The license for the right to use the RCH of Ukraine (including wi-fi)

Cost of services

from 1000 USD
Obtaining a license for use of the radio frequency resource (WI-FI)
The license for the right to use the RCH of Ukraine (including wi-fi)
Based on 500 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • Providing templates for the radio frequency spectrum utilization plan, a document prepared by technical specialists;
  • Analyzing the feasibility of operating within the specific spectrum desired by the client;
  • Registering the client's electronic account on the electronic regulatory platform;
  • Compiling and submitting a comprehensive package of documents to the licensing authority using your Electronic Digital Signature (EDS) in the electronic account;
  • Monitoring the review of the matter by the National Commission for the State Regulation of Electronic Communications, Radiofrequency Spectrum and the Provision of Postal Services (the Commission);
  • Obtaining a decision regarding the issuance of the license.


Documents and information required for obtaining the license:

  • Company's EDRPOU code

  • Banking details

  • Details of the desired radio frequency spectrum

  • The region where you intend to operate

  • Documents and information regarding radio equipment (technical passport or information about class, power, type of radiation, etc.)

The cost of our services for obtaining a radio frequency spectrum license includes the inclusion of the licensee in the register of operators and providers. 

Official license fees are paid separately by the licensee.

Why us

Comprehensive Case Support at the NCCIR
Comprehensive Case Support at the NCCIR
For You, this is confidence in obtaining the final result in the form of a license to use RFR (WI-FI). Our lawyers have been cooperating with the licensing authority since 2006 and regularly receive consultations on problematic issues in licensing.
We enter the licensee into the register of operators and providers
We enter the licensee into the register of operators and providers
Only from the date of adoption of the decision of the NCCIR to enter the register, business entities have the right to carry out activities in the field of telecommunications. This service is included in the cost of obtaining a license for WI-FI.

Our successful projects

Radio frequency recourse license (WI-FI) license obtained in August of 2018
Our firm has provided a radio frequency recourse license (providing services of access to the Internet via WI-FI) within the same building in Kyiv
Inclusion in the register telecommunication operators is included in the cost of service.

Required documents

To obtain WI-FI license we need to receive from you personally, via fax or e-mail the following documents:

  • Copy of state registration certificate or an extract form the Unified State Register of enterprises, organizations and institutions;
  • Copy of charter;
  • Copy of premise rental agreement(sub-rental) for a legal address (or other document that certifies rights to possess or use a premise), act of premise acceptance under rental (sub-rental) agreement;
  • Copy of financial report for the previous year (balance);
  • Plan of radio recourse of Ukraine usage (our legal experts may provide samples of these documents and help to prepare them);
  • Formation plan and scheme of a telecommunication network (our legal experts may provide samples of these documents and help to prepare them);
  • Copies of active network equipment certificates;
  • Copies of rental (sub- rental) agreements of premises (or other document that confirms legality of possession or use of premise where network equipment is located);
  • Document on the employees of an enterprise. If required the firm may provide a necessary form and help with its preparation;
  • Information about region of services provision, radio technology that will be used and frequency bands.
  • As well as the following information
  • Information about branch offices and other separate divisions (if there are any);
  • List of owners/members (including names and ITINs);
  • Mail address; telephone number, fax;
  • Website (URL), e-mail.

Companies and sole proprietorships that create their own telecommunication network with a help of wi-fi equipment (which is connected to a telecommunication network of another operator that provides internet services via cable, wire or different types of radio technologies) are obligated to complete the following actions:

The cost does not include the official fee.

The amount of official fee for radio recourse license obtainment is set in the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine number 200 dated 22.02.2006.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Why get a license for the entire settlement if Internet access services are provided within the same building?

The documents that are submitted for a license indicate that the activity will be carried out within the same building. In this case, the UGCR seeks free frequencies not throughout the locality, but only within the given building. However, the payment for each frequency unit is paid on a common basis, that is, as the provision of services throughout the locality.

What to do if the certificate for the equipment has expired?

This is not a problem to obtain a license. The main thing is that this equipment should be included in the NCCIR in the Register of radio-electronic means and radiating devices that can be used on the territory of Ukraine in the public radio frequency bands.

Also important to know

The date of radio recourse usage start coincides with the date of first permit for operations with radio equipment and usage of certain frequency band listed in license for a particular region issuance.

The license is issued by the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization. Obligatory nature of license obtainment is stipulated by the law of Ukraine “On radio frequency resource of Ukraine”, law of Ukraine “On telecommunications”.

When term, cost and procedure of license obtainment are agreed the service provision will consist of the following stages:

  • Signing agreement of legal services provision and prepayment;
  • Receiving of all the documents enlisted on this page in Required documents section;
  • Preparation of final package of documents to be submitted to the licensing authority (including application, description, commissions, etc.);
  • Advising when dealing with licensing authority (if required);
  • Signing of complete documents package by a Client;
  • Filing of documents to the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization.

When a positive decision on issuance of license is made by Licensing Commission Client receives requisites of an account at local bodies of State Tax Service of Ukraine (state treasury) and pays state duty of the required amount for the license (payment code 22011700), receives a certificate of local state treasury about money being transferred and sends the payment order with bank notation and treasury certificate to our legal experts.

Within the agreed term our firm provides license certificate (for Clients located in other regions via courier or our own employees).

The license obtainment procedure may be changed to a more suitable one on Client’s request.

If you want to obtain WI-FI (to obtain the right to use radio frequency recourse of Ukraine) license with our help – contact us.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our team

Marina Losenko
Olha Koval
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Junior lawyer