Registration of affiliate of a company in Kiev

Cost of services

24 000 UAH
To register a separate subdivision
Registration of affiliate of a company in Kiev
Based on 500 reviews in Google

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What we offer

  • advise the Client on the pecuilarities of opening and functioning of a separate subdivision;
  • prepare all the documents required for the registration of the separate subdivision;
  • register a separate subdivision with the relevant state authorities;
  • get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations (hereinafter - the Unified State Register);
  • order and get a stamp.



List of documents
Copy of the extract or certificate of the legal entity state registration
Copy of the extract or certificate of the legal entity state registration
Copy of the passport and identification code of the director of the future separate subdivision
Copy of the passport and identification code of the director of the future separate subdivision
Address and contact information of the future separate subdivision
Address and contact information of the future separate subdivision
Sample documents for download

To carry out all registration procedures, our lawyers also need a power of attorney, which we’ll draft for you.

The registration of the separate subdivision takes 2-3 business days.

We go ahead with work after the receipt of a full payment of our services.

No state fees are required for the registration of the separate subdivision.

Why us

We conduct the review of the regulation on the separate subdivision establishment
We conduct the review of the regulation on the separate subdivision establishment
The Regulation on the separate subdivision establishment shall be properly drafted, as it is the main document that regulates the functioning of the respective subdivision. Our relevant lawyers conduct legal review to ensure that the Regulation is in conformity with the law.
Comprehensive legal support at the state registrator
Comprehensive legal support at the state registrator
Our lawyers who specialize in the field of the business entities registration ensure full legal support of the procedure from the development of the necessary documentation, submission of documents to the state authorities, control of the decision and up to the receipt of the extract from the Unified State Register. Thus, you don’t have to worry that your application may be rejected by the state registrar.

Separate subdivisions do not have the status of a legal entity and act on the basis of the Regulation approved by the parent company.

Directors of separate subdivisions shall act on the basis of powers of attorney granted to them by a legal entity (the company that established the subdivision).

Separate subdivisions may be registered in the form of a branch or a representative office (RO).

A branch may perform all or certain activities of the parent company.

RO is limited to the protection and representation of the parent company’s interests.

Answers to frequently asked questions

May a branch or representative office have a bank account?

According to Part 4 of Article 64 of the Economic Code of Ukraine, legal entities may open bank accounts through their separate subdivisions. Thus, separate subdivisions can have bank accounts, but they will belong to a legal entity.

May separate subdivisions have seals, stamps, letterheads?

Yes, they may. Separate subdivisions have their EDRPOU codes and may have seals, stamps, letterheads. But all these attributes shall specify that this subdivision belongs to a certain company.

Procedure for a company’s separate subdivision registration in Kyiv

Registration of a separate subdivision of a legal entity starts, first of all, with the advisory services to the Client. During this stage we discuss all the peculiarities of its legal status and activities. If the registration of the separate subdivision meets the Client’s desired result, we conclude the Legal Services Agreement. We prepare all the necessary documents and carry out registration procedures after the full payment of our services.

Upon the registration completion, the Client obtains the registration documents of the separate subdivision, as well as the seal (where provided for in the Agreement).

If you want to register a company branch in Kiev simply and reliably - call us.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Tatiana Ryzhova
Head of the Legal Department – Head of Corporate and International Law Practice
Marina Losenko