Change of LLC members in Ukraine

Cost of services

from at 8000 UAH
Changing members of an LLC
Change of LLC members in Ukraine
Based on 200 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • we prepare all the necessary documents and register changes in the composition of LLC participants;
  • analyze the information and documents provided by the Client;
  • we prepare all the necessary documents for making changes: charter, minutes, etc .;
  • organize a meeting with a notary;
  • we accompany, if necessary, the purchase and sale of the share of the LLC participant;
  • we receive and send to the Client confirmation of the changes made to the membership of the LLC.


Documents required

List of documents
EDRPOU code of the LLC
EDRPOU code of the LLC
Information about desired changes
Information about desired changes
Scan copies of documents at lawyer’s request
Scan copies of documents at lawyer’s request

In case of changes in the LLC members, our lawyers will need the following list of documents:

  • Scan copies of passports and ID codes of new members, individuals;
  • The EDRPOU code of the member - if the new participant is an LLC registered in Ukraine;
  • Registration documents in the country of registration - if the new member is a foreign legal entity;
  • Notarized copies of the document on the right to inheritance and death certificates of the member whose share has been transferred to the person to be included in the LLC members (if the change of the member is due to the death of the LLC member and the heirs’ accession to the heirship).

The price of changing members in the LLC depends on many factors, such as the number of the LLC founders:

Resident participants (individuals / legal entities)
Up to 2 participants
More than 2 participants
4 000 UAH + 1 000 UAH for each next founder

Non-resident participants (individuals / legal entities)

Up to 2 participants
More than 2 participants
5 000 UAH + 2 000 UAH for each next founder

If the total number of the LLC founders is more than 2 - an additional payment in the amount of UAH 1,000 is established for each next founder.

The price of changing members in the LLC for regions is established separately - the price of service will be based on the information provided by the Client. 

The period changing the LLC members is 1-3 business days.

The price of services for making changes in the information about the LLC members does not cover state fees and notary services.

Why us

Change of the llc members in 1 day
Change of the llc members in 1 day
Our lawyers can carry out all the preparatory work and change the LLC members in 1 day, having agreed to carry out all registration actions at the notary.
Efficient execution of documents
Efficient execution of documents
The documents prepared by our lawyers do not raise any questions from registrars or notaries when making changes. All registration actions will be carried out in accordance with the law.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

Sale of LLC Ownership Share in 2024
Successfully changed participants and helped the Client exit the list of founders of the Limited Liability Company.
LLC Re-registration in May 2024
Assisted in changing participants, ultimate beneficiaries, contact information, and the name of the LLC.

When may you need to change LLC members?

  • If a member voluntarily wants to withdraw from the LLC;
  • If amember is forcibly excluded from the LLC;
  • If the member’s share is sold to a third party;
  • In case of death of the member and transfer of its share to heirs, etc.

One of the most problematic situations is when the LLC member that holds 50% of LLC shares simply disappears and stops taking part in LLC activities. We can help you in such a situation as well.

The change of LLC members involves several stages:

  • Preparation of documents for amendments (if the necessary information is available, our lawyers can conduct this stage in the shortest possible time);
  • Support of the purchase and sale of the member’s share (if necessary);
  • Registration of change of the LLC members.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I make several changes to a LLC at once? For example, change of the LLC members, place of registration and the director?

In theory, such actions can even be performed based on one minutes of the General Meeting, but the registrars do not perform such changes simultaneously. Our lawyers can plan the process of complex changes in your LLC.

Can an LLC operate with one fereign member?

Yes, it can. Moreover, the same person may be a member of several LLCs.

Lawyer’s services for changing the LLC members

Our lawyers can organize the whole process of making changes to the information about the LLC when changing its members.

Thus, if the change of members is due to the sale of the member’s share in the LLC to a third party, we can offer the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparation and conclusion of the agreement for the sale of shares in the LLC, the act of acceptance and transfer of shares, the new edition of the Charter and the minutes of the General Meeting;
  2. Registration of the changes at the state registrar (notary).

Each of the stages requires its own list of documents, which our lawyers will prepare based on the Client’s information.

Our lawyers offer you:

  • Fixed service price calculated at the very beginning of cooperation. Having received all the information we need, we can immediately calculate the price changing the LLC members with our lawyers’ assistance. The price will be fixed and will not rise anymore.
  • Carrying out registration actions within the required period. Our lawyers cooperate with proven notaries, who can carry out all registration actions in the shortest possible time.
  • Deep legal expertise. We can assess your situation on the basis of our extensive experience and advise on the optimal algorithm of actions, if, for example, you want to make several changes in the LLC, or you want to solve a problem issue with a “missing” LLC member.

Do you want to change LLC members quickly and easily? Give us a call!

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer