The benefits and risks of surrogate motherhood for the foreigners

Surrogacy is one of the solutions to a huge problem of the modern world. Statistics show that every year more and more people require surrogacy services.
In such a situation, surrogacy helps people to become parents, and on the other hand, it gives surrogate mothers an opportunity to earn good money.
Ukraine has a favorable legal background for surrogacy arrangements, which makes it extremely attractive for patients from all over the world.
The key benefits of surrogacy in Ukraine include:
- The procedure does not require additional legal proceedings, such as obtainment of permits from certain state authorities or courts;
- Foreigners do not need to go through a long adoption process to be recognized as parents of a newborn child;
- In Ukraine, you can get quality health care services at a much lower cost than in Europe or the United States.
We provide legitimate answers to the most frequently asked questions about surrogacy for foreigners in Ukraine.
Related article: Surrogacy in Ukraine
What does surrogacy give to both parties of the agreement?
Parents concluding a surrogacy agreement get the opportunity to give birth and bring up a child if the spouses are unable to do this without assistance.
A surrogate mother gets a financial benefit, as this procedure provides for a fee of approximately ,000 to ,000 to be paid to a surrogate. She is also provided with accommodation, proper nutrition, health care services, etc.
Key reasons to choose Ukraine for surrogacy.
Many countries in the world prohibit all forms of surrogacy. Ukraine, on the other hand, has created favourable surrogacy conditions.
You can get full information about the procedure and a possible surrogate mother in highly qualified clinics, tested by us.
What are the benefits of using surrogacy technology?
The agreement, which is signed by and between the spouses and the surrogate mother, is concluded on a commercial basis and is allowed in Ukraine without any restrictions. Of course, the process of signing the agreement shall be thoroughly analyzed from the legal point of view.
In order to use the surrogacy services, you do not need to obtain any permits of state authorities.
Technologies allows to identify genetic abnormalities even before the implantation of the embryo.
Important! If a wife gives birth to a child after the implantation of an embryo fertilized by her husband and another woman, the spouses are registered as the child’s parents.
Legal peculiarities of surrogacy procedure
- Mandatory conclusion of the agreement. Unfortunately, during surrogacy and after childbirth, surprises and problems may arise in numerous situations - for example, the surrogate mother does not want to hand over the child or threatens to abort baby. Such situations can be avoided by signing the agreement, prescribing all the conditions and nuances to eliminate the negative results.
- When concluding an agreement, please note that the subject matter of the agreement cannot be a child - this is legally incorrect. The subject matter of the agreement shall be surrogacy, the process of carrying a child, etc.
- You can try to protect yourself before entering into an agreement by checking the surrogate mother’s background and criminal record to avoid fraud.
- After the birth of a child, an application is submitted to the civil register office to register a baby. The application shall be submitted within a month of the child’s birth. It is necessary to attach to the application a document that will confirm the birth of the child and a document from a health care facility that can confirm the consent of the surrogate mother.
Whose data will be indicated in the child’s birth certificate?
The spouses, genetic parents, will be named on the birth certificate of a child. The surrogate mother’s data are indicated nowhere.
What are the risks of surrogacy?
Citizenship. The laws of many countries around the world prohibit surrogacy arrangements. This can cause problems when a child goes to the country of residence of the parents if they are citizens of such a country.
For example, in Spain, surrogacy is treated as human trafficking. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the legal basis for the entire procedure and how to properly organize the return of parents with a newborn child to their home country.
Fraud. There are cases, when having received some services: the down payment or health care services at the expense of a spouse, a surrogate mother disappears.
In this case, only a well-drafted agreement and knowledge of the Ukrainian legal procedures can help you to get your money back and gain insight into the situation.
If you want to become a parent and have no need to worry every minute throughout pregnancy about the safety of your money or the result of the agreement - contact us. We will protect your legal rights to a happy family.