Comments on legislation
Since the 1st of January of 2012 system of land rights registration will be drastically changed
In order to have the right to manage object of uncompleted construction and enter in any agreements in its regard (for example sale of rights to apartmentsr offices in an apartment building) a constructor must first of all register it as an object of uncompleted construction. But in order to register uncompleted construction one must undergo a certain procedure which is described in this comment
An obligatory requirement for obtainment of rights to property of a deceased relative is acceptance and formalization of heritage. Our comment on the topic
Prenuptial agreement can help to avoid many conflicts that occur during divorce
There appear more and more citizens that for some personal reasons do not wish their property to be inherited based on the law
More and more often apartment buildings are organized in Ukraine as condominiums – association of joint owners of apartment buildings. Our comments on the topic
Ukrainian land reform that a lot of people connect with adoption of laws “On state land cadastre” and “On land market” is getting closer and closer
In accordance with Section 2 of Article 793 of the Civil Code of Ukraine real estate rental agreements (lease) which were entered into for the period of three and more years are to be notarized and in accordance with Article 794 they must also undergo state registration
Litigation in Ukraine among other things can result in settlement
Despite upcoming EURO 2012 the condition of many Ukrainian roads leaves much to be desired which does not only cause inconveniences to road users but sometimes results in different traffic accidents. In such situations harm is caused to people and vehicles that are not insured under KASKO system
On the 28th of August 2011 the Law “On amendments to some regulatory acts of Ukraine related to introduction of principle of state registration of legal entities based on model charters” entered into force. The document provides opportunity for establishment and functioning of a legal entity based on a model charter that is approved by the cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. And even though the actual model charter is not yet approved many people are uncertain whether such registration should be performed
Having no skill and/or wish to deal with facts of illegal inspections conducted by Ukrainian controlling authorities, the government throws a “bone” to business called moratorium on conduction of inspections