Accompanying the import of goods to Ukraine

Cost of services

from 500 USD
Accompanying the import of goods to Ukraine
Based on 200 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • Assistance with the preparation of the agreement, taking into account the peculiarities important for the Ukrainian customs and tax authorities;

  • Preparation of documents for payment for goods;

  • Control of documents at the stage of preparation, their adjustment;

  • Search for transport and logistics of transportation of goods;

  • Preparation and submission of preliminary customs declaration for border crossing;

  • Preparation and submission of a general arrival declaration;

  • Analysis of shipping documents for import into Ukraine;

  • Establishing the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (the UCGFEA) code and preparation of information on the goods;

  • Obtaining licenses and permits for import or export of goods;

  • Carrying out customs clearance of goods in Ukraine;

  • Obtaining a conclusion on the extension of the maximum deadline for the settlements (if necessary).


Documents required

List of documents
Procurement Сontract
Procurement Сontract
Export declaration
Export declaration
Additional agreements
Additional agreements

The stages of importing goods into Ukraine

In brief, the procedure is as follows:

1. Ordering goods.

This stage involves signing of an agreement, in which the parties necessarily agree on who will act under the agreement, its subject matter, payment and delivery terms, warranty obligations, shipping documents, etc. At this stage we assist with the proper development of the agreement, correctly indicating all the essential terms, specifying all the documents that will be required for customs clearance.

2. Payment for the imported goods.

At this stage we help to prepare the documents for payment through the bank, control the timing of payment and the timing of the final settlement of the goods.

3. Preparation of transport documents.

We find the necessary vehicle for transportation, determine the route of the goods and the border-crossing point. We monitor that the carrier has the necessary permits and provide the correct documents for customs on the border. Also, for customs clearance, the carrier prepares documents confirming the cost of transporting the cargo with a breakdown of before/after the border.

4. Transportation of goods across the border of Ukraine to the customs office for customs clearance.

At this stage, we keep track of the cargo: where it is, whether it has arrived at the correct crossing point, the correct customs control zone. And as soon as the driver unloads the goods into the customs control zone, we move on to customs clearance.

5. Customs clearance.

After deregistration, we proceed to customs clearance of the goods according to the available documents. This takes one business day, if there are no claims from the customs authority.

This is a classic mechanism, but it may vary for each specific case. For example, the goods may also go in the customs import mode, but does not require additional checks, or go under the old agreement (not for the first time), and at the same prices. In this case the procedure of preparation of customs declaration for crossing the border will change, and the driver will not need to enter the customs control zone.

Timing of import of goods into Ukraine

Delivery time is individual and does not always depend on us. For example, the delivery from China will last from 1.5 months, and from Poland you can get the goods in 3 days.

With regard to the timing, for example, customs clearance of goods in Ukraine, if there are no problems (all documents are issued correctly), the customs clearance of goods takes 1 day.

Sometimes the decision to delay the goods at customs can be made by the importer, for example, if equipment is imported into Ukraine by several vehicles due to its size. One vehicle may be held until others arrive to clear all parts together under the equipment code.

Service packages offers

from 500 USD
  • consultations on the procedure for importing goods
  • analysis of available documents, consultations on their adjustment if necessary
  • creating a certificate for the goods
  • establishing the need for additional documents
  • preparation and submission of the necessary documentation for obtaining permits for the goods
Standard +
Standard +
from 750 USD
  • consultations on the procedure for importing goods
  • analysis of available documents, consultations on their adjustment if necessary
  • creating a certificate for the goods
  • establishing the need for additional documents
  • preparation and submission of the necessary documentation for obtaining permits for the goods
  • preparation of documents for bank payment for the goods
  • registration of the declaration for the import of goods
  • preparation and submission of documents for obtaining an opinion on the extension of the deadline for border payments
from 1500 USD
  • consultations on the procedure for importing goods
  • analysis of available documents, consultations on their adjustment if necessary
  • creating a certificate for the goods
  • establishing the need for additional documents
  • preparation and submission of the necessary documentation for obtaining permits for the goods
  • preparation of documents for bank payment for the goods
  • registration of the declaration for the import of goods
  • preparation and submission of documents for obtaining an opinion on the extension of the deadline for border payments
  • organization of transportation of goods
  • organization of crossing the state border by cargo
  • organization of broker support of goods, preparation and submission in the interests of the client of the preliminary customs declaration, import customs declaration
*(all additional payments related to transportation, payment of customs duties, state duties and fees are paid separately)

What documents are needed to import goods into Ukraine?

