Inclusion in register of legal entities that can provide financial services in Ukraine

Cost of services

7 000 USD
Inclusion in the register
14 000 USD
Inclusion in the register + leasing license
Inclusion in register of legal entities that can provide financial services in Ukraine
Based on 200 reviews in Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we offer

  • consult about procedure of inclusion on the Register of legal entities allowed to provide financial services in Ukraine and requirements for such entities (not to be consusedd with financial institutions);
  • help to fill out application, registeration card, draft certificates and other documents;
  • draft required orders, internal regulations etc;
  • submit documents to the NBU based on power of attorney;
  • supervise the procedure of documents consideration by authorities, get certificate about inclusion on the Register of legal entities allowed to provide financial services in Ukraine.


Documents and information which are required

List of documents
Copy of articles incorporation
Copy of articles incorporation
Copy of a lease agreement or certificate of ownership to premises where finacial lease services will take place
Copy of a lease agreement or certificate of ownership to premises where finacial lease services will take place
Certificate about educational and qualification level and no criminal records certificate
Certificate about educational and qualification level and no criminal records certificate
Some of the documents, which are required for the inclusion on the Register of legal entities allowed to provide financial services have to be provide in digital form. They are submitted together with the documents in paperform.

Legal advice on incorporating legal entities into the register of lessors

If you want to understand how the procedure to enter a legal entity into the register of lessors in Ukraine works, ask our lawyers for an introductory consultation. The specialists will tell:

  • What stages does the procedure consist of;

  • What documents you will need;

  • How long the process of being included on the lessors register takes;

  • What are the costs and benefits of ordering the service for our Clients;

The price of an introductory consultation is included in the cost of a lawyer for the inclusion of legal entities in the register of lessors.

If you need a company which is already included on the Register of legal entities allowed to provide financial services or has a financial lease license then our firm can assist you with this matter.

Why us

Successfully completed projects
Successfully completed projects
To date, our company has provided legal support to a number of leasing companies in relations with the NBU, including companies with foreign founders. Constant work experience in the given sphere allows to react as much as possible operatively to changes in practice of the given state body.
Full range of related services
Full range of related services
Since the registration with the NBU is only an interim step for the provision of financial leasing services, we offer our Clients full support of the process, including obtaining a financial license, assistance with subsequent audit, etc.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

Reissue of a certificate was carried out in connection with a change in name of a leasing company and its location.
Our lawyers supported reissuance of a finance lease company registration certificate by the NBU for the State Regulation of Financial Services Markets.
Certificate of registration with the Ukrainian financial services regulator received in March of 2018
Assisted a finance lease company from Kyiv with registration as a legal entity that is not a financial institution but which can provide finance lease services.

Inclusion on the Register of legal entities allowed to provide financial services

Inclusion on the Register of legal entities allowed to provide financial services in Ukraine (not to be confused with financial institutions) is a required term of getting a finacial lease license. Getting professional legal support for the inclusion procedure will prevent negative decision from the NBU. Lawyers of our firm will save your time, accelerate launching of your business and prevent situations when the list of documents is filled incorrectly. This is especially important since examination of documents takes up to 30 days and each submission will take more or less the same time. 

Our firm has completed several successful projects in this field and can provide your company with the full range of services related to inclusion on the Register of legal entities allowed to provide financial services of the NBU.

Cost of the service - 50 000 UAH.

Term of inclusion on the Register - up to 30 days.

Required documents and information 

  • copy of articles incorporation;
  • copy of a lease agreement or certificate of ownership to premises where finacial lease services will take place;
  • certificate about educational and qualification level and no criminal records certificate;
  • contact phone number and e-mail, website of company;
  • other documents and information.

Financial lease sevices can be provided not only by financial institutions but also by legal entities which don't have a status of financial institutions but can offer financial lease services according to the law.

Financial institutions are included on a different Register of financial institutions in accordance with a different procedure.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to provide financial leasing services immediately after registration?

No. After registration, the company must also obtain the appropriate financial license.

Since when does the need to submit financial statements to the NBU arise?

Financial statements should be submitted by all lessors from the moment of registration with the National Commission on Financial Services, even up to the moment of receiving a financial license.

Requirements for an applicant 

  • articles of incorporation must comply with the requirements for such type of activity;
  • rented or own premises;
  • drafted and approved internal rules of financial lease service provision;
  • qualified employees who will provide clients with financial lease services (qualification according to the law requirements);
  • management and founders of applicants must have no-criminal record certificates;
  • compliance with other requirements.

Procedure of documents examination for the inclusion on the Register 

There are 30 days for examining of the documents. As the result of such examination applicant receives either approval or application denial. The result depends on whether the list of documents is full and they are filled out properly or not.

If the application is denied, the applicant can make appropriate changes and refile. Each subsequent filing will take the same duration for consideration (up to 30 days).

In case of positive decision the NBU registers the applicant and prepares certificate about inclusion on the Register not later than 5 days after issuance of positive decision.

You have 30 days for gettng the certificate or the decision will be cancelled.

Requirements for internal rules of financial lease services provision

The internal rules of financial leases services provision must provide:

  • peculiarities of financial lease services provision;
  • regulations on internal supervision of financial lease services provision;
  • regulations on keeping record of entered into/concluded financial lease contracts and reporting them to the NBU.

If you want to get your company on the financial services register quickly and easily, call us!


Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer