Comments on legislation
Laws of Ukraine guarantee a real opportunity to get a temporary residence permit for a foreigner-volunteer so let's look through the practical aspects of this procedure
In order to launch your own business in the field of alcoholic beverages and tobacco retail one should know several aspects compliance with which is compulsory for receiving permit to sell goods subject to excise tax...
New medical practice license regulations provide new opportunities for licensing of infirmaries of enterprises and activities of doctors performing medical examination of drivers...
Our lawyer provides explanations regarding new legislation which allows medical practice in drugstores
Considering requirements of the law, one can define general stages of non-profit organization registration. The first thing that has to be done is to organize the general meeting of founders. Its result has to be formalized in the form of minutes...
Security services are a special type of business activities which is aimed at ensuring protection of property belonging to legal entities and individuals.
Despite form of ownership all legal entities profit-wise are divided in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations
Lawyer of our firm provided explanations on different requirements that Ukrainian legislation sets for charters of NGOs.
In this publication our lawyers provide comments regarding regulations of activities of non-profit organizations in Ukraine in 2016
This comment describes regulatory changes regarding non-profit status of NGOs in Ukraine and provides some practical advices on what to do in this situation for such organizations
The article describes classification of non-governmental organizations under the legislation in force of Ukraine.
Due to changes in the field of licensing of private security companies our lawyers prepared material on qualification requirements for personnel of such companies