There is a general package of documents for importing goods:

  • a Sale of Goods Contract;
  • additional transactions;
  • specifications;
  • payments;
  • an export declaration;
  • a packing slip.

Depending on the conditions of the method of transportation of goods, the following documents may be needed:

  • bill of lading;
  • CMR;
  • TIR carnet.

Depending on the delivery conditions, the following documents may be needed:

  • an agreement with the carrier;
  • a document confirming the cost of delivery;
  • an insurance policy;
  • confirmation of other expenses made to the border.

Many cases require a certificate of product origin.

How to calculate the cost of importing goods to Ukraine?

Usually the cost of importing goods to Ukraine will depend on various factors - starting from the cost of the goods, the cost of transportation and logistics for the goods, the cost of intermediaries, if they are involved.

One must also take into account the cost of customs clearance of goods, which may also vary depending on whether you have all the necessary documents, and how you import goods.

Usually, the cost of customs clearance of goods is calculated as follows:

  1. The cost of goods shall be multiplied by the NBU exchange rate.
  2. Add the cost of all additional services (in UAH at the NBU exchange rate), including delivery.

Note: The cost of goods with all additional services will be the customs value.

  1. The customs value shall be multiplied by the rate of duty for this category of goods.
  2. Add the amount of duty to the customs value and multiply the amount obtained by 20%. This gives you the amount of VAT payable.
  3. Add the amount of duty to the amount of VAT and you’ll get the cost of customs clearance.

A variety of factors may affect the calculation, but if you organize the process in advance with the right paperwork, you can minimize customs costs.

What does the cost of our services depend on?

The cost of our specialists’ services depends primarily on the value of the goods and the complexity of the set of services required.

Some of the services we provide ourselves, such as consultations, licenses, permits and approvals, preparation and correction of documents.

Some services we provide, involving third parties: carriers, logisticians, brokers.

We also provide additional services, if necessary, for example, execution of the Conclusion on the increase of the terms of settlement of foreign exchange transactions.

The first thing we do is the analysis of your case, your needs and development of an algorithm of actions to import your goods, taking into account the conditions of the agreement, delivery, etc. At this stage we will define the cost of services of our team for the smooth import and customs clearance of goods in Ukraine.

Why us

Experience in importing any category of goods
Experience in importing any category of goods
In foreign economic activity we have experience with all kinds of operations. We help with import, export of goods, customs clearance for all categories of goods.
Contacts of proven specialists
Contacts of proven specialists
We do not look for specialists by advertisement, we do not take a pig in a poke. We do it in a quality and reasonable way. No problems and unnecessary costs.
One person responsible for the process
One person responsible for the process
We organize the entire process by ourselves and keep contact with all participants of the process instead of the Client. You will have one reliable contractor instead of several, none of which are responsible for the process as a whole.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Customs clearance of imported goods in Ukraine

One must go through border formalities twice (if there are no unloading to the warehouse, change of customs regime):

  • at the border;
  • during customs clearance.

If you have all the documents correctly drawn up and available, then passing through customs will be easy and will take a minimum amount of time (on average 1 day).

Difficulties may arise in the following cases:

  • If the goods do not meet the quantity or quality documents.
  • If discrepancies are found in the documents;
  • If the customs value is adjusted (the customs price is not correct).

It’s worth preparing for customs clearance in advance by simply taking care of the paperwork. However, it is also possible to solve problems with the delay of goods at customs if there are questions about your goods. Although this complicates the whole process considerably.

How to determine the customs value of imported goods?

