How can a foreigner fill out a type D visa form? Instructions from a lawyer

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People who come to Ukraine and want to stay here for a long time usually inquire about whether they need to get a D-type visa, and how to fill in the visa application form.

In practice, such a visa will be needed both when staying in Ukraine for temporary work, and for obtaining the residence permit.

Today we will talk about how to properly fill in the D-type visa application form in Ukraine. This application is filled in online on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Read also: What To Do If A D-Type Visa Expires

A step by step guide for filling in the D-type visa application form in Ukraine

1.  Online registration. First, you need to create your personal account on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

When registering on the website, specify your e-mail, last name and first name, your native language and password. After the registration is completed, a confirmation letter will be sent to you e-mail. The letter will contain a link for authorization and confirmation of the e-mail address. 

After authorization, you will be automatically redirected to the desired page, where you need to click the “Fill in the visa application” link.

2. Preliminary data and information. At this stage you need to specify your nationality, the purpose of your trip, the country you wish to enter and the place of documents filing. 

Please note! You can apply for a Visa not earlier than 3 months before your trip to Ukraine. 

You will be familiarized with the rules on consular fees and other important information. Check the box and click the “Fill in the application” button.

3. Filling in the application. Remember the application number to be able to edit the application in the future. 

First, the applicant needs to indicate the current last name, last name at birth, first name, date of birth, place of birth, country of birth, nationality, nationality at birth (if different), as well as sex. 

Next, we will tell you what you need to specify in each column of the application:

  • Proof of Identity documents. If such a document for you is, for example, a foreign passport, you will need to specify its details (series and number, date of issue and date of expiry, as well as the authority that issued the document).
  • Place of residence. Here you need to specify postal address, e-mail, telephone number (in international format). This column also contains a line “Country of residence, if it is different from your country of citizenship:” - this means that you need to enter information about whether you live in Ukraine, and in case of a positive answer, be sure to indicate the document (its details) which serves as a ground for your residence there.
  • Applicant’s job. Here you should specify your position, name of the company you work for, its address, telephone number and e-mail address. 
  • Travel information. This is a large section that shall be filled out in details. First, you shall specify the type of visa you want to obtain, in this case - a D-type visa. It is also necessary to specify the purpose of the trip (e.g. Employment). Next, you need to specify how many trips you plan to make from Ukraine, whether you have previous visas, and if so - describe their validity period. In a separate column, you need to specify whether you are planning to enter Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territory of of Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, and if yes - indicate the purpose of your trip and the authority that issued the permit to enter the territory. 

You shall also indicate whether you have a permit to enter the country of destination (Ukraine), the planned date of entry and departure from Ukraine. 

  • Information about the person who invites a foreigner to Ukraine. Here you should specify the individual or legal entity. Our company prepares invitations from the legal entity. If this is your case, you will need to specify the name of the company, address, telephone number and e-mail, as well as the data on the representative of the legal entity
  • Proof of sufficient funds for travelling and stay in the territory of Ukraine - here the applicant shall indicate who will financially support the trip. 

In the last line, write the place and date where you are filling in the application form. 

After you have filled in all the data correctly, click the “Continue” button and the website will form a ready-made application. Then you can upload a photo, which will stick the application form. 

The application form can be printed out. It is already formed and ready to be submitted.

Please note! During the interview at the consulate you will need to provide a paper form of the application. 

Of course, filling in the application form is only one of the stages of obtaining the D-type visa in Ukraine. If you need assistance with the entire procedure, need to obtain an invitation to Ukraine or a residence permit, don’t hesitate to call us!

Publication date: 30/03/2020

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