab, passenger cars on order, buses.

Service packages offers

from 10 000 UAH
  • Oral consultation with a lawyer on the list of documents for a license
  • Preparation of documents for obtaining a license and submitting them for signature to the Client
  • Submission of Client's documents - FOP without employees, to the licensing authority
from 12 000 UAH
  • Preparation of a package of documents for obtaining a license for submission to the licensing authority, provided that the Client is a legal entity or a sole proprietorship with employees
  • Monitoring the process of obtaining a license, interaction with the licensing authority
  • Transfer of the finished license to the Client
  • Development of contracts with the motor transport industry for medical and technical inspection, parking, etc.
  • Search for a contractor to sign contracts with ATP
  • Advising on obtaining a license for medical practice for the Client's own medical worker for further pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations of drivers
  • Submission of documents to the licensing authority and full support of the process of issuing a license for international transportation
  • Advising on optimizing the tax burden

The price of the International Transportation License in Ukraine

The cost (price) of our services for obtaining the International Transportation License depends on a number of factors:

- Is the International Transportation License obtained by a sole proprietorship or a legal entity?

- What number of vehicles is planned?

- Do you need to develop an agreement and/or find contractors for the services of vehicle storage (parking), pre- and post-trip medical examinations of drivers, inspection of vehicles, etc.?

- What types of international transportation shall be licensed:

  • international transportation by taxi;

  • international transportation of passengers by passenger cars on order;

  • international transportation of passengers by bus;

  • international cargo transportation by trucks;

  • international transportation of goods dangerous and hazardous waste by truck.

Additional expenses will include the official state fee in the amount of one subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons.

For those carriers who need an agreement with the road transport operator (parking, medical examination, repair and maintenance), our company helps find the appropriate road transport company-contractor.

Analysis and revision of the existing agreement with the road transport operators - UAH 3,000.

As the licensing authority, our company is located in Kyiv, which allows us to quickly and accurately provide licensing services. We help to obtain a license for carriers from different cities and towns of our country. Most of our Clients are from the Ivano-Frankivsk, Donetsk, Lviv, Odesa, Kherson, Poltava oblast, Transcarpathia and Kyiv city.

Why us

Fixed service price
Fixed service price
We know in advance the scope of services for each project, and offer you the appropriate price, which will not change during our cooperation.
Minimization of Client’s time
Minimization of Client’s time
During our cooperation, our lawyers involve the Client only in case of objective necessity. Nevertheless, our Clients are always aware of the progres of their order.
Assistance in finding the road transport operator
Assistance in finding the road transport operator
For those Clients who need to conclude an agreement with the road transport operator, our company can both develop documents and help find a counterparty, sign agreements and provide all the relevant services: parking, medical examination, inspection, repair, etc.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I get the International Transportation License without having my own transport?

Yes. You do not have to own vehicles. In order to provide services and obtain the appropriate licenses, it is sufficient to rent a vehicle. In addition to the lease agreement, it is necessary to get a temporary registration card for the appropriate vehicle.

Do all cases require an agreement with the road transport operator?

No. In the case of self-employed drivers who provide services with their own cars without hired employees, it is not required to conclude an agreement with the road transport operator. Also, in case of international transportation, it is allowed to conclude an agreement with the road transport operator under a simplified form.

Can I get the International Transportation License without prior experience in this field?

Yes, but not for all types of transportation. The only type of transportation for which you can immediately get an international license is the international carriage of goods (Not ADR).
Obtaining a License for the International Transportation of Passengers by cab, passenger cars on order, buses, as well as the International Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Waste requires proof of three-year experience in similar domestic transportation. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide the relevant license.

Types of International Transportation Licenses 

License for International Transportation by road in Ukraine

To obtain this type of international license you need to have your own or rented vehicles, as well as the experience of the company or entrepreneur with a domestic license for at least three years.

The period of validity of the Passenger Transportation License, taxi - is unlimited.

The license fee shall be paid to the state budget account opened in the territorial division of the State Treasury Service at the licensee’s place of registration, payment code - 22011800.

License for International Transportation By Taxi

A Taxi License is one of the most popular transport licenses.

In order to obtain a Taxi License, the law requires that the vehicle must be equipped with:

  • an orange-colored cab roof light;

  • a functioning taximeter;

  • a green and red signal lamp in the upper right corner of the vehicle’s windshield;

  • a composition of squares arranged in staggered order on the side doors of the vehicle (checkerboard patterns).

Only persons who are above 21 years old can be taxi drivers.

International Passenger Transportation Licenses in Ukraine

A license for passenger transportation by bus is issued for both regular and irregular carriers (including charter trips).

To obtain the license, you must have at least one owned or leased vehicle of category D. If you use a rented vehicle, you must have a temporary registration card issued in the name of the legal entity or other entrepreneur who is going to apply for a Passenger Transportation License in addition to the rental agreement. 

License for Cargo Transportation by Truck

Special requirements to this license include the equipment of trucks with monitoring devices for recording the work and rest mode.

These vehicles must also have a certificate of compliance with traffic safety and environmental safety, according to the requirements of the countries where the carrier plans to operate.

License for International Transportation of dangerous Goods and Hazardous Waste by Truck

We provide assistance in obtaining such a difficult license as a License for International Transportation of dangerous Goods and Hazardous Waste by Truck. In order to obtain this license, the applicant must have a training certificate for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods.

How to get the International Transportation License with the help of our lawyers?

After agreement on the timing and price of our services for obtaining a license for a particular type of international transportation, we sign a legal services agreement with the Client. If necessary, we provide assistance in the conclusion of the agreement with the road transport operator. After the preparation of all necessary documents and their signature by the Client, our specialists submit a package of documents to the  State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka) in the city of Kyiv.

After getting a positive decision on the issuance of the license, the Client shall pay the state license fee and send the original copy of the payment order to the specialists of the company, or the Client provides the necessary amount of money and our specialists pay the fee.

In the terms agreed with the Client we hand over an extract from the electronic register of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety (Ukrtransbezpeka) (analogue of the license).

At your request the typical procedure for obtaining the International Transportation License can be changed to a more convenient option.

If you want to obtain the International Transportation License, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer
Koval Olha
Junior lawyer