The customs value is determined as follows:

  • The cost of goods shall be multiplied by the NBU exchange rate;
  • Add the cost of all additional services (in UAH at the rate of the NBU), including delivery.

That is, the value of the goods with all the additional services will be the customs value.

The determination of the customs value is closely monitored by the customs office, which does not allow any manipulation of this indicator or technical errors. Any inaccuracies in the determination of the customs value will have negative consequences:

  • If you specify a customs value higher than the required one, you will simply pay more duty;
  • If you specify a lower customs value, you may receive a fine of 300% of the amount of underpaid customs duties.

Read more about the procedure and the rules of determining the customs value in the comments of our lawyer here.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What goods fall under the simplified customs clearance procedure?

These are goods that do not require checks in the customs control zone (environmental, SES inspection), which do not go on pallets (phytosanitary control), do not go under TIR, because it must be physically closed by an inspector in the customs control zone, and which do not go under a new agreement, that is, have already been imported from this counterparty.

What additional documents may be requested from the importer at customs?

The customs officers may ask for documents to confirm the customs value: proforma, export declaration, catalogs and seller’s price lists.

Where can I find the rates of customs duties?

All customs rates are determined by the Law of Ukraine “On Customs Tariff of Ukraine” and depend on the code of goods and the availability of documents confirming the origin of the goods (certificate of origin) or documents, which allow the application of preferences for the goods (EUR.1, Art.1).

When is it necessary to execute an Extended Settlement Conclusion?

Currently, the deadline for the goods you purchased abroad to be imported into Ukraine is three months.

If you understand that the delivery of the goods or its part will last longer than three months, you will need a Conclusion.

For its execution you need to submit the following documents:

  • an application in the prescribed form;
  • a foreign economic contract;
  • a document confirming the implementation of foreign economic activity (payment document);
  • other documents at the applicant’s discretion (documents confirming the impossibility of delivery of goods within the period specified by the National Bank).

Our specialists assist in obtaining this Conclusion and preliminary analysis of the need for the Conclusion.

You can read more about the procedure in our lawyer’s comments here.

Accompanying exports to the European Union from Ukraine

Today, the situation on the import/export market is changing, entrepreneurs in Ukraine are exploring new markets for many. Changing legislation gives more and more preferences for the export of goods to the European Union.

Registration of export of goods from Ukraine to the EU has its own characteristics - even before the war, many Ukrainian goods had the opportunity to issue preferences for import to European countries. Today we issue a Euro 1 certificate for goods, prepare declarations for the export of goods to the European Union, and help determine the availability of preferences for specific consignments of goods.

The Euro 1 certificate of origin allows the buyer of goods abroad to avoid paying additional duty at customs clearance. In different countries the duties for different Ukrainian goods differ, for example, in Poland the duties for Ukrainian knitted garments are around 12%. That is, by providing the counterparty with a certificate of origin of Euro 1, the goods of the Ukrainian manufacturer are more competitive in comparison with other goods.

Important! All Ukrainian manufacturers who produce in Ukraine and do it officially - have the right to obtain a document that their goods are of Ukrainian preferential origin, and at customs clearance in the European Union do not pay unnecessary duties.

  • To apply for the EUR.1 certificate of origin the exporter has to provide:
  • An application form in the prescribed form;
  • The electronically completed EUR 1 certificate (with a copy of the signed form);
  • Producer's declaration.

Our specialists assist with the registration of the certificate when accompanying the process of exporting goods from Ukraine to Europe.

Legal advice on importing and exporting goods to Ukraine

Our cooperation on the import or export of goods to Ukraine can begin with consultation and developing an algorithm of actions for your specific situation.

The consultation is the first step which will help you to receive full information about the risks, peculiarities of the procedure of import of the certain type of goods, e.g. equipment, chemicals, food products, etc.

We can help at any stage of importing goods into Ukraine, but we offer you comprehensive organization of the import process. This service will include support at all stages of the import of goods, and most importantly, you will have one counterparty responsible for the entire process.

If you want to arrange the import of goods to Ukraine easily and safely, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Kuzava Vlasta
Junior lawyer
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer