Representative experience

This article will be useful for doctors, which are going to start their own private practice (as main job or secondary job) and Entrepreneurs, which want to open a healing massage salon.

In this article you will find out the details about obtaining a licence on  implementation of activities associated with precursors turnover.

In this material you will find out how to add one more kind of activity to the license register and how long will this procedure take.
A case description, in which lawyers, despite the features of passport certification, helped to get a taxpayer card within tight deadlines, as requested by a client.
Practical experience of specialized lawyers in the sphere of financial law in entering a company into the register of legal entities that have a right to provide financial leasing services with a subsequent obtainment of a license required for the activity.

Our lawyers successfully regulated situation of a client in the General Department of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in the Kyiv region regarding a non-profit status, as well as registered a garage cooperative.


Experience of lawyers of our firm in licensing an infirmary at enterprise, which provided personnel outsourcing to an international company representing food industry.


Experience of obtaining licenses for medical institutions which were reorganized through the transformation into municipal non-profit enterprises as part of healthcare reform in Ukraine.


Experience of our immigration lawyers regarding resolution of a situation with extension/obtainment of a new temporary residence permit.


Advised a client on requirement for premises, prepared documents for the certificate of sanitary and epidemic examination and obtained a medical license for a doctor from the Vinnytsia region.


Resolved the client’s situation - a citizen of Ukraine, who lives in Cyprus - in the territorial office of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and obtained a tax residency certificate.


Held a consultation, settled a problem with personnel documents and obtained a license for precursors for an enterprise from the Kherson region.