How to sell an apartment in Ukraine if one of the spouses is abroad?

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One of the problems that arose today for property owners in Ukraine is how to sell an apartment if one of the spouses is abroad. Since it is known that the consent of the second spouse is required for the sale of common property. If there is no opportunity to come to the deal - what to do? What additional documents are needed to confirm consent to the sale and what documents are required to issue a power of attorney to sell an apartment?
Today we will talk about what documents are usually required when concluding any transactions for the alienation (sale) of real estate, and we will tell you what to do if one of the owners is absent. You will also learn how to issue a general power of attorney for the sale of an apartment.

The sale or purchase of real estate in Ukraine is offered by us on a turnkey basis: a full range of services includes an action plan, an in-depth inspection of the object, selection of a notary, preparation of documents and even remote sales.

All additional services in one place:
  • optimization of taxation;
  • optimization of taxes through the authorized capital of the LLC;
  • withdrawal of funds abroad, etc.
We will also help solve problems with the real estate itself before the transaction:
  • obtaining a technical passport, BTI permit, carrying out an expert assessment of real estate;
  • legalization of reconstruction, change of purpose;
  • working with the bank for non-cash settlement;
  • objects of cultural heritage;
  • we solve the issue of land, profitable territory;
  • redevelopment of buildings, legalization of self-build, construction amnesty, privatization, etc.
How to Sell an Apartment in Ukraine When One of the Spouses is Abroad?

Dear visitor, the full text of this article is available only in Ukrainian and Russian versions. 

If You are interested in this issue and You want to get a paid consultation on the topic - contact us via the forms of communication, by phone or through any other convenient way. 

With all respects,
Team of "Pravova dopomoga" law firm
Publication date: 22/06/2023

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