What One May Face When Registering an LLC At Home Address? Registering A LLC Without An Office
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Legal address is a mandatory identifying feature of any company. Information on the location of the legal entity is publicly available and represents the company in its relations with counterparties. In addition, this address directly determines the territorial body which the legal entity will be registered with.
However, not every business entity can afford a presentable office in the city center, or it simply doesn’t need such an office. In an effort to reduce start-up costs, founders mostly try to register a company at their residence address (both registered and actual).
Many people inquire about whether it is dangerous to register an LLC at their own home address?
Answer: No, in terms of legislation, this practice is not illegal and will not cause serious negative consequences.
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However, we can explain the disadvantages of registering an LLC without an office, at some unknown address or even at a home address:
- The specified address will be publicly available, will be listed in all official registers and will be used by the tax authorities;
- This is the address that will be checked, and in the case of criminal proceedings, the premises may be searched;
- This is the address where you will receive letters from state authorities - if they are lost, you risk not receiving important information in time.
An alternative to registering a legal entity at your home address is registering a legal entity with a ready-made legal address.
Our company provides such service, which includes signing of a lease agreement for the premises to be used as a the company’s place of business and provision of postal services. This will help you prevent the loss of important correspondence.
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Registering an LLC at your home address does not violate the law, but may cause you some technical inconveniences in the future. So take care of the smooth development of your business in advance.
If you want to know about the registration process of a LLC with our legal address, please call us!