Arbitration clause in foreign economic activity

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An arbitration warning is a condition that you can provide for in a foreign economic contract. Moreover, when working with our Clients, we insist on its inclusion in the contract. Today we will tell you in what form such a warning can be issued, what it gives and how it works.
An arbitration warning can be issued either in the form of a separate agreement, or as a separate section of a cooperation agreement. With the help of a warning, the parties - residents of different countries determine in advance by which court and under what legislation disputes between them will be resolved in the future.

Dear visitor, the full text of this article is available only in Ukrainian and Russian versions. 

If You are interested in this issue and You want to get a paid consultation on the topic - contact us via the forms of communication, by phone or through any other convenient way. 

With all respects,
Team of "Pravova dopomoga" law company.
Publication date: 08/09/2022